On Episode 102, Mike introduces the concept of lyfe, which he and Dr. Stuart Bartlett coined in a paper earlier this year, through the lens of Star Trek. Lyfe is defined as any system that performs the following four pillars: dissipation, autocatalysis, homeostasis, and learning. Life is therefore a subset of lyfe—it's the specific instance of lyfe that we are aware of on Earth. The concept of lyfe allows us to understand life in the context of other phenomena in the universe, more clearly define "life as we don't know it," and frame astrobiological research questions in new ways.
"Defining Lyfe in the Universe: From Three Privileged Functions to Four Pillars," Mike and Stuart's paper in the journal Life: https://www.mdpi.com/2075-1729/10/4/42
"Thinking About Life (or Lyfe) Through The Prism of Star Trek," Mike's blog post for Many Worlds: https://manyworlds.space/2020/06/17/thinking-about-life-or-lyfe-through-the-prism-of-star-trek/
Lyfe as The Guardian's word of the week: https://www.theguardian.com/books/2020/aug/06/lyfe-a-new-word-for-aliens-that-takes-a-leaf-out-of-life
Lyfe in The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/science/2020/jul/30/is-there-lyfe-on-mars-new-concept-broadens-search-for-alien-organisms
Lyfe in Chemistry World: https://www.chemistryworld.com/its-lyfe-jym/4012266.article
Lyfe in the Danish broadsheet newspaper Weekendavisen: https://www.weekendavisen.dk/2020-26/ideer/livet-som-vi-ikke-kender-det
Follow Mike on Twitter: @Miquai