The Sacraments are a key — a central — part of the Christian life. And yet there are disagreements about the nature of the Sacraments — what they are and what they do. As Christians, when disagreements about doctrine, dogma, or theology arise, we turn to one source — God’s Word.
In today’s episode, we go over the theology and the doctrine of the Sacrament of Holy Baptism. We do so from an admittedly and unashamedly Lutheran position; however, we ground everything we say in the Word of God. In essence, today’s episode is a Bible study. Undoubtedly, some of you (or your traditions) will disagree with some of the things we say, but listen carefully to the passages of Scripture and make sure that you are disagreeing with men and not with God.
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Show Notes
The Small Catechism: Baptism
The Large Catechism: Baptism
Christian Basics: The Solae [YouTube]
See Also
Stone Choir: “Hebrews, Israelites, and Jews”
Further Reading
The Smalcald Articles: Baptism
The Book of Acts
Acts 2:37–39
Acts 8:12–13
Acts 8:36–39
Acts 9:18–19
Acts 10:44–48
Acts 16:14–15
Acts 16:30–34
Acts 18:5–11
Acts 22:16
Parental Warnings