A tiny T-Rex named Rex finds himself wandering through a time portal, and ending up in the bustling streets of New York City. Confused and alone, he meets a kind-hearted boy named Billy, who becomes his guide and shows him all the amazing things the city has to offer, like delicious pizza and fun water fountains. But when they discover that other creatures from Rex's world have also come through the portal, causing chaos in the city, they know they have to act fast. Can Rex and Billy work together to return all the creatures back to their own world before it's too late? Will they be able to save the day and become the ultimate Dino-heroes? Join Billy and Rex on their wild adventure and find out!
Every week, we bring you a new and exciting bedtime stories to spark your child's imagination, and drift them off to sleep. Our stories are full of adventure, magic, and colorful characters that kids love. We provide a fun and engaging listening experience that kids can enjoy with their families. We believe that reading and listening to stories is an important part of a child's development, and we strive to make our stories educational.
We welcome you join us on a journey to far-off lands and magical worlds.