Ring the bells, bang the drums, hoover the cat, it's Cheap Shots Challenge judging time! Rachel and Clare let Graeme out from the producer box he's kept in, and they're joined by the wonderful Val Plichta, English teacher, oft-time photography model/muse for Rachel and the perfect person to judge both the our efforts and the frankly far superior work done by our marvellous listeners.
Rachel Instant box camera sessions: https://www.littlevintagephotography.co.uk/vintage-portrait/
Analogue Retreat mailing list: https://www.littlevintagephotography.co.uk/the-analogue-retreat/
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/littlevintagephotography
Cyanotype Workshops: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/802781811007?aff=oddtdtcreator
Open day: https://www.theshoreditchacademy.com/current-workshops
Photography Show: https://www.photographyshow.com/welcome