Stinker Madness – The Bad Movie Podcast
It's raining bats! Hallelujah! Nothing needs a little sexy sprinkled into it like Batman. Joel Schumacher decides that what the masses want to see are a bunch of butts in spandex. Now with nipples!
Batman Forever is a bit of a pill to swallow. Going from the very pale and stark Tim Burton films to this is a complete 180 shift. It's bright, vivid, colorful, loud, and filled with butts. It's like Ricky Martin was a technical adviser. Some might have a serious issue with this.
But I ask you one thing to consider upon revisit - is Batman: The Movie not much the same? We see this more of a sequel to the Adam West Batman than anything that Tim Burton or DC Comics had put before it. Under that perspective it's really hard to decide if Schumacher failed there.
Is it dumb? Oh yeah. Is it poorly acted? Somewhat, it's a 50/50 split between the good guys and bad guys. Is the writing atrocious? You betcha. But is it generally fun? Is it a fast 2 hours? Does it have Batman (see Batman Returns) - yes, yes and yes this is a Batman movie!
Whether it stinks or not is up for debate, but that really is for you to decide for yourself. It walks a very tight rope between being a crummy movie or a wild experiment that succeeds in its goals. We tend to lean towards not stinking.