Racism is not a sin. The modern-day ‘sin’ of racism was invented in the 19th century and then imported into the churches from the decadent and decaying culture. If you think that racism is a sin, then you have been misled.
In this episode, we go over the history of the term “racism” — where it originated and how it entered our modern culture — and take a look at how Satan is using it to destroy the Church. This is the culmination of our series on race and the most important episode in the series. This episode may make you uncomfortable, but the truth is worth the price.
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Show Notes
Racism and Overcoming the Idolatry of Babel [YouTube]
“Racism” in Webster’s Dictionary (1828)
If you want to read the resolution from the second half of this episode, it can be found in the proceedings of the 2019 convention, which can be found here.
See Also
Magnus Hirschfeld [Wikipedia]
Further Reading
Formula of Concord: Solid Declaration, Art. I
Racism by Magnus Hirschfeld
Parental Warnings
Some discussion of sexual matters, but not in explicit terms.