Pete Buttigieg is the Mayor of South Bend, Indiana, and a possible candidate for president in 2020. A Rhodes Scholar and U.S. Navy Reserve veteran, Buttigieg was elected at age of 29. He’s the author of a new book, Shortest Way Home: One Mayor’s Challenge and a Model for America’s Future.
Q&A and button
The House Judiciary Committee’s Document Requests, issued on 3/4/19, to 81 recipients
Representative Jerry Nadler’s interview on This Week (3/3/19), where he says impeachment is “a long way away”
An article in the NYT on Bill Clinton’s 1998 impeachment
A report from CNN on the two gerrymandering cases coming before the Supreme Court later this month
Mapmaker: The Gerrymandering Game, and their kickstarter
An article from NBC News on the origin of the MapMaker Game
Arnold Schwarzenegger tweets about the MapMaker Game
The Interview –
Buttigieg’s political profile
An article from the NYT on the launch of Buttigieg’s Presidential exploratory committee
Frank Bruni’s 2016 op-ed, The First Gay President?
An article in the New Yorker from 2016 when Obama identifies Buttigieg as a rising Democratic star
Buttigieg’s 2015 op-ed, South Bend mayor: Why coming out matters
Buttigieg’s 2000 winning essay for “Profiles in Courage” on Bernie Sanders
Philosophers and philosophies
An overview of John Rawls’ philosophies, plus his 2002 obituary
A history of utilitarianism
An overview of Immanuel Kant’s moral philosophy, plus a chapter by Professor Michael Sandal, who helps break down Kantian ethics (and how it compares to a utilitarian perspective)
Labels and etymology
A fact check from the Washington Post about the application of the word “socialism,” and its shifting usage in politics (historical and present); Plus analysis from Gallup polls on Americans’ perception of socialism
An explanation from Merriam-Webster Dictionary on the origin and etymology of the word “liberal”
A definition of “progressive” plus an article from the NYT Magazine analyzing the use of the word “progressive” in politics
Presidential politics and policy
Presidential candidate Amy Klobuchar’s announcement, in the middle of a snowstorm
An op-ed in the Washington Post about presidents and military service
The Intermediate-Range Treaty, plus an explanation from the NYT on the INF Treaty, and what it means that the U.S. is withdrawing from it
A video from Ted-Ed on the Electoral College and Congressional Research Servicereport on its history, plus an article from Politico on the prospect of electoral college reform
An article from NBC Chicago on Obama’s Indiana win in 2008
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