On this weeks show it's a proper treat to have both Clare back from her trip to Spain to attend the Experimental Photography Festival, and Rachel back with us for probably her last pre-motherhood appearance! And John and Graeme are there as well, because someone has to press record and stop.
Lots of festival chat from Clare, photographic preparations before going into hospital with Rach, John has been on an interesting workshop this week exploring new ways of getting art out in the world, and Graeme went for a walk - we've all had a mad old time of it.
Polaroid Now book: https://blackwells.co.uk/bookshop/product/9781797201375?gC=5a105e8b&gclid=CjwKCAjwmK6IBhBqEiwAocMc8iTKeyvcdvvtnNNv_A2l943m-fWW9xeASfGK2zz4rqKMnX8U7C4WBhoCiXAQAvD_BwE