Sunday Sanctuary with Petra Bagust
How much is left in your 'tank'? Do you feel as though you are beginning to move towards being overwhelmed or have you in fact burnt out? No matter how you are feeling, welcome. Yes, that includes you, the person who somehow still feels full of beans! What is your secret?
In this episode, Petra speaks with singer/songwriter Lydia Cole. Lydia shares the story of her journey from making a living as a musician in Berlin toher ongoing journey of recovering from burnout back home, here in Tāmaki Makaurau.
We then hear from Brad Carr, who used to lead Gracecity Church in Auckland before burning out four years ago. He kindly shares many of the lessons learnt and experiences had since.
Producer Sam flew home to Dunedin for this episode and took the opportunity to interview his dad. He provides an interesting perspective as someone who is knowingly teetering on the edge of burnout while working within a system well known for being high pressure.
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The Awe piece in this episode comes Episode 1 of the Netflix series called Connected, hosted by Latif Nasser.
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