Every subscription starts with a conversion and ends with a cancellation - it’s inevitable that you will attract new people and others will leave. We want to think about offers that can affect either side of this equation, which means offers that will attract more subscribers and offers that will retain your subscribers for as long as possible. This can be anything from special perks customers receive when they subscribe to you like free shipping. It can also mean sending gifts to your customers with their purchase, which may get them interested in other products or services from your lineup (think of sending a free vitamin pack to someone who orders protein powder). If you're looking to reduce churn and need realistic tips for keeping your subscribers long-term, look no further!- Boost your initial conversion 1:40
- Memberships and bundles 2:50
- BOGO offers 5:40
- Discounts 6:05
- Optimizing for the subscription offer initially 8:00
- Improving your retention 9:05
- Free gifts 10:25
- Opting in to 50% off 11:25
“The next thing I think you should consider testing are BOGO offers, so this is like a buy one get one free. You can use this as an idea to introduce people to a new product, or just do it as a special that say, the initial that somebody has you’re gonna get a free ‘this’ on your order in addition, or trying to upsell into existing subscribers with the BOGO offer. It’s really powerful, it’s something you should consider testing.” 5:42For more on how to keep customers around longer, please visit
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