Story Archives, a TV and Film Podcast
On this week’s deep dive on Foundation on Apple TV, we break down episode two titled ‘Preparing To Live’. Hari and his crew are exiled and en route to Terminus, approximately four years away from their destination, while Emperor Day deals with the aftermath of the Star Bridge Attack, searching galaxy wide for who is responsible. Brother Dusk is dealing with an internal crisis of his own, for the first time in his life seeing his health decline and his Empire’s peace faltering. In the face of fear, the Emperor chooses to strike back with strength, attacking the planets of Anacreon and Thespis in devastating fashion. Will his decision to do so create a domino effect that expedites his own empire’s demise? How will the Foundation recover with Hari now seemingly dead? Where does this leave Gaal and the future of civilization? Find out with us by tuning in week to week for new episodes of the Foundation, by Story Archives.
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