On this weeks show we have return visit from the fabulous pusher of film photography frontiers Dave Walker joining us to talk about his recent adventures creating in-camera colour prints using the Pinsta camera, and making black and white into positive prints with a simple procedure that even Graeme wasn't able to totally mess up.
You can find Dave on Instagram @DavetheWalker80
His 35mmc articles are here: https://www.35mmc.com/14/02/2024/the-black-and-white-paper-reversal-process/
We also spoke to the lovely Emma Lloyd about a print sales project she is running this month to raise money for charity and celebrate International Womens day.
Event details: https://www.instagram.com/p/C3_FgmeyHjd/?igsh=MWYwN3M0NHlzOW51Yg==
[email protected] @grainsplaining Twitter and IG @emmajlloyd_ @photoxcore_archive