Embracing the Full Stick of Life - Ep. 98 of Stillness in The Storms
In this episode, Steven shares the analogy of the "stick of life" and how we can embrace all of life's experiences - both the highs and lows.
"The more you accept them all, including the negative, including the bad times, accept it for what it is, and then you can embrace it, then you take control of it." [00:11:23]
"You actually enjoy the better times way more when you keep including the rough times in your life as well, rather than denying it." [00:11:41]
In this week's episode, Steven dives deep into the universality of life's dualities - light and dark, good and bad. He shares his insightful "stick of life" analogy for embracing all of life's experiences, and offers practical wisdom for finding inner peace during difficult times. Tune in for a thought-provoking perspective on leaning into the full spectrum of life.