For the moral man, duty forms the core of life, but duty must be translated into purpose before a man can act upon it. And purpose, standing alone, benefits man not at all, for one must also have the motivation to pursue one’s purposes. In this episode, we cover the relationship and nature of purpose and motivation and how they form the backbone of a life well lived.
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function updateTranscriptLink(audioSrc) { const episodeNumber = extractNumber(audioSrc); if (episodeNumber) { const transcriptLink = document.querySelector('a.transcript-link'); if (transcriptLink) { transcriptLink.setAttribute('href', `/transcripts/transcript-episode-${episodeNumber}/`); } else { console.error('Transcript link not found.'); } } else { console.error('Episode number could not be extracted. The audio source was: ' + audioSrc); } }
// Function to extract the number from the audio file name function extractNumber(src) { const match = src.match(/e(\d+)\.m4a/); return match ? match[1] : null; }
// Start waiting for the audio element to appear in the DOM
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