203 avsnitt • Längd: 35 min • Veckovis: Tisdag
This podcast helps you to study through God’s Word with practical and in-depth Bible study lessons. These lessons go through the Bible one passage at a time book by book. The goal is to help Scripture come alive as you discover new insights into the meaning of the text and are motivated to make life changes based on what you learn.
The podcast Study and Obey is created by Jason Dexter. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Those dreaded words from your spouse, "Don't forget." We often have short-term memories and do forget. That is why God gives us so many reminders in Scripture. And that is why in this chapter they set up a memorial so they would always remember God's miracle in parting the Jordan River.
In this Bible study on Joshua 4, learn the importance of remembering. Then don't forget it!
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Joshua Bible Studies With Discussion Questions - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/joshua/
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Which is easier for you, leading or following? Both of them can be difficult. It can be especially difficult to follow a leader when we don't know where they are going or to lead a follower who doesn't want to listen.
In this Bible study on Joshua 3, we will learn how to apply Biblical principles on leading and following to our lives today.
Joshua 3 Bible study -
Joshua Bible Studies With Discussion Questions - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/joshua/
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In this Bible study on Joshua 2, we see that God can change anyone. You seldom, if ever, meet anyone named "Rahab." Yet she is in the hall of fame of the faithful in Hebrews 11. James also lauds her faith in action in James 2.
She is a reminder that God's grace can cover every sinner, no matter their background or past.
We hope that this study will encourage you and be a reminder that God's grace can wash away all of your past sins, no matter how bad they were.
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Joshua Bible Studies With Discussion Questions - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/joshua/
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We are beginning a new Bible study series in Joshua. We will go chapter by chapter into this amazing journey as Israel claims God's promise that He made to Abraham hundreds of years before.
They will face obstacles from within and without. Through it all, God is with them. The lessons they learned can be applied to our lives today to transform us.
In Joshua 1, we are reminded to be bold and courageous because God is with us. In what area of your life do you need boldness? Study Joshua 1 and let God's Word strengthen you.
Joshua 1 Bible study -
Joshua Bible Studies With Discussion Questions - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/joshua/
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Most thieves do not announce their attentions ahead of time. Although one did (watch the video for this crazy story). We should be prepared at all times.
This Bible study on 2 Peter 3:10-18 tells us to be ready for Jesus' second. The passage also reminds us that everything around us will be dissolved one day and there will be a new heaven and a new earth. Are you we investing in that eternal future kingdom or in the temporary one that is fading away?
2 Peter 3:10-18 Bible study -
2 Peter Bible Studies With Discussion Questions - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/2-peter-bible-studies/
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Peter rightly predicted that there would be many scoffers who doubt Jesus will come again. In fact, they don't want him to because they want to pursue their sinful lifestyle.
Why is God taking so long? What should we do while we wait? What will happen when Jesus returns? These are some of the questions we will look at in this Bible study of 2 Peter 3:1-9.
2 Peter 3:1-9 Bible study -
2 Peter Bible Studies With Discussion Questions - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/2-peter-bible-studies/
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Don't believe everything you hear. False teachers will not tell you that they are false teachers.
In this Bible study we look at some of the ways we can tell that a wolf is a wolf. They will not announce "I am a wolf." But they do have some telltale signs we should be aware of.
Paul often told us about the content of their false teaching. Peter teaches us about their lifestyle.
2 Peter 2:11-22 Bible study -
2 Peter Bible Studies With Discussion Questions - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/2-peter-bible-studies/
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A rich passage with lots to cover.
The first part looks at the secret and tricky ways false teachers seek to infiltrate the church and mislead the sheep. They pretend to be honest and serving God, but they are anything but.
The second part looks at one of the greatest mysteries in the Bible. Who are the sons of god in Genesis 6? Who are the angels who are even now in chains? What does that have to do with us?
We also look at how effective Noah's preaching was and why Lot was called righteous.
2 Peter 2:1-10 Bible study -
2 Peter Bible Studies With Discussion Questions - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/2-peter-bible-studies/
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Some people always want to be taught something new from Scripture. Many pastors also enjoy sharing a new insight. However, a lot of the Bible is simply reminding us over and over again of things God has taught us already.
Why do we need so many reminders? Because we have memory problems.
2 Peter 1:12-21 Bible study -
2 Peter Bible Studies With Discussion Questions - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/2-peter-bible-studies/
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The first Bible study in our series on 2 Peter. 2 Peter is largely about resisting false teachers. One key way to do that is to grow in spiritual maturity. When we know and obey God, that is a strong defense against drifting into false teaching.
This Bible study reminds us that God gives us everything we need to grow up to spiritual maturity in Christ.
2 Peter 1:1-11 Bible study -
2 Peter Bible Studies With Discussion Questions - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/2-peter-bible-studies/
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A special New Year message from Study and Obey to remind us to keep life in perspective and make the most of the time God has given us. Live each day to the fullest and make a difference for eternity.
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The story of Peter is amazing. Peter was flesh and blood. He was flawed like we are. You can see his enthusiasm, extroverted nature, and willingness to speak up and take the lead. But sometimes he was also rash and impulsive.
We are beginning a study on 2 Peter. First, we are looking at the life of its author. In this study, we look at the strengths and weaknesses of Peter, his unique character traits, and lessons we can learn from his life that we can apply to ours today.
Character Studies Bible Study Guide - https://studyandobey.com/product/character-studies-ebook/
Peter Character Study - https://studyandobey.com/character-studies/peter-character-study/
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A special Christmas message from Study and Obey with the best news a person can ever hear.
For the best experience, WATCH this presentation on YouTube as it is meant to be a visual presentation.
A visual journey through the main points of the entire Bible. This is a summary of the gospel message shown throughout Scripture and how Christmas fits into it.
Learn about people, what separates us from God, and how to get back to a right relationship with God, all through the lens of the Bible.
Are you interested in learning how to use this gospel sharing tool? It is called the Good News Bridge.
We have all the materials needed and a step by step instruction of how to use this tool on our website here: https://studyandobey.com/how-to-share-the-good-news-bridge/
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After 7 months and 32 lessons, we are now to the very last passage in Hebrews. In this passage, we are reminded that believers are to live out their faith.
We believe that Jesus is superior to everything else. But that is not just to be head knowledge. It is to affect how we live. This passage gives us several ways to apply Scriptural truth to our lives. As we do, our lives will be transformed.
Hebrews 13:9-25 Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/hebrews-study/hebrews-13-9-25/
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Hebrews has been a heavy book. It is is filled with complex doctrine and theology on the Old Covenant, Levitical priesthood, Mosaic Law, tabernacle, Melchizedek.
Now we are in to the application portion of the book. This passage is basically a list of various important applications for the Christian life on many issues including marriage, money, hospitality and more.
This passage is sure to have a an important principle relevant to your life.
Hebrews 13:1-8 Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/hebrews-study/hebrews-13-1-8/
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Hebrews tells us a that what Jesus offers is superior to everything else, including the Old Covenant. This passage reminds us that we don't want to miss it, telling us to be careful "that no one fails to obtain the grace of God; that no root of bitterness springs up and causes trouble."
We are blessed to live with incredible access to Scripture and good Bible teaching. Let's evaluate ourselves so that we don't miss it, but can part of the unshakeable kingdom.
Hebrews 12:12-29 Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/hebrews-study/hebrews-12-12-29/
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We have a finished looking at the lives of many men and women of faith in the Bible. What does that have to do with us? Learn the answer to that question in this study of Hebrews 12:1-11.
We also look at the Christian race and discipline from God as we continue our chapter by chapter study of Hebrews.
Hebrews 12:1-11 Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/hebrews-study/hebrews-12-1-11/
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This Bible study on Samson is part of Study and Obey's Hebrews 11 series. We look at Samson's life and accomplishments along with his strengths and weaknesses.
The successes and failures of Biblical heroes of the faith can teach us valuable life lessons.
Samson was flesh and blood like we are. He was a very flawed human being and struggled with lust. There are many important life lessons we can learn from his successes and failures.
Should believers date unbelievers? - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/should-believers-date-unbelievers/
Tim Challies' 30 day sexual detox - https://cruciformpress.com/wp-content/uploads/woocommerce_uploads/2014/06/Sexual_Detox.Tim_Challies.Cruciform_Press.pdf
Accountability software - https://studyandobey.com/accountability-software/
Character Studies Bible Study Guide - https://studyandobey.com/product/character-studies-ebook/
Samson Character Study - https://studyandobey.com/character-studies/samson-character-study/
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This Bible study on Rahab is part of Study and Obey's Hebrews 11 series. We look at Rahab's background, vocation, and place in history as well as his strengths and weaknesses.
The successes and failures of Biblical heroes of the faith can teach us valuable life lessons. Rahab was flesh and blood like we are. She lived a very flawed life. But God's grace overcame that and totally changed her and her future.
What does Rahab's life teach you about the Lord and what do you need to apply to your life today?
Rahab's story is incredible. She lived in an idolatrous and pagan nation. But because of faith, she was saved and became an ancestor of Jesus. Her story is one of hope.
Character Studies Bible Study Guide - https://studyandobey.com/product/character-studies-ebook/
Rahab Character Study - https://studyandobey.com/character-studies/rahab-character-study/
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This Bible study on Joseph is part of Study and Obey's Hebrews 11 series. We look at Joseph's background, vocation, and place in history as well as his strengths and weaknesses.
The successes and failures of Biblical heroes of the faith can teach us valuable life lessons. They were flesh and blood like we are. As flawed humans, they were recipients of grace.
What does Joseph's life teach you about the Lord and what do you need to apply to your life today?
Joseph's story is incredible. He went from the lowest of lows to being one of the most powerful men in the world. He was terribly mistreated but responded with grace and kindness. Joseph gives us an amazing example to follow.
Character Studies Bible Study Guide - https://studyandobey.com/product/character-studies-ebook/
Jacob Character Study - https://studyandobey.com/character-studies/joseph-character-study/
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This Bible study on Jacob is part of Study and Obey's Hebrews 11 series. We look at Jacob's background, vocation, and place in history as well as his strengths and weaknesses.
The successes and failures of Biblical heroes of the faith can teach us valuable life lessons. They were flesh and blood like we are. As flawed humans, they were recipients of grace.
What does Jacob's life teach you about the Lord and what do you need to apply to your life today? How can a man who was so deceptive and such a schemer be listed in the hall of faith?
Character Studies Bible Study Guide - https://studyandobey.com/product/character-studies-ebook/
Jacob Character Study - https://studyandobey.com/character-studies/jacob-character-study/
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This Bible study on Isaac is part of Study and Obey's Hebrews 11 series. We look at Isaac's background, vocation, and place in history as well as his strengths and weaknesses.
The successes and failures of Biblical heroes of the faith can teach us valuable life lessons. They were flesh and blood like we are. As flawed humans, they were recipients of grace.
What does Isaac's life teach you about the Lord and what do you need to apply to your life today? Was he too passive?
Character Studies Bible Study Guide - https://studyandobey.com/product/character-studies-ebook/
Isaac Character Study - https://studyandobey.com/character-studies/isaac-character-study/
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This Bible study on Abraham is part of Study and Obey's Hebrews 11 series. We look at Abraham's background, vocation, and place in history as well as his strengths and weaknesses.
The successes and failures of Biblical heroes of the faith can teach us valuable life lessons. They were flesh and blood like we are. As flawed humans, they were recipients of grace.
What does Abraham's life teach you about the Lord and what do you need to apply to your life today?
Character Studies Bible Study Guide - https://studyandobey.com/product/character-studies-ebook/
Abraham Character Study - https://studyandobey.com/character-studies/abraham-character-study/
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We have arrived at the most famous passage in the book of Hebrews. This chapter deals with faith. What is faith? Why have faith? What are examples of believers who have had faith?
In this passage we will see that there is every reason to believe in God. Having faith in Him is reasonable, logical, and rational. This faith can help us endure in the face of difficulty and temptation. And the examples of faithful believers remind us of God's grace.
Hebrews 11:1-6 Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/hebrews-study/hebrews-11-1-7/
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You have probably heard people ask, "If God forgives me when I confess my sin, then can I keep sinning and ask for forgiveness?" This Bible study on Hebrews 10:26-39 is a strong warning against presuming upon God's grace or taking forgiveness for granted.
Listen to the end to find out what this passage says about the possibility of a license to sin.
Hebrews 10:26-39 Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/hebrews-study/hebrews-10-26-39/
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This sermon was originally preached at Guangzhou International Christian Fellowship online edition in January 2023.
What is the difference between guilt, shame, and repentance? How can we be sure that we are truly repenting?
The stories of Peter and Judas answer these questions and more as we learn what is true repentance.
Bible study on Peter and Judas, Tale of Two Betrayers - https://studyandobey.com/judas-and-peter-what-is-true-repentance/
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Many Christians claim to be fine on their own. They don't believe that they need fellowship. They don't go to church. They can listen to sermons or read the Bible on their own.
What does the Bible say about this kind of thinking?
Find out in this Bible study of Hebrews 10:19-25. This practical passage may transform your entire view of fellowship.
Hebrews 10:1-25 Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/hebrews-study/hebrews-10-1-25/
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People have many different opinions of Jesus. Some say He was a good man, others that he was a good teacher. The writer of Hebrews consistently says that Jesus is amazing, superior to everything and everyone else.
After studying through Hebrews and this Bible study, we hope your opinion of Jesus will also go up!
Hebrews 10:1-25 Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/hebrews-study/hebrews-10-1-25/
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Sacrifice is one of the key themes in the Bible. In the Old Testament, the Jews had to offer sacrifices regularly. Day after day, year of year, sacrifices were brought to the temple. What was these purpose of all of these sacrifices?
This Bible study on Hebrews 10:1-10 shows us that God used these Old Testament practices to point to Christ. Learn how these point us to Christ, remind us of sin, and motivate us to in turn sacrifice for Him.
Hebrews 10:1-25 Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/hebrews-study/hebrews-10-1-25/
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Can Jesus' sacrifice even deal with sin that happened before He died? Why do Christians sing about blood and why is blood mentioned often in the Bible?
Let's delve deeper into Jesus' sacrifice and learn why blood is such an important concept in the Bible in this Hebrews 9:15-28 Bible study
Hebrews 9:15-28 Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/hebrews-study/hebrews-9-15-28/
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Have you ever read Exodus or Leviticus and felt bored? If so, perhaps you didn't notice how much deep spiritual imagery there is.
God is great designer. He not only designed the universe, but He also designed the tabernacle and Scripture. These were specifically orchestrated to point to Jesus.
Join us in this Bible study on Hebrews 9:1-14 and see the Old Testament in a brand new light.
Also, check out my 3D video tour on the tabernacle and how it relates to Christ - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2gCIQ7dR1c
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In many passages, the applications are simple. Love your neighbor. Respect your parents. Tell the truth.
This passage zooms out and looks at the bigger picture. Christ should be lifted up in our hearts and minds because He is better than anything else. When we view Jesus as high, exalted, and lifted up, then this attitude will change our outlook and attitude.
Share in the comments how this Bible study on Hebrews 8 has renewed your perspective on Jesus.
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Did the get the idea of Hebrews yet? Jesus superior to everything and everyone else! In this passage, the author compares Jesus' priesthood to that of the Levites. Jesus wins. Does He reign supreme in your life?
This Bible study of Hebrews 7:22-28 will show us key theology about Jesus and the gospel as well as practical applications for our lives today.
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Why does the author of Hebrews say that the old covenant is weak and useless?
Check out this Bible study on Hebrews 7:11-22 for context on this statement and for learning more about the purpose of the old and new covenants and how Christ fits in.
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Melchizedek is perhaps the most mysterious character in the Bible. He comes on to the scene suddenly in the time of Abraham and leaves just as quickly. He is only mentioned twice in the Old Testament, but the writer of Hebrews refers to him repeatedly.
In this passage he is described as being, "without father or mother or genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end of life."
Who is this mysterious character? And what can we learn from him?
Join us in this Bible study of Hebrews 7:1-10 to find out.
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Many people make promises. They don't always keep them. Maybe they change their mind or maybe they can't because of things outside their control.
The good news for us that God never changes His mind and He is in total control.
This Bible study on Hebrews 6:9-20 is a timely reminder that we can cling to God's promises because He always keeps them.
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One of the most important questions you can ever ask is, "Am I saved?" This can be uncomfortable to think about. But we have to. In this passage, the writer of Hebrews gives extremely strong warnings to people who walk away from God.
Is it "once saved always saved?" Look at this question and more in this Bible study on Hebrews 6:1-8, but be forewarned. There are strong warnings in this passage and it is one of the most controversial in the whole Bible.
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The author of Hebrews throws out some real zingers in this passage. He says that the people were so lazy and lethargic spiritually he couldn't even teach them anything beyond basic level stuff.
His point is that it is time to grow up. There is something wrong with a baby that never moves past drinking milk and is stuck the same size. There is also something wrong with Christians who don't grow.
Join us in this Bible study of Hebrews 5:7-14 to learn how you can grow more in your spiritual life.
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Most churches don't have priests today. We certainly don't have priests like they did in the Old Testament. So what is a priest? What can learn from their role in the Bible that we can apply to our lives and communities today?
We will look at these questions and see how Jesus was the perfect High Priest in this practical Bible study on Hebrews 5:1-6.
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Do you ever feel that you are alone? That it is just too difficult to keep going? This passage should be an encouragement for you. It has three of the most quoted Scriptures in the Bible.
It reminds us that Jesus cares. The Lord gives us all the resources we need to be successful. He supports us and wants to help us.
This Bible study on Hebrews 4:12-16 can strengthen you to persevere.
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Busy? Tired? Weary? Maybe you need a rest. But are Christians supposed to rest? And if so, when?
This Bible study on Hebrews 4:1-11 looks at these and more questions as we try to find the right balance between rest and work.
Share with us in the comments what is your opinion of rest.
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Jesus is to be the center of our lives. He is to be number one in our hearts. Hebrews 3 tells us to "consider Jesus." That is what we are doing in this Bible study.
Is there anything that is distracting you from Jesus? Anything taking the priority over Him?
May the Holy Spirit work in each of us as we consider Jesus and His place in our lives.
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Most believers don't actively decide to stop following the Lord. A slow drifting away is much more common. Are you drifting away from God? How could you tell?
Join us in this Hebrews 2 Bible study to be reminded of the importance of being steadfast and holding firm.
Hebrews 2:1 - Therefore we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it.
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Do believers have a guardian angel? That topic is interesting, but not that productive. In this passage, we learn that Jesus is better than angels.
The main point of the book of Hebrews is that Jesus is superior to everything and everyone else. As our view of Him is exalted so our life will be transformed.
Join us in this Hebrews 1:4-15 Bible study with practical application tips.
An looking at what verse Hebrews 1:6 is citing - https://carm.org/bible-verses-by-topic/what-verse-is-hebrews-16-citing-and-why-isnt-it-in-my-old-testament/
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We are beginning a new Bible study series in the book of Hebrews. The clear theme of this book is that Jesus is supreme over everyone and everything else. As we study this, may He be supreme in your life and heart as well.
In Hebrews 1:1-3, we will look at the fact that God speaks. This is some of the best news in all of Scripture. God has revealed Himself to us. We can know Him.
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You probably know the name of your church's pastor, but what about all of the ushers and set up team?
In this Bible study on Colossians 4:7-18, we learn about the importance of team. We will see a verbal snapshot of Paul's ministry team and be reminded to both join and support a team as we build God's kingdom together.
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You know how a mother will give some final instructions to the kids before she goes out the door? That is what Paul does at the end of this letter in Colossians.
Sometimes the last words reveal the most important lessons. In this Bible study on Colossians 4:1-6, we will learn about how to treat those under us, enriching our prayer lives, and taming the tongue.
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These verses are often quoted, reminding us to work heartily for the Lord rather than men. That is true. We should live to please God.
At the same time, we should look at the context of this passage. The context is a direction to bondservants (or slaves). What does the Bible say about slavery? Does it condone slave owners? Find out in this Bible study.
Colossians 3:22-25 Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/colossians-series/colossians-3-28-25/
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God designed marriage and the family so He knows what He is talking about. His way is not the world's way, but is the best way. Tune in to see what the expert (God) says about marriage and how this can help you have the best marriage possible.
There is something for wives, husbands, fathers, and children.
Colossians 3:18-22 Bible study.
Complete Husband Link - https://amzn.to/3ThuFeh
Helper By Design Link - https://amzn.to/49o1StY
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Some people are worried about going to the hospital afraid that they will find a serious problem. But ignorance isn't always bliss. Sometimes it is dangerous.
Similarly, we should regularly examine our spiritual lives to see how we are doing. This passage in Colossians discusses many basic character qualities every believer should strive for.
Kindness, humility, meekness, patience, love, and forgiveness are all mentioned. How are you doing in these areas? We hope this study in Colossians 3 will help you find out!
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Are you happy with who you are? Are you satisfied with where you are spiritually? If so, click away. But if you desire to fight your old self and grow, this passage on Colossians 3 can help.
God wants to see you win the battle. He is beside you to help you every step of the way. This is not a battle that is over when you come to Christ. Rather, it is just beginning.
We hope that this Bible study on Colossians 3:1-10 can renew your desire to fight the battle and give you some principles which will help you achieve victory, all through His grace.
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Sorry, this was posted out of order accidentally.
A baby that doesn't grow has a problem. In the same way, each of us should be growing spiritually. And spiritual growth finally results in ministry for the Lord.
In this passage, Paul tells the Colossians about how he hopes they will grow in the Lord and how he has struggled in ministry to the churches.
Hopefully this Bible study on Colossians 1:21-29 will motivate you to depend on the Lord for growth and to faithfully serve Him in the arena He has called you to.
Colossians 1:21-29 Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/colossians-series/colossians-study-1-9-20/
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Christianity is the number one religion in the world according to statistics. But is it actually a religion? What does the Bible say about religion?
This Bible study on Colossians 2:11-23 looks at rituals, rules, religion, legalism, and pleasing others.
We trust that this practical sharing will help you grow in your relationship with Christ.
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Do you feel that you are flatlining in Christian life? That you have reached a plateau?
This Bible passage is for you. We will look at five ways to get a firm grasp of God's Word. We also look at rituals, religion, and relationship. Only one of these things is what God is looking for in us.
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We call ourselves Christians, which means followers of Christ. But who is Christ? Who exactly are we following?
This Bible study on Colossians 1:9-20 looks at that question and more. Every line could be a sermon in itself. You will deepen your understanding of Jesus and that can transform your life.
Colossians 1:9-20 Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/colossians-series/colossians-study-1-9-20/
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As bad as Israel had been and as much as they deserved judgment, God still gave them an invitation to return. He pleaded with them as a father does with his son. If they would only repent, their demise could be averted.
How did they respond? And how do the principles learned within effect our lives today?
Colossians 1:1-8 Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/colossians-series/colossians-study-1-1-8/
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As bad as Israel had been and as much as they deserved judgment, God still gave them an invitation to return. He pleaded with them as a father does with his son. If they would only repent, their demise could be averted.
How did they respond? And how do the principles learned within effect our lives today?
Hosea 14 Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/hosea-studies/hosea-14/
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Who wants to be described as dew or chaff? These things fade away without leaving any lasting impact. In this Bible study on Hosea 13, we learn to use our influence, creativity, and indeed everything we have for the Lord.
The minor prophets can be hard to understand at first glance, but when you look deeper you will find they quite practical and offer life transforming principles we can apply today.
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Feeding on the wind will not feel your stomach, but billions do it everyday. The world makes many promises, but those who chase after them find out how empty they are.
God created us with a hole inside that only He can fill. That is meant to drive us to Him. This Bible study on Hosea 12 looks at satisfaction and the fact that only God can give it.
What are you chasing? The invitation God gives to Israel in this passage is also given to you.
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Isaiah is filled with amazing prophecies of the Messiah, all fulfilled in Jesus Christ. This passage was read by Jesus and He Himself in a synagogue and He claimed to fulfill it.
Check out this video to learn more of this amazing prophesy, the character of Jesus, and how it applies to you today.
This was originally shared on a Zoom meeting for Guangzhou International Christian Fellowship, so the quality of video is not perfect in some parts.
This passage is a beautiful account of God's love for His people. He recounts fond memories of feeding them, nurturing them, and teaching them to walk. He held them, healed them, and led them. He was like a loving father taking care of His children. This love did not mean there were no boundaries. Some restrictions were necessary for their good.
But His people did not respond. At least they didn't respond the right way. The more He called them, the more they resisted.
This passage teaches you the Father's heart of God as well as the qualities of real love.
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The Israelites had become prosperous and wealthy. From the world's perspective, they had made it. They had advanced from a tribe of nomads with very little possessions to become a nation of rich land owners.
But the more prosperous they became, the farther they drifted from God. They became self-reliant and prideful, taking God's blessings for granted and finally turning away from Him completely. The world makes big promises, but it doesn't deliver.
The same problem confronts us today, especially those who live in more developed countries. How can you keep focused on the right priorities? How can be sure to maintain a grateful spirit? Join us for this Bible study in Hosea 10 to find out.
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The people of Israel were very religious, but their religion did not please God. Learn why not and how we can avoid making the same mistakes in this practical Bible study on Hosea 9.
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Hosea delivered his message to the people of Israel well over 2000 years ago. But though the world and technology have changed, people are still basically the same.
The people of his day chased after the world and its pleasures. But it did not satisfy. We do the same today.
Each of our studies focuses on the practical application of the Scripture to our lives today. The message in this Bible study on Hosea 7 still rings loud. Don't sow the wind or you will reap the whirlwind!
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The people of Israel were passionate, but they were passionate for all the wrong things. God responds by saying He will remember all of their deeds.
They had pursued the world for far too long. Now it was time to repent.
What are your passionate for? In this Bible study on Hosea 7 we learn the importance of living holy lives for God and separating from worldly lifestyles.
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Are you a fickle Christian? Hosea 6 talks about people who make a plan and don't follow through.
Join this Hosea 6 Bible study as we consider practical applications to our lives today.
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This sermon was originally shared at Guangzhou International Christian Fellowship in 2023. It was not made exclusively for this podcast.
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Have you ever felt like no matter how hard you work, you are going backwards? That is what it was like for the nation of Israel. They found out the hard way what reverse providence was.
If you want God's blessings in your life, you need to put Him first and obey His Word.
Today's lesson is a timely reminder that things go best when we go God's way.
Join this Hosea 5 Bible study as we consider practical applications to our lives today.
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God asked Hosea to do the inconceivable, forgive and redeem his unfaithful wife. Hosea's marriage is a picture of God's relationship with Israel.
Gomer represents Israel's unfaithfulness and Hosea represents God's unconditional love. Representing God is a tall order. Was Hosea up for it?
Check out our Bible study on Hosea 3 to learn what love means, how to forgive, and faithfulness in action.
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Israel turned to idolatry. They were repeatedly unfaithful. Judgment was coming. But God often holds judgment in one hand and mercy in another.
Hosea 2:23 - And I will have mercy on No Mercy, and I will say to Not My People, You are my people’.
The good news is that God delights in showing mercy and forgiveness. That is great for us because it means His arms are open to welcome us back again.
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The minor prophets are not often explored. But they are full of lessons for our lives today.
Hosea was not just a normal prophet with a normal message. His message would become larger than life as God used his very life as a visible object lesson. The book of Hosea is most famous for God’s command to Hosea to marry a lady who would later betray him. Hosea had to enter a covenant with her and commit himself to her, even knowing what she would become. The marriage picture of Hosea’s faithfulness and unconditional love, contrasted with Gomer’s treachery is a powerful depiction of God’s love and faithfulness to His people, and their faithlessness.
The book not only teaches us important history about Israel, but shows us amazing lessons of love, forgiveness, and commitment as well as justice. Practical lessons which are relevant to our lives today abound. Spouses will learn about the meaning of real love. Those with broken relationships will learn about forgiveness. And all will come to a deeper understanding of our own sin and a deeper appreciation of God’s mercy and grace, learning that the only place to find true fulfillment is in the arms of God.
Join us and see how God will change your life through His Word!
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What is the role of elders? How does God want Christian leaders to lead?
This passage has encouraging and practical application for every time of leader including church leaders, parents, teachers, and managers.
Learn the importance of servant leadership in this Bible study on 1 Peter 5.
1 Peter 5 Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/1peter-studies/1peter5-1-5/
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Suffering is not a topic many believers want to experience or even think about. Many believers in the world today have not experienced serious persecution.
But Christians in the early New Testament church did. We would be wise to prepare for the possibility today.
In this passage, Peter takes an in-depth look at suffering. What are the possible causes? How do we get through it? How are we to react to it?
Join this Bible study on 1 Peter 4:12-19 to prepare yourself to react the right way in case you suffer for Christ.
1 Peter 4:12-19 Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/1peter-studies/1peter4-12-19/
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What is the difference between living in the Spirit and living in the flesh? This Bible study is on 1 Peter 3:8-22. It covers practical Christian living and reminds us that the the gospel changes lives.
After coming to Christ, we are not to be the same. The people we used to hang out with might be surprised by the differences in our lives. Yet Peter reminds us that once we turn from the world to Christ, we should never go back.
1 Peter 4:1-11 Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/1peter-studies/1peter4-1-11/
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Peter was writing to people who facing hard times. Many were being persecuted for their faith and suffering unfairly.
Here he gives them many practical tips for how to respond. He shepherds their heart and their attitude.
One of the most famous verses in this passage is 1 Peter 3:9.
"Do not repay evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary, bless, for to this you were called, that you may obtain a blessing."
Think about how much more peaceful your life and home would be if this was practiced. Tune in to this practical Bible study on 1 Peter 3:8-22 to be encouraged to respond to evil with a blessing.
1 Peter 3:8-22 Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/1peter-studies/1peter3-8-22/
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Traditional values are under attack in the world today. It is easy to be swayed by strong and aggressive personalities or influencers who push certain agenda.
For believers, we need to be discerning about the culture and values around us. That starts with understanding God's Word.
God designed marriage. He knows what He is talking about. In this passage, we are given clearly defined roles and values. Believers who truly seek after God will find that His way is the best way. A marriage built on Scripture can not only survive, but flourish.
Men, women, and singles all can gain very practical wisdom from this Bible study on 1 Peter 3:1-7.
1 Peter 3:1-7 Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/1peter-studies/1peter3-1-6/
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In this day and age, governments seem ever more set against God. Politicians have little fear of God and their policies show it. How are we to react to these authorities? What if their laws violate God's commands?
Check out these answers and more in this practical Bible study on 1 Peter 2:13-25.
1 Peter 2:13-25 Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/1peter-studies/1peter2-13-25/
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This passage looks at two of the most important aspects of the Christian faith, Jesus and God's Word.
What is your attitude toward Scripture? Are you distracted when you try to read or study it? This passage has some very practical advice that everyone with children can understand.
God's Word nourishes us and helps us grow. It is essential that we have the right attitude toward it.
The second part of this Bible study looks at Jesus as the cornerstone. This analogy will help us to understand how He is our foundation.
Join this practical Bible study on 1 Peter 2:1-12 to help you set the right priorities.
1 Peter 2:1-12 Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/1peter-studies/1peter2-1-12/
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God calls us to be holy. We are to be like Him. What areas of your life fall short? How can you reach such a high calling? How can we grow day-by-day?
Join this practical Bible study on 1 Peter 1:13-25 if you are sick of sin and want to grow.
1 Peter 1:13-25 Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/1peter-studies/1peter1-13-25/
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How much did the Old Testament prophets understand about the Messiah? How much do angels understand of God's plan?
This passage looks at the mystery of Scripture and the importance of diligently studying it for ourselves.
We are greatly privileged in that we have access to the entire Bible. Let us not take it for granted.
1 Peter 1:10-12 Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/1peter-studies/1peter1-10-12/
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1 Peter was written around the time that Nero started heavily persecuting believers. Christians were scared. They had questions.
What was God's plan in this? How long would these trials last? How were they to respond to persecution?
In 1 Peter 1, Peter starts right off encouraging the believers with the fact that they have an eternal inheritance. Suffering is temporary, but salvation is eternal.
The principles he shared to encourage the 1st century believers are still true for us today. If you are facing trials, suffering, or persecution, join us in this series on 1 Peter to find strength and hope to get through.
1 Peter 1:1-9 Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/1peter-studies/1peter1-1-9/
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The book of Malachi is largely filled with rebukes from God to His people. They were not honoring Him as they should. They were stingy, selfish, and sinful. Their sacrifices were pathetic.
But not everyone was like that. There was still a remnant of genuine believers. They wanted to know if they would be washed away in judgment together with the wicked.
These verses are an assurance to them that God sees. He remembers. He will never forget His people.
May this study on Malachi 3 and 4 encourage you as well!
Malachi 3:16-4:6 - Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/malachi-studies/malachi3-16-4-6/
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It seems like a dangerous thing to rob God, but that is what the people were doing. Malachi rebukes the people for their disrespect toward God. They were stingy and disobedient.
God was not happy.
This passage looks at the importance of giving generously. It is also the only passage in the Bible where we are told to test God. Check out the Bible study on Malachi 3 for important modern-day applications in the way we steward our finances.
Malachi 3 - Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/malachi-studies/malachi3-1-5/
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Few people study Malachi, but this small Old Testament book is filled with practical wisdom. This chapter looks at honoring God from the heart. It is especially focused on leaders, families, and marriage.
In this chapter, we look at practical tips for husbands and wives to make their marriage as fulfilling as possible.
Make sure you watch the end of the video where the practical tips are shared. Your marriage can get better. But it will take work.
Malachi 2 - Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/malachi-studies/malachi2/
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The book of Malachi is largely a reaffirmation of the covenant between God and His people. The problem was that they were not honoring God as they should. They were offering lame and blind animals on the altar, saving the best for themselves and giving the worst to God.
God was so upset with their attitude that He asked them to just shut the doors of the temple and discontinue the sacrifices!
We can learn some practical lessons from this chapter to apply to our lives today, specifically in the area of stewarding our finances. What is your attitude about money and are you using it the way God wants?
Join us for this Bible study on Malachi 1 and prepare to be challenged.
Malachi 1 - Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/malachi-studies/malachi1/
Malachi E-book - https://studyandobey.com/product/malachi-bible-study-guide/
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We have come to the last study in Nehemiah. Though it was written well over two thousand years ago, the principles inside can still apply to us today. This passage gives us practical lessons on our attitude toward work, the Sabbath, relationships, and marriage.
This chapter could save you from making a terrible relationship mistake that you would regret.
Nehemiah 13:15-31 - Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/nehemiah-studies/nehemiah-1315-22/
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Would a shepherd invite a wolf to spend the night with the sheep? It seems crazy. But that is what the people were doing during the time of Nehemiah.
This Bible study on Nehemiah 13 will show us what Nehemiah learned and how we can protect the flock today.
It is likely that you also have a wolf at your day, or perhaps even in the house already. There are attacks against marriage, family, the church, and believers. What are those modern-day attacks and how can you defend against them?
Find out more in this practical Bible study.
Nehemiah 13:1-14 - Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/nehemiah-studies/nehemiah13-1-14/
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I have been on prayer walks before. But until I read Nehemiah 11-12, I had never heard of a praise walk.
They hold this special event to dedicate the newly built temple wall to the Lord. It is a day of celebration as well as remembrance. God has blessed them. In response, they praise Him.
This passage encourages us to never forget what God has done for us. Perhaps we need to dedicate something to the Lord. Perhaps we should go on a praise walk!
Nehemiah 11-12 - Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/nehemiah-studies/nehemiah11-12/
Nehemiah E-book - https://studyandobey.com/product/study-nehemiah-ebook-a-practical-bible-study-guide/
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Nehemiah 9 is a very helpful chapter. It follows a grand celebration of the entire assembly of Israel. Now they assemble again to read the Word. This time they are convicted and begin spontaneous confession of sin.
God worked in their lives through the Word of God. They opened their hearts and heard from Him. Then they responded.
God wants to use this passage to work in our hearts today. What do we need to confess? How does our attitude toward God's Word need to change?
Nehemiah 9 - Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/nehemiah-studies/nehemiah9-1-5/
Nehemiah E-book - https://studyandobey.com/product/study-nehemiah-ebook-a-practical-bible-study-guide/
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I really enjoyed studying Nehemiah 8. It shows the importance of our attitude toward the Word of God. The people respected Scripture. They stood for hours to listen to the reading and explanation of it.
However, they didn't only listen. As they listened, God's Word changed their heart and attitude. They did not walk away the same but made major changes to their lives.
That is the power of the Bible in our lives. When we study it, we will not be the same. It is living and active. The Spirit convicts us.
Nehemiah 8 - Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/nehemiah-studies/nehemiah-8/
Nehemiah E-book - https://studyandobey.com/product/study-nehemiah-ebook-a-practical-bible-study-guide/
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The walls are finished. What next?
There is more work to be done. The people and the nation are still in a fragile state. It is often after a big victory that temptation strikes the hardest. What will Nehemiah do to help the people keep pushing forward?
Nehemiah 7 is a transition to the life of Israel after the wall was rebuilt.
Nehemiah 7 - Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/nehemiah-studies/nehemiah-7/
Nehemiah E-book - https://studyandobey.com/product/study-nehemiah-ebook-a-practical-bible-study-guide/
Study and Obey Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/study-and-obey/id1571266150
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This sermon looks at the first servant song in Isaiah 42. What is the identity of the servant? What was his character like? What was his mission?
We will dive deep into the text to understand who the servant is and what we can learn from him today.
This is a message originally shared with Guangzhou International Christian Fellowship on May 23, 2023.
Plots. Intrigue. Schemes. Opposition. Temptation. Conspiracy.
The closer Nehemiah and the people got to finishing the wall, the more intense the opposition they faced.
In this chapter, every manner of attack and distraction is thrown at Nehemiah to try to derail his mission. Nehemiah responds to each one with boldness and wit.
This Bible study will give practical ideas on how to deal with attacks and opposition today. Will they finish the wall, or will the mission get delayed? Join us to find out.
Nehemiah 6 - Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/nehemiah-studies/nehemiah6/
Nehemiah E-book - https://studyandobey.com/product/study-nehemiah-ebook-a-practical-bible-study-guide/
Study and Obey Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/study-and-obey/id1571266150
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Nehemiah had faced and handled intense opposition from outside. Now the nation faced an internal crisis. The rich were exploiting the poor. They were taking advantage of others because they could. Not only was this practice against the law, it threatened the very existence of the Jewish remnant.
When Nehemiah heard of this problem, he quickly mobilized to deal with it. The methods he used were quick and decisive.
We can learn from this Bible study on Nehemiah 5 the importance of taking decisive action to deal with temptation. Other lessons include accountability, being doers of the word, and leadership.
Nehemiah 5 - Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/nehemiah-studies/nehemiah5/
Nehemiah E-book - https://studyandobey.com/product/study-nehemiah-ebook-a-practical-bible-study-guide/
Study and Obey Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/study-and-obey/id1571266150
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Serving God is often not easy. Nehemiah was serious about helping God's people. He had spent months planning, preparing, and praying. God opened the door for him to go to Jerusalem with the blessing of the king and rebuild the walls. The people were united and the work began. Everything seemed to be going well.
But where God is working, his enemies are also active. Nehemiah faced extremely intense opposition. His enemies persevered in foiling his mission. How did he respond? How does his example encourage us today?
If you are encountering opposition in your service for the Lord, this chapter is for you!
Nehemiah 4 - Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/nehemiah-studies/nehemiah4/
Nehemiah E-book - https://studyandobey.com/product/study-nehemiah-ebook-a-practical-bible-study-guide/
Study and Obey Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/study-and-obey/id1571266150
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After months of prayer, preparation, and planning, it was time to rebuild the wall. Nehemiah organized the people into groups, and each group repaired the wall in front of their own homes.
From this Bible study on Nehemiah 3, we can learn important lessons about unity, team, diligence, and perseverance.
No matter their background or occupation, every person had a role to play. When they worked together as a team, amazing things can happen.
This chapter can also encourage us as we build God's kingdom in the 21st century. Join us as we discover how the work of rebuilding these ancient walls can apply to our lives today.
Nehemiah 3 - Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/nehemiah-studies/nehemiah2-19-3-32/
Nehemiah E-book - https://studyandobey.com/product/study-nehemiah-ebook-a-practical-bible-study-guide/
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Nehemiah had spent months praying about the desperate state of his people and the city of Jerusalem. This showed his heart of compassion. But Nehemiah didn't just think about the problem, he was a man of action.
When the opportunity to talk to the king came, Nehemiah sprang into action. This chapter shows how powerful it can be when a lifestyle of private prayer is linked with spontaneous prayer.
Nehemiah understood that his life could be on the line by even showing his personal feelings in front of the king. How did he become so bold? And how do prayer, preparation, and planning all work together? Find out in this Bible study of Nehemiah 2.
Nehemiah 2 - Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/nehemiah-studies/nehemiah2-1-18/
Nehemiah E-book - https://studyandobey.com/product/study-nehemiah-ebook-a-practical-bible-study-guide/
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Nehemiah is very practical book about a very interesting time in Israel's history. From the Bible study on this book, we will learn key themes about perseverance, prayer, building God's kingdom, leadership, and temptation.
Nehemiah 1 looks at the background of the time period. There is a problem. The city of Jerusalem and its walls are in disrepair. Enter Nehemiah. He is cup-bearer to the king of Persia. Though he lives far away from Jerusalem, it and its people are close to his heart.
He is a man of action. See the most important actions he takes in response to the problem. From his model, you will learn many practical lessons to apply today, including the importance of prayer.
Nehemiah 1 - Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/nehemiah-studies/nehemiah1/
Nehemiah E-book - https://studyandobey.com/product/study-nehemiah-ebook-a-practical-bible-study-guide/
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This sermon was originally shared in church on April 9th, 2023 for resurrection Sunday. It looks at the suffering servant in Isaiah 53.
The chapter is emotionally moving and rich theologically. Learn how the important lessons within can change your life today.
This Philemon 17-25 Bible study concludes Paul's letter to Philemon. In his appeal on behalf of the slave (now his brother) Onesimus, Paul gets personal. He uses every tool in his toolbox to encourage Philemon to do the right thing and forgive.
Paul's intensely personal appeal reminds us how important it is to care for others and use every way possible to encourage them to follow the Lord.
Join us as we conclude Philemon to learn how the lessons from this letter can apply to your life and relationships today.
Philemon 17-25 - Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/philemon-studies/philemon-17-25/
Study and Obey Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/study-and-obey/id1571266150
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This Philemon 11-16 Bible study looks at Paul's appeal to Philemon on behalf of Onesimus. Paul was an apostle and could have commanded Philemon what to do. But instead, he asks him.
Join us to learn some of the reasons why asking can often be better than commanding.
Philemon 11-16 - Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/philemon-studies/philemon-11-16/
Study and Obey Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/study-and-obey/id1571266150
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The word forgiveness is not found in the book of Philemon, but the principle of Christian forgiveness permeates throughout.
In this letter, you will see that the principles of Christian love and kindness change lives, relationships, and society. These changes are not top-down. They are not accomplished through revolution. Rather, things change as God's grace touches people one by one in a personal way.
Join us in this Bible study of Philemon 1-10 for practical ways to see your life and relationships transformed.
Philemon 1-10 - Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/philemon-studies/philemon-1-10/
Study and Obey Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/study-and-obey/id1571266150
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This Bible study on Titus 3:8-15 looks at the importance of focusing on important issues and not getting sidetracked.
There are many things that can derail us from living fruitful lives for the Lord. One is debating and arguing about foolish things. Paul makes it clear to Titus that believers should not get sucked into such fruitless discussion.
It takes mental discipline and most importantly focusing on Christ to keep from getting sidetracked. Find out more in this verse-by-verse Bible study.
Learn how the Bible speaks out about slavery and also how how Christian principles can change society from the inside out.
Titus 3:8-15 - Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/titus-studies/titus-3-8-15/
Study and Obey Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/study-and-obey/id1571266150
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This Bible study on Titus 3:1-7 looks at how the gospel transforms our life in mind, attitude, and behavior toward others. God gives us high standards to follow such as being perfectly courteous toward all!
It is the Holy Spirit who gives us new life and direction and empowers us to live for Him.
Learn about how Christ gives new life and what that practically means for you in this verse-by-verse study.
Learn how the Bible speaks out about slavery and also how how Christian principles can change society from the inside out.
Titus 3:1-7 - Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/titus-studies/titus-3/
Study and Obey Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/study-and-obey/id1571266150
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This Titus 2:11-15 Bible study reminds us of the grace of God in our life. God's grace appeared in the flesh in the form of Jesus Christ. Those who experience that grace will not ever be the same.
He transforms our minds, attitudes, behavior, and perspective.
In this study be refreshed by the grace of God and motivated to declare it to others.
Titus 2:11-15- Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/titus-studies/titus-2-11-15/
Study and Obey Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/study-and-obey/id1571266150
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Titus 2:6-10 continues looking at the roles of believers in the church, focusing on young men and servants. Also, what does the Bible say about slaves?
Learn how the Bible speaks out about slavery and also how how Christian principles can change society from the inside out.
Titus 2:6-10- Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/titus-studies/titus-2-6-10/
Study and Obey Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/study-and-obey/id1571266150
Daniel Bible Study guide E-book - https://studyandobey.com/product/daniel-bible-study-guide/
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Titus 2:1-5 Bible study looks at the roles of each member in a healthy church. No one should consider that their role is insignificant. Every single believer has a part to play from the older men and women to those who are younger.
Learn about the character God is looking for in you so that you can actively build up the body.
Is your role important? What is it?
Check out this study to find out.
Titus 2:1-5 - Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/titus-studies/titus-2-1-5/
Study and Obey Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/study-and-obey/id1571266150
Daniel Bible Study guide E-book - https://studyandobey.com/product/daniel-bible-study-guide/
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Titus 1:9-16 Bible study looks at how church leaders are to deal with false teaching. Many churches have gone astray because leaders haven't held on to God's Word firmly as Paul commands them to do here.
Learn about the importance of holding on to Scripture and avoiding slippery slopes of compromise that lead the flock away from God.
Titus 1:9-16 - Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/titus-studies/titus-1-9-16/
Study and Obey Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/study-and-obey/id1571266150
Daniel Bible Study guide E-book - https://studyandobey.com/product/daniel-bible-study-guide/
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Titus 1:1-8 Bible study looks at Paul's greeting, his relationship with Titus, and instructions on the qualifications for church elders. A healthy church begins with healthy leadership.
We look at some of the reasons why the Biblical model of a team of elders is beneficial. Then we look at specific qualifications for choosing elders.
These character qualities are something every believer should strive for and something we should look for in the leaders of the church we choose to attend.
Titus 1:1-8 - Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/titus-studies/titus-1-1-8/
Study and Obey Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/study-and-obey/id1571266150
Daniel Bible Study guide E-book - https://studyandobey.com/product/daniel-bible-study-guide/
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Daniel 12 Bible study looks at two important end-time topics, the tribulation and the final resurrection. Knowing that death is not the end and all people, believers and unbelievers, will be raised to face God directly affects our life right now.
The resurrection reminds us that we all have personal accountability for the life that we live. It means that our lives right now are more meaningful and important. The decisions we make now can influence our eternal destiny.
Learn the practical implications of the tribulation and final resurrection in this study on Daniel 12.
Daniel 12 - Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/daniel-studies/daniel-12/
Study and Obey Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/study-and-obey/id1571266150
Daniel Bible Study guide E-book - https://studyandobey.com/product/daniel-bible-study-guide/
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Daniel 11 prophecies hundreds of years of war between the Seleucid and Ptolemy dynasties. Israel was caught between a rock and a hard place, with the King of the North (Seleucids) on one side and the King of the South (Ptolemies) on the other.
God told them what to expect so that their faith could remain strong even in times of trial.
When we face trials today, we can also remember that God controls the future and has a plan for us.
Daniel 11 - Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/daniel-studies/daniel-11/
Study and Obey Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/study-and-obey/id1571266150
Daniel Bible Study guide E-book - https://studyandobey.com/product/daniel-bible-study-guide/
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Daniel 10 gives an amazing behind-the-scenes look into the spiritual realm. There are some key clues in this passage which show us how Satanic forces seek to influence the world, culture, governments, and politics. At the same time, it shows us how God opposes the forces of Satan to accomplish His perfect purposes.
Gaining insight into the spiritual can help us be victorious as we resist evil forces in our everyday life and learn to depend on God through the power of prayer.
Daniel 10 - Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/daniel-studies/daniel-10/
Daniel Bible Study guide E-book - https://studyandobey.com/product/daniel-bible-study-guide/
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Daniel 9:20-27 records some of the most detailed prophesies in the entire Bible, accurately predicting the timeline for world history. The seventy weeks of Daniel are one of the most studied (and most controversial) Scriptures in the Bible.
Where do we fit into this prophesy? Are we near the end? What are the practical applications for us today?
Join in our Bible study of Daniel 9:20-27 to find out.
Daniel 9:20-27 - Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/daniel-studies/daniel-9-20-27/
Study and Obey Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/study-and-obey/id1571266150
Daniel Bible Study guide E-book - https://studyandobey.com/product/daniel-bible-study-guide/
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Daniel 9 records one of the most beautiful prayer's of confession in the Bible. This prayer is both theologically rich and very practical. A careful study of Daniel's prayer can help you grow in your own walk with God.
Daniel 9:1-19 Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/daniel-studies/daniel-9-1-19/
Study and Obey Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/study-and-obey/id1571266150
Daniel Bible Study guide E-book - https://studyandobey.com/product/daniel-bible-study-guide/
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Daniel 8 Bible study on the goat and the ram. Join us to discover how this enigmatic passage applies to our lives today.
Daniel 8 Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/daniel-studies/daniel-8/
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Daniel 7 begins a transition in the book from the narrative account of Daniel's life in Babylon to a record of the dreams and visions God gave him. These can be challenging and complex.
For many years, I shied away from the second half of Daniel because of its difficulty level. And I wrongly assumed it wasn't very practical.
After taking the time to study it now, I am glad I did! The message of these chapters is glorifying to God and immensely practical. At the same time, it is fascinating. We hope you continue studying with us through the rest of the book as we believe it will be well worth your time.
Daniel 7 Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/daniel-studies/daniel-7/
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Daniel 6 is one of the most famous Sunday School stories in the Bible. It is one of the first stories we teach our kids. But Daniel 6 is filled with lessons for adults.
His enemies desperately tried to find any dirt they could on him. But in the end the only "problem" they could dig out was that he prayed too much.
They then convinced the king to pass one of the most bizarre laws ever enacted. See how Daniel responds to that law and what lessons we can apply to our own lives today in this Bible study of Daniel 6.
Daniel 6 Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/daniel-studies/daniel6/
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Daniel 5 Bible study covers the events of the last night of the Babylonian empire, before its defeat at the hands of the Persians. Daniel is now an old man and seasoned after many decades of service to Babylonians kings.
However, the new king is not a fan. He only turns to Daniel for help in interpreting the handwriting on the wall as a last resort. Daniel never misses an opportunity to be a testimony for God in the court and this is no exception. He lectures the king about his pride and rebellion toward the Lord.
From Daniel's communication, we can learn important lessons on boldness and wisdom as well as how to faithfully shine the light in the darkness.
Daniel 5 Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/daniel-studies/daniel5/
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A major theme in the book of Daniel is God's interaction with King Nebuchadnezzar, who features heavily in each of the first 4 chapters. The king rules over a great empire and it is has gone to its head. God repeatedly teaches him lessons in humility, but Nebuchadnezzar has not yet learned them.
The bad news for the ruler is that pride goes before the fall and he is going to have a great fall. The good news is God is not yet done teaching him.
Will Nebuchadnezzar repent? Is he saved? And what do the lessons he learns in this passage have to do with our life today?
Those are some of the questions this Bible study on Daniel 4 look at.
Daniel 4 Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/daniel-studies/daniel4/
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Daniel 3:16-30 Bible study reveals the exciting conclusion of this two-part study on Daniel's friends and the fiery furnace. These young men are taken before the king to explain their refusal to worship the idol. And they are given a second chance. The choices are conform or die.
Their boldness and faith are an amazing testimony that it is possible to put God first and stand up to the pressures of the world.
Learn how their story can apply to your life today.
Daniel 3:16-30 Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/daniel-studies/daniel-3-16-30/
Daniel Bible Study guide E-book - https://studyandobey.com/product/daniel-bible-study-guide/
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Daniel 3:1-15 Bible study continues to look at the life of the Jewish exiles in Babylon. Things are getting worse. Now all the officials in the entire kingdom are being forced to bow to a newly minted idol, showcasing Nebuchadnezzar's power and glory.
The massive crowds are commanded to worship the idol at the signal. There is nowhere to hide, nowhere to run. When all of the others kneel down, the Jewish youth will be discovered. They have no choice but to give in to the powers that be. Or do they?
The faith and courage of these young men is the backbone of one of the most well-known stories in the Bible. Their examples can teach us many things today, including how to stand up to peer pressure.
We hope you enjoy this inspiring study and are transformed by it.
Daniel 3:1-15 Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/daniel-studies/daniel3/
Daniel Bible Study guide E-book - https://studyandobey.com/product/daniel-bible-study-guide/
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The last passage ended with Daniel praying in his home for help while the king was threatening to kill him and all the other wise men in the city. In Daniel 2:19-49, we see God's answer to prayer.
He has a message for Nebuchadnezzar, teaching him that God alone is sovereign and on the highest throne. His kingdom alone endures forever. The Lord wants Nebuchadnezzar to learn humility.
And He has a message for us. Although Daniel is still but a youth, he once again finds himself standing in front of the king. This time, a wrong word will mean the death sentence of hundreds, maybe thousands.
How will Daniel react? What will he say? And how should his example influence our lives today?
Check out the whole Bible study on Daniel 2:19-49 to find out.
Daniel 2 Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/daniel-2-19-49/
Daniel Bible Study guide E-book - https://studyandobey.com/product/daniel-bible-study-guide/
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This Bible study on Daniel 2 looks at Nebuchadnezzar's dream of the statue and Daniel's interpretation. The wise men had no answer and the king was tired of their games. In a rage, he commanded that all of these wise court counselors be gathered up and executed unless they could tell him the dream and its interpretation.
How did Daniel react when he heard this news? What did he tell the king? And what can we learn from Daniel's example.
Join with us in this inspiring study on Daniel 2:1-18 to find out.
Daniel 2 Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/daniel-studies/daniel2/
Daniel Bible Study guide E-book - https://studyandobey.com/product/daniel-bible-study-guide/
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Daniel 1 Bible study is the first in our new series on the book of Daniel and sets the stage for the rest of the book. Daniel and some other Jewish youths are forcefully exiled to a far away land. Once there, they face tremendous pressure to conform to the culture of their conquerors.
It is a dark land and they are immediately faced with a challenging test. How will these youth respond to the temptations they are facing? Where did their courage come from? What can we learn from their courage and their wisdom for today?
Join with us in this exciting series on the life of Daniel.
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Philippians 4:10-23 Bible study looks at Paul's communication with the Philippians on giving. They were one of the only churches in this time period to help Paul financially. Paul shares with them principles for giving as well as examples from his personal life on how to be content in every situation.
From this Bible study you can learn about the importance of generosity, supporting kingdom workers, and also the secret to contentment.
Money is one of the most common topics in all of Scripture. Having the right attitude toward money and materials in a world that makes an idol of it is difficult, but not impossible. This Bible passage can help you take one step in that direction and learn how to honor God with your money.
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Only a few people in the Bible are described as walking with God. But what does it mean to walk with God?
This message was originally shared with Guangzhou International Christian Fellowship and looks at what we can learn from the life of Noah about what it means to walk with God.
We hope that this message will also encourage you in your walk with Him.
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Philippians 4:1-9 Bible study looks at the importance of unity, prayer, and the thought life for the believer. Our sin causes spiritual entropy as the natural tendency is for disunity and conflict.
Maintaining unity in the church can be hard work. We have different backgrounds, experiences, personalities, and opinions. That is a challenge. But it is also beautiful to see so many different parts working together in harmony.
Following Christ is about being on His team with Him as the head.
We hope you will join in with us in study of this passage as you consider how to improve your relationships in the family of God and strive for greater harmony.
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Philippians 3:1-11 Bible study looks at a practical passage where Paul goes through and discusses his worldly achievements and status and how he views those things through the light of the gospel.
Christians are often viewed as weak or having a lack of confidence. And in modern culture, assertiveness is viewed as a strength. But are Christians weak? Do we have confidence? Or does that confidence just come from somewhere else?
These are some of the questions we look at in this practical Bible study. This passage in Philippians 3 can help you develop a proper view of yourself.
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Philippians 2:12-30 Bible study looks at the most important question you will ever ask, "Am I saved?"
In this passage believers are to "work out" their salvation with "fear and trembling." How do you do that? And why is it important? Find the answers to these questions and more in this verse-by-verse study of Philippians 2.
This Bible study also looks at many practical aspects of living out our faith including obedience, joyful living, and serving others.
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Philippians 3:12-20 Bible study looks at Paul's instructions on forgetting what is behind and pressing on toward what is ahead. In some ways, believers should have short-term memories.
We should forget our successes so that we do not become prideful. And we should forget our mistakes so that we do not live in the past and stay down.
Are you living in the past? Were you successful yesterday? How can you move on from a failure or a success and fulfill the calling God has given you.
Join us in this study of Philippians 3 and maybe God will give you the answer.
Philippians 3:12-20 Bible study companions questions available on our website - https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/philippians-studies/philippians3-12-20/
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Philippians 2:1-11 Bible study covers one of the most powerful passages in the Bible.
A Christian is a follower of Christ. That means we are to act the same way He did. But how did He act? What was His character like? And how does following Christ impact our day-to-day lives?
Those are some of the questions this study will cover.
In addition to the doctrine of the incarnation, we will learn practical ways to live in humility, serve others, and be unselfish. Do all of these regularly and your life will be transformed!
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Philippians is a book filled with practical points on Christian living. Many of these practical applications on Christian living come directly from the life of Paul. He shares many of his own experiences with the Philippians as well as what God is doing in the middle of these experiences, and how God is using them in His life and for the kingdom.
The church was doing very well so apparently didn’t have a lot of need to have the foundation of the gospel or basic doctrines taught again. They needed to know how to apply those truths to their lives.
In this Bible study on Philippians 1:19-30 we also will learn how to respond to trials, the importance of using time well, and how to live worthy of the gospel.
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We are excited to launch a new Bible study on the book of Philippians. This study will help you not only understand the meaning of the book, but also how it applies to our lives today.
The first study covers Philippians 1:1-18. In this Scripture, we see a glimpse into Paul's rich prayers for the believers. We also get a behind-the-scenes look into Paul's own feelings and struggles as he was wrongfully imprisoned in Rome.
Whether you are facing persecution like Paul or are enjoying smooth sailing, there is something in this passage for you. Let us learn how to go beyond surface prayers and get to the root of the issues. Share in the comments below how this passage encouraged you in your own prayer life. We would love to hear from you.
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The last passage in Revelation contains final reminders, warnings, and promises from Jesus. He promises to come soon.
What does that have to do with us? How should the knowledge of Jesus' return effect our lives today? Do you live differently knowing He is coming?
This Bible study on Revelation 22:8-21 looks at these questions. We also examine the titles used for Jesus in this chapter including: Alpha and Omega, Morningstar, and the root and descendant of David.
After 36 lessons, we have finally reached the end of Revelation. Don't miss out on the conclusion to this exciting series!
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Revelation 22:1-7 is a beautiful description of what God is store for His children. It doesn't answer all of our questions about heaven (or even close). But He does tell us what we need to know. And when we look carefully, we can learn many details.
For example, is heaven boring? Will we do the same thing every day?
In this study you will discover some clues to these questions and more.
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Revelation 21:9-27 Bible study looks at the new Jerusalem. It is not a place like anything you have ever seen or heard before. It is specifically designed by God for His people. Every aspect will reflect His character and creative power. And this creation will not be stained by sin.
How does knowing about your eternal home change your life now? There are many lessons in this passage that we can apply right now. Join with us as we study Revelation 21 and let the hope of the future encourage you today.
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Are you satisfied with your prayer life? One survey of 860 church pastors said the following: just 16 percent are very satisfied with their personal prayer lives. Forty-seven percent are somewhat satisfied, 30 percent somewhat dissatisfied and 7 percent very dissatisfied.
The passage today is not a complicated one.
We will look at four aspects of prayer. Each one is simple to understand. But if you practice these four aspects, you are well on your way to a fulfilling prayer life that will draw you into a close and personal relationship with the Lord.
For more Bible studies, visit our website at: https://studyandobey.com.
See the written version of this sermon here: https://studyandobey.com/colossians-4-2-4-sermon/
Revelation 21:1-8 Bible study on the new heaven and new earth. Many people think that we will live in heaven forever. But is heaven the eternal home for believers? This passage not only tells us where we will live, but describes some of the amazing blessings in store there.
But what is the practical value of studying about heaven and the future? How does it impact our life today? These are some of the questions we will look at in this Revelation Bible study series.
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Revelation 20:11-15 is one of the most frightening passages on the Bible. People don't want to study it. People don't want to preach it. But it is necessary. This passage contains a fundamental truth that is disastrous to ignore.
What happens after death? Where will you go? Who will decide? And how?
These are some of the life-altering questions we look at in this Bible study. And you need to know the answers about tomorrow to make wise choices today.
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Revelation 20:1-10 Bible study on the millennial reign of Christ.
The millennium is one of the most debated time periods of eschatology. Is it real? Is it literal? Are we in it now?
This Bible study looks at what the Bible has to say on these topics while at the same time focusing on what unites believers in our faith.
What is your view of the millennium? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.
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Revelation 19:11-21 Bible study on Jesus' 2nd coming and armageddon.
I was amazed when I looked up a survey which said that 79% of Americans believe Jesus will return to the earth someday. It was surprising to me that so many people say they believe Jesus will return to earth, but then they live as if He won’t.
Perhaps they think that when He comes back, everybody will enter paradise and it will be one big happy reunion.
But what will really happen when Jesus returns to the earth?
Today we are studying the Return of the King. And we will see that the King who returns is very different than many people expect.
How does His return effect our lives today? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
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Revelation 19:1-10 Bible study looks at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. The disasters and judgments of the past chapters are mostly past. And the light of hope glimmers through the darkness.
That is really the message of Revelation. There is hope. There is light at the end of the tunnel. One day all the trials and difficulties we face will be over. We will be in the Lord's presence where the light will cast out all sin, all darkness, all fear, and all worry.
How are we supposed to prepare for that day? And how does this passage help prepare us for meeting the Lord?
Find out more in this Bible study of Revelation 19:1-10.
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Revelation 18 Bible study.
When we study Revelation it is easy to feel it is a bit alien and foreign to us. After all, it is a vision of the future. So how does the future affect our present?
Imagine for a minute that before you get married God would show you a sign marked either “successful” or “unsuccessful.” That sign would show if your marriage will be good or not. Would you want to see this sign? And if the sign said, “unsuccessful,” would that affect your decision?
The book of Revelation is like this. It shows us that people are on one of two paths. It then shows us the final destination of those paths.
Some might ask if Revelation is practical. It is extremely practical because when you know where the different paths are heading, you can make a wise decision to choose the right path.
I have titled today’s Bible study, “Two Ways.” We will see two distinct paths and the destination if you choose the wrong one.
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Revelation 17 Bible study. In this Bible study we examine the world system that sets itself up in opposition to God. There are many aspects of this system including political, religious, and economic. In the end times these various philosophies will unite under the banner of the one-world religion and the antichrist.
Revelation contains many complex ideas, symbols, and imageries. But how do these things apply to our lives today? And how do we respond to popular philosophies such as tolerance and inclusivity?
This Bible study on Revelation 17 can help you navigate a world full of mines with discernment and truth.
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Revelation 16:8-21 Bible study. The last four bowl judgments are poured out upon the earth. During this time of judgment the world will be a chaotic wasteland. But even then, Satan will still be working. His demons will go out to deceive the nations.
God's people are commanded to "stay awake." Then, and now, believers need to be alert so that they will not fall be influenced by worldly ideas.
God shows us the end destination of the road of sin and pleasure so that we will avoid that path. Though it is attractive now, its end is destruction.
How can you stay awake and grow in discernment?
Check out this practical study on Revelation 16:8-21 to find the answers to these questions and more.
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Revelation 16:1-7 Bible study. The last set of seven judgments is about to be unleashed upon the earth. God pours out His wrath as the judgments intensify in severity and scale.
The events are sobering and we can't help but feel sorrowful reading what is going to happen to the world and to mankind.
Why are such painful events recorded in Scripture? What do they teach us about God's character? And what lessons can we apply today?
Check out this practical study on Revelation 16 to find the answers to these questions and more.
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Revelation 15 Bible study covers a transition period between the trumpet and bowl judgments. God's plan is quickly moving forward and will soon culminate with the return of Jesus.
But before that, there are seven more judgments that will be poured out upon the earth. The intensity of the judgments continues to escalate.
Why does a righteous God pour out wrath on the earth? What is the divine purpose of judgment?
Check out this practical study on Revelation to find out.
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Revelation 14 Bible study reminds us that in the darkest of nights God is still working. In the end-times period, He will be saving people around the world. And just to make sure every single person on the globe hears the gospel, He will send three angels to proclaim His message from the sky.
What does that have to do with us today? And what lessons does this teach us about God?
Check out this practical study on Revelation to find out.
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Revelation 13 Bibles study introduces us to two beasts from hell and the mark of the beast. They will have great power, which they will use to deceive, destroy, and enslave. Who are these figures? Can we figure out their identity? Should we?
Sometimes the events of Revelation seem almost other-worldly. Yet even in these apocalyptic events, we can learn practical lessons that we can apply today.
Find out how you should respond to Revelation 13 and if there is anything you can do to prepare for this frightening future.
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Revelation 12 Bible study shows us a behind-the-scenes view of the battle between God and Satan stretching across the universe. The dragon does everything he can to thwart God's plans. He fights God in heaven. He fights God on earth. He fights God using people as pawns. He fights against God's Son. And He fights across time from long before Jesus was ever born.
What is the result of this war? And how does it affect us today in the 21st century?
Find out the practical implications of this cosmic battle in this Bible study on Revelation 12.
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Revelation 11 Bible study looks at the two witnesses in Jerusalem. This is the darkest of times in world history. Evil will seem to be winning. Persecution of believers will be widespread. Censorship and oppression will be the rule of the day. Believers who speak up for truth will be martyred.
But God does not abandon the world. He will not stop working. Instead, He sends two anointed witnesses as beacons of the truth. Under His divine protection, they will not be silenced.
Join with us as we study Revelation 11 and learn how this amazing story affects our understanding of God and our lives today.
These are some of the questions we look at in this intriguing passage in Revelation 11.
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Revelation 10 Bible study looking at the transition between the sixth and seventh trumpet judgments. This chapter is a little bit surprising in that there are hints God is going to do something amazing, but John is told not to write about it. It is the only time in Revelation John is specifically told not to write what he witnessed.
Why this teaser then? Why doesn't God reveal this part of His plan to us? Should we speculate on areas that God did not reveal to us?
These are some of the questions we look at in this intriguing passage in Revelation 10.
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Bible study on Revelation 9 looks at the fifth and sixth trumpet judgments. It will be a dark and terrible time for the world, like hell on earth.
Why would God allow such destruction? What does this teach us about God? How do God's mercy and judgment work together? What lessons are there for us today? These are some of the questions we will be looking at.
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Bible study on Revelation 8 looks at the seventh seal judgment and the first four trumpet judgments. As people continue to rebel, God's judgments intensify.
Some of the descriptions of the judgments are hard to comprehend: mountains plunging into the sea, oceans turning to blood, an asteroid hitting the earth. Should we take these literally or symbolically? And what application can we get today from these apocalyptic events of the future?
Join us as we delve into Revelation 8 to find these answers and learn how to obey the lessons of Revelation in our lives today.
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Revelation 7 is sandwiched between two chapters with some of the worse judgments in the book of Revelation. And it is filled with God's mercy. God has not stopped working. Even His judgments are a way to wake up a lethargic world and bring them to their senses before it is too late.
In this chapter He seals 144,000 with a special mark on their forehead. Who are they and why are they sealed? What is the result of their service?
Join us and find the answers to these and more questions as we study and obey Revelation 7.
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Jesus entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday and was welcomed as a king. If this happened today, his visit would be livestreamed around the world and videos of His encounters there would be sure to go viral.
Though we don't have a video recording, we have something just as good. All of the most important events and teachings of Jesus' last days are recorded in Scripture for us.
As I was preparing a sermon for Palm Sunday, I realized that Jesus was very intentional in these last few days. Everything He said and did was planned out to leave a very important lesson for future generations.
The things Jesus did and talked about were very unorthodox. Many people surely felt uncomfortable. It was anything, but a normal visit by a dignitary. Join with us as we zoom out and look at some of the key encounters of Jesus over His last days before His death. The lessons we learn from Him in holy week can change our lives today.
It begins. The worst time period in the history of the world is starting. Seven years of disaster. Some man-made and some supernatural. God's wrath is going to be poured out against sin. And yet His grace will never be absent.
In this Bible study on Revelation 6 we look at the first six seal judgments including the four horsemen of the apocalypse.
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In this Bible study of Revelation 5 all attention is focused on the scroll. What are its contents? Who will open it? What is going to happen?
Things are about to start happening very quickly. Huge numbers of cosmic and supernatural events will occur one after the other for 7 years.
And it all starts with Jesus. He is the Lion of Judah and the Root of David. Revelation shows us a side of Jesus that we didn't see at His first coming. And that is what Revelation is about...the Revelation of Jesus. All will see Him as He is.
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In this Bible study of Revelation 4 we get the first glimpse in Revelation of the throne room in heaven. And as John is privileged to experience this, the first thing He sees is God on His throne.
Though the world will be in chaos, God has a plan. Revelation is not primarily about the beasts, the mark, the world empire, the antichrist, the seals, the trumpets, or any other sensational thing. It is about God ruling the earth and bringing it to His desired conclusion.
Join us in this transition chapter as the focus shifts from the church age to the end times.
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In this Bible study on Ezra 10, the people have to face the consequences for their sin in intermarrying with unbelievers. That sin is threatening the small remnant with disaster if it is not quickly solved.
A harsh and unpleasant solution is offered, which is going to hurt. Sin sometimes brings us into the middle of terrible dilemmas from which there is no good way out.
Yet the good news is God is always merciful and no matter how many times we fall, He still is there waiting to forgive.
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In this Bible study of Revelation 3:14-22 we will see Jesus' harsh criticisms of the church of Laodicea. There are many similarities between this church and the Western church today.
Materialistic. Self-sufficient. Prosperous.
All of that is nothing without a personal relationship to Christ. Follow along this Bible study and be challenged to rely on Christ and nothing else.
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In this Bible study on Ezra 9, Ezra is confronted with some bad news. The people have been disobeying God's commands and intermarrying with unbelievers.
Ezra is devasted by this news and his reactions border on extreme and violent. Are those reactions justified?
And what does Ezra's prayer teach us about what true confession looks like? Join with us in studying Ezra 9 to find 12 practical principles on true confession.
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In this Bible study on Ezra 8, Ezra prepares a second group of people to return to the promised land. Before they leave, they fast and pray, showing their reliance upon God.
This chapter contains a long genealogy and lists of all the items they brig back. But what can we learn from these lists? If we follow the principles Ezra used, many church scandals would be avoided.
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In this Bible study on Ezra 7 the the namesake of this book makes his debut. Ezra is a scribe who leads a second group of exiles back to the Promised Land.
In this study we look at one of the very best verses in the Bible, Ezra 7:10. In this verse we learn to study and obey God's Word with all our heart, which is the core goal of this channel.
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In this Bible study on Ezra 6 the people seek to finish building the temple. They had been delayed and almost gave it up. There had been a lot of adversity and opposition. Starting something is always easier than finishing it.
Will the people finally finish the mission God gave them or will their spiritual roller coaster continue? Tune in to find out and to learn how we can also be motivated to finish the race we are running today.
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In this Bible study of Revelation 3:7-13 we will see what Jesus says to the church of Philadelphia. This church was doing well. They were one of only two churches along with Smyrna that was not criticized by Jesus.
But Jesus told them that they had little power. How could they remain faithful when they were so weak? From Jesus' letter to this church we are reminded at the importance of relying on Christ.
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This Bible study on Ezra 5 continues to follow the Jewish remnant back in Jerusalem. The people had faced opposition rebuilding the temple and quit for 16 years. During that time, they focused on their own wealth and prosperity instead of the Lord.
But God is merciful. He sends His prophets to warn them. And they continue the work again.
This Bible study reminds us that it is never too late to get back on track and put God first. Perhaps you have spent some time pursuing the world instead of God. Now is the day to seek first His kingdom and start working for Him.
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This Bible study on Ezra 4 sees the people of Judah back in Jerusalem beginning the project of rebuilding the temple. Everything is going well. Everyone is excited. They have begun celebrating, the ancient festivals, restarted the sacrifices, and are victoriously following the Lord and seeking for building His kingdom.
Then the attacks come. Serious opposition mounts to their mission. How will they respond? And how do we respond when we face opposition trying to keep us from building God's kingdom? Join us in this Bible study on Ezra 4 for important reminders on how to faithfully keep building God's kingdom.
In this Bible study we will see how important it is to put God first, work together in unity, and build God's kingdom. Each of us is entrusted with gifts and talents which we should put to use.
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In this Bible study of Revelation 3:1-6 we will see what Jesus says to the church of Sardis. The church has a big problem. It is dying. Problems don't get much bigger than that.
Even so, there was still hope. Jesus offered the Holy Spirit. He could bring revival. Forgiveness and salvation were still possible. But repentance was necessary.
Churches die when the gospel is not preached. How can we make sure that we know the gospel, preach the gospel, and live by the gospel?
No matter what problems you have or how serious they are (even as bad as those of Sardis), Jesus offers the solution. Join us for this Bible study of Revelation 3:1-6 to see how Jesus can wake you up and strengthen you.
Bible study of Revelation 3:1-6 with discussion questions for small group study. -
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This Bible study on Revelation 2:18-29 looks at the fourth of seven letters from Jesus to the churches. It is the Church of Thyatira. The world was infiltrating this church and seducing it's members to immorality.
But this church also received commendation. Many in the church were faithful. They had works, love, and service.
In this Bible study we learn the importance of relying on Christ to have victory over temptation. And we see that tolerance is not always a good thing.
Bible study of Revelation 2:18-29 with discussion questions for small group study. -
This practical Bible study on Ruth 4 takes a look at how Boaz redeems Ruth and compares that with Jesus redeeming us. Boaz clearly points us to Jesus.
There are also many lessons for singles and couples which are helpful for our relationships today.
Full written Bible study on Ruth 4 with discussion questions which you can use in a small group Bible study -
Study and Obey Ruth E-book:
This Bible study on Ezra 3 sees the remnant of Judah back in Jerusalem. They have been in exile for seventy years. And God has preserved them. Now that they are back, what are they going to do? Will they change their attitude and behavior from before?
In this Bible study we will see how important it is to put God first, work together in unity, and build God's kingdom. Each of us is entrusted with gifts and talents which we should put to use.
Bible study of Ezra 3 with discussion questions for small group study. -
This Bible study on Ezra 1-2 is the first of a series covering the book of Ezra. During this historical period God restored His people to the Promised Land after a 70 year exile in Babylon. Important themes in the book include promise, hope, forgiveness, building God's kingdom, and true repentance.
In this study we see that God stirred the hearts of the king and of the people. And they responded.
What calling has God placed in your heart? Are you responding to this call? The lessons from the book of Ezra are very practical for our modern lives as we too seek to build God's kingdom.
Bible study of Ezra 1-2 with discussion questions for small group study. -
This Bible study on Revelation 2:12-17 looks at the third of seven letters from Jesus to the churches. It is the Church of Pergamum. This is known as the compromising church.
Although in name they followed Christ, many in the church were being influenced by the world around them. And temptation was everywhere.
From this letter we learn how important it is to be aware of the tempting influences in the world around us and stand firm on the truth Word of God. Learn how you can protect your church, family, and mind from the onslaught of evil spiritual forces. Satan is often subtle and sneaky. But by having the right spiritual weapons and the right relationship, you can conquer.
Bible study of Revelation 2:8-11 with discussion questions for small group study. -
This Bible study on Revelation 2:8-11 is focused on the persecution that the Church of Smyrna was going to face.
Persecution is tough. No one wants to go through it, but John said that we should not be surprised when we face it. And Jesus told the Church of Smyrna that they were going to face persecution. It is one of only two churches that Jesus had no words of criticism for.
But he does offer some words of encouragement and counsel. If you are going through hard times, these words can comfort and strengthen you too.
Bible study of Revelation 2:8-11 with discussion questions for small group study. -
This Bible study on Revelation 2:1-7 covers Jesus' first of seven letters to the churches. He commends the church of Ephesus for its hard work and discernment. But they are criticized because they have lost their first love.
The series of the seven letters can change your life as you realize Jesus is also speaking to you. Have you lost your first love? Are you toiling for Him as you used to or have you grown weary?
Don't miss out on this timeless treasure as we unpack the lessons for us within.
Bible study of Revelation 2:1-7 with discussion questions for small group study. -
This Bible study on James 5 takes a look at how to respond to both good and bad situations. We learn how to respond to suffering, good times, and sickness.
Does sin cause sickness? What if the person repents? What should we do when we see others turning away from God? These are a few questions we will look at in this verse by verse study of James chapter 5:13-20.
Full written Bible study on James 5:13-20 with discussion questions which you can use in a small group Bible study -
Study and Obey James E-book:
This practical Bible study on Ruth 3 will help you study this passage verse by verse and apply the principles within.
In this passage Naomi proposed a very odd plan to get the ball rolling between Ruth and Boaz. While to our modern ears, it sounds strange, there are a number of principles that can apply to singles and those seeking marriage today.
Join with us in this Bible study on Ruth chapter 3 and see how this ancient text can help your relationship today.
Full written Bible study on Ruth 3 with discussion questions which you can use in a small group Bible study -
Study and Obey Ruth E-book:
This practical Bible study on Ruth 2 will help you study this passage verse by verse and apply the principles within.
Naomi and Ruth are back in Bethlehem, the house of bread. And Ruth wastes no time getting to work. While she is working, God is also at work behind the scenes. We will see in this study that God was orchestrating events to turn out in her favor.
In this chapter Ruth meets Boaz and all that was bad in her life starts to change. Both Ruth and Boaz are worthy characters and there are many lessons we can learn from them about diligence, generosity, communication, humility, respect, and prioritizing the Lord.
Join with us in this Bible study on Ruth chapter 2 and see how this ancient text can change our lives today.
Full written Bible study on Ruth 2 with discussion questions which you can use in a small group Bible study -
Study and Obey Ruth E-book:
This is the first Bible study in our series on the book of Ruth, a remarkable story of love and redemption. In this study we will see how Naomi's family left Bethlehem for what they thought were greener pastures. But after leaving, things only got worse.
As we follow Naomi and Ruth's journey we will learn that seeking God when making decisions is vital. And when we leave God's plan for our lives, then there will be negative consequences.
Join with us in this verse by verse study of Ruth 1 and learn how to make the right decisions the right way.
Full written Bible study on Ruth with discussion questions which you can use in a small group Bible study -
Study and Obey Ruth E-book:
In this Bible study of Revelation 1 Verses 17-20 we can see the person and character of Jesus as he interacts with John. When John saw Jesus he fell at his feet as though dead. It is then we see the kindness and love of Jesus in his response and words to John.
This verse by verse study was very encouraging to me. It shows us once again the wonderful Savior we serve. Every study is another reminder of how practical each passage of Scripture is and how it can change our attitudes and actions if we let it.
Bible study of Revelation 1:17-20 with discussion questions for small group study. -
In this passage James strongly rebukes the rich who exploit others to make more money. In this Bible study on James 5 we will look at several questions including:
Is it is in to be rich?
Is money good or bad?
What should I do with my money?
The Bible talks about money over and over again. It is because having the wrong attitude and perspective toward money is so common, and so dangerous.
Whether you are rich, poor, or in between in this Bible lesson you can learn how God wants you to view the materials He has given to you.
Full written Bible study on James 5:1-12
Study and Obey James E-book (With Discussion Questions):
What does Jesus look like? We should not get our view of Jesus from children's picture books or medieval paintings. While He was on earth, only a select few saw Him in glory. In this Bible study of Revelation 1 you can see Jesus in His true form. It is awesome and glorious. Each aspect of His character has an implication for our lives. Join as we not only study what Jesus is like, but seek to understand how that applies to our own lives today.
Bible study of Revelation 1:9-16 with discussion questions for small group study. -
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Should we judge or not? It is a common refrain to hear people say, "Don't judge me." But when the Bible says not to judge, does it really mean that we can never make a stand on what is right or wrong?
Through this Bible study on James 4:11-17 you will learn when it is OK to judge and when it isn't. And you will be reminded that life is short and we should always seek God's will when making decisions.
Full written Bible study on James 4:11-17
Study and Obey James E-book (With Discussion Questions):
750+ Free Bible Study Guides
One day in the future there will be no atheists. Jesus will be unveiled for all to see. He will come with the clouds. We will not only see Him. But every person will face Him and give an account to the Alpha and Omega. He has the final say. Are you ready?
Written Bible study of Revelation 1:4-8 -
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Revelation is a book that many people are uneasy about studying. It is mysterious and puzzling. There are beasts, plagues, metaphors, symbols, visions, and strange beings. Many of the best Bible scholars in the world do not agree on how to interpret it. This difficulty has led many to avoid the book altogether. Those who do are missing out.
It is not focused on beasts and plagues. It is the Revelation of Jesus. It is the record of how Jesus will be unveiled so that "every eye" will see Him.
This Bible study of Revelation 1:1-3 is the first in a series, which will take you through the book of Revelation one passage at a time.
Written Bible study of Revelation 1:1-3 -
750+ practical and free Bible studies -
How can I be happy? Most people answer this question through pursuing pleasure. That is called hedonism. God's way is different. Listen to learn more about the importance of pursing God instead of pleasure.
Full written Bible study on James 4:1-10
Study and Obey James E-book (With Discussion Questions):
750+ Free Bible Study Guides
Are you a wise person? The wisdom from God stands in stark contrast with the wisdom of this world. Which one are you practicing? Join us for this practical Bible study on James 3:13-18 and learn to be heavenly wise.
Full written Bible study on James 3:13-18
Study and Obey James E-book (With Discussion Questions):
750+ Free Bible Study Guides
God created us with the ability to speak. It's a precious gift, but we often abuse it. So often we use our words as weapons to attack others. This Bible study of James 3:1-12 looks at what James says about the tongue. It is a powerful force, but when tamed by relying on Christ, it can be used to build encourage, motivate, and build up others. Learn to live out Your faith in everyday life by using our words as He wants us to.
Full written Bible study on James 3:1-12
Study and Obey James E-book:
750+ Free Bible Study Guides
Faith or works? What is the relationship between faith and works? What saves a person? Those are some of the questions James addresses here. This Bible study will help you understand how your faith should be lived out in your everyday life. No one wants a dead faith, but unfortunately many people have it.
Full written Bible study on James 2:14-26
Study and Obey James E-book:
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750+ Free Bible Study Guides
Prejudice and discrimination are widespread in society. And sadly the church is not immune. James unleashes on those who show partiality. Learn from this Bible study on James 2:1-13 how every person has value in God's sight because we are all made in the image of God.
Full written Bible study on James 2:1-13
Study and Obey James E-book:
750+ Free Bible Study Guides
Satan is the master salesman. His pitch is that God is keeping us from something good. Temptation offers a big promise, but doesn't deliver. Join us for this inductive Bible study of James 1:12-27 as we study trials vs. temptations and the importance of obedience to God's Word.
Full written Bible study on James 1:12-27
Study and Obey James E-book:
Sometimes in a Bible study you come across a verse and think, "that's an amazing verse, what does it mean?" Hosea 12:1 is like. Hosea ridicules people who eat wind. It does seem pretty foolish. Listen to find out what he is talking about.
Study on Hosea 12:1:
750+ Inductive Bible Studies:
Trials are something everyone faces and no one enjoys. Why does God allow trials to happen? And should we react to them? Learn these practical truths and more in this Bible study on James 1:1-11.
Full written Bible study on James 1:1-11: https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/james-studies/james-1-1-11/
Study and Obey James E-book: https://studyandobey.com/product/james-bible-study-ebook/
Study and Obey James on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08FTNPK2Q
When the people put themselves first God caused everything to work against them. The harder they worked, the less return they saw. But now that the people decide to make God the priority again, He blesses them. Join this Bible study to be encouraged that the Lord always welcomes the return of His children with open arms.
Full written Bible study on Haggai 2:10-23: https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/haggai/haggai-2-10-23/
Study and Obey Haggai E-book: https://studyandobey.com/product/study-haggai-ebook-put-god-first/
Study and Obey Haggai on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07VR8BJLK
In Haggai 2 the people are discouraged. Although they are obeying God again, the temple they are building is nothing compared to Solomon's temple. Then God sends them a personal message. How does He view their work? What comparisons does He make? Listen to find out God's view and you will be encouraged in your own service for Him.
Full written Bible study on Haggai 2:1-9: https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/haggai/haggai-2-1-9/
Study and Obey Haggai E-book: https://studyandobey.com/product/study-haggai-ebook-put-god-first/
Study and Obey Haggai on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07VR8BJLK
Though disaster would strike, Habakkuk resolves to be joyful. What is the secret of hits incomprehensible joy? Join us to study this amazing conclusion to Habakkuk's journey from doubt to faith. And find out how you can respond to trials with joy today.
For more Bible studies visit our website at: https://studyandobey.com
See the written Habakkuk Bible study at: https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/habakkuk-studies/habakkuk-3-16-19/
See the Habakkuk E-book Bible study for download at: https://studyandobey.com/product/habakkuk-ebook-for-groups-or-leaders/
Haggai 1 contains a vivid warning against the people. They were upgrading their houses trying to live in luxury while God's house lay in ruins. They offered excuses and said, "the time has not yet come."
This Bible study will take a look at their excuses and God's response. And we will see why it is important for us to put God first in our own lives today.
Why does God allow evil in the world? Habakkuk struggled with this question, but he took his doubts to God. Join with us as we study their dialogue in Habakkuk 2 and find out how God answers a man who questions him. Learn from this passage how we should face it when we also have doubts or confusion about God and His work in the world.
For more Bible studies visit our website at: https://studyandobey.com
See the written Habakkuk Bible study at: https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/habakkuk-studies/habakkuk-2/
See the Habakkuk E-book Bible study for download at: https://studyandobey.com/product/habakkuk-ebook-for-groups-or-leaders/
Habakkuk has asked his questions. God has answered. Then what? Habakkuk 3 is an amazing prayer of praise as Habakkuk moves from doubt and confusion to faith and trust.
Where are you on your journey of faith? Our inductive verse by verse look at this passage offers a refreshing look at Habakkuk's prayer life while inspiring us to praise God.
For more Bible studies visit our website at: https://studyandobey.com
See the written Habakkuk Bible study at: https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/habakkuk-studies/habakkuk-3-1-15/
See the Habakkuk E-book Bible study for download at: https://studyandobey.com/product/habakkuk-ebook-for-groups-or-leaders/
What happens when man questions God? Find out in this Bible study series on Habakkuk starting in chapter 1. We will study this amazing dialogue between God and man and learn how it applies to our lives today.
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