Melissa, Kate, and Leah recap the Supreme Court's recent opinions about the Internet and intellectual property. As we predicted, the Internet isn't going to end with a bang-- and not even a whimper. Plus, we give you the "highlights" of the oral arguments in the Texas mifepristone case... which are even wilder (and more terrifying) than we could have imagined.
- Sign up to see the Strict Scrutiny live show in Washington, DC on June 9th!
- The hosts covered the arguments of the opinions for Gonzales v. Google LLC and Twitter, Inc. v. Taamneh in this episode.
- In this episode, the hosts discussed the arguments for Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc. v. Goldsmith, another one of the opinions discussed.
- This past episode discusses the arguments for Ohio Adjutant General’s Department v. Federal Labor Relations Authority, an opinion the hosts talk about this week