Who is the Hero, Victim, and Perpetrator in your story?
What are the relationships between each of them?
The more vague or ungrounded each of these relationships are, the more the story will not read as believable.
This is the focus Danielle, Leslie, and Shawn take on Tim's scene this week.
Click here to read Tim's scene: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OQd5NxTcn2JLwrphueCX91A4wXN9BEQFBYwbyN7NJ1M/edit?usp=sharing
To see the transcript of this episode, visit: https://storygrid.com/episode-275
Get a free copy of our book Story Grid 101: The First Five Principles of the Story Grid Methodology: https://storygrid101.com
This is Episode 275 of the Story Grid Podcast: https://storygrid.com/podcast