Art Finch is a South African-American Entrepreneur. Art has experience across South Asia and is interested in setting up Free Private Cities or Charter Cities. In this episode he shares his experiences in Bhutan and shares his theories on how Bitcoin and Free Private Cities can work together.
(00:00) - Intro
(01:28) - Art’s background & his interest in building a Free Private City (FPC)
(10:50) - The need for a Free Private City
(13:11) - A look at Shenzhen as an SEZ
(16:20) - Education in an FPC context
(20:08) - Sponsors
(22:22) - Education in an FPC context (contd.)
(26:11) - Setting up an FPC in Bhutan
(33:56) - Bhutan’s leadership views on the FPC
(41:41) - Sponsors
(44:00) - Art’s insights on Bhutan & Bitcoin mining
(46:08) - Potential FPCs in the future
X clips:
07:18 - biggest risk to FPC
08:47 - 10:01 - Bhutan FPC in a nutshell
10:57 - 12:40 - need for FPC
18:08 - 20:08 - learning/self education, role of schools, start with one node and grow from there - similar to bitcoin
44:08 - 45:59 - Bitcoin progress in Bhutan - mining ops,
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