Matt Jerrams sheltering in place.
I hope you’re are enjoying yourself sheltering in place. Of course not. It has been an interesting time, hasn’t it.
Because we’ve been stuck inside Matt Jerrams and I got together the other day to record an episode indulging our favorite guilty pleasure which is street photography gear. If you are a regular reader of Street Photography Magazine or listener to this podcast you probably know that we don’t talk much about gear.
But that doesn’t mean we don’t like like it. In fact, I’ve found most of us have a bad case of GAS (gear acquisition syndrome). That’s why Matt and I got together to discuss some of our favorites. I know it may seem a little Fuji-centric at the beginning. That’s because we both shoot with it regularly. But Matt is such a gear head, he’s got plenty for everyone.
Have a listen.
(Sorry for all the Fuji links. I had them in my bookmarks so I thought I’d share them)