Guests: Aida Behmard & Shreyas Vissapragada
At the 2019 Sagan Workshop, Caltech graduate students Aida Behmard & Shreyas Vissapragada give Mike peeks at three of their recent research projects—the first being laboratory work, the second astronomical observation, and the final one utilizing machine learning (a subset of artificial intelligence)—demonstrating that there is no single way to be a planetary scientist. At the end of the episode, Mike presents a clip from his StoryCorps interview at the 2018 AGU Fall Meeting.
Aida's "binding energies of hydrocarbons" paper:
Shreyas' "infrared observations of exoplanets" paper:
Aida's "machine learning/stars" paper:
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Mike: @Miquai
Aida: @abehmard
Shreyas: @astroshrey