It's Jeff week here at Sunny 16 Towers (which is coincidentally Jeff's nickname) after the I Dream Of Cameras star (co-star) made a flash trip to the UK to buy a fancy camera, drink some fancy beer in the sun with Ade, make prints and drink pints with Rachel, visit burial grounds and television sets and probably drink who knows what with Clare, and drink Lemonade and get shown the way out by Graeme - what a week!
Is Jeff as nice as he comes across in his podcast? Is the Xpan the answer to all of life's questions? Does Gabe just not like us enough to travel half way around the world? Some of these questions will be answered, some you can figure out for yourselves, only on Jeff Week here at Sunny 16!
Title for this show provided by Ade. Alternative titles included "Jeffs-on-an Airplane". "Four Welcomes and a Fuji-clone" and "The Perils of Poor Impulse Control"