The Seven Deadly Sins
Jeff and Gabe return to inspire all us sinners!
• pride: showing off, bringing an exotic camera to a photo walk or camera show, etc. - the antidote: extending a hand to new photographers (as opposed to snarking “go Google it” in Facebook groups)
• envy: camera envy - where does it get you? has it ever resulted in a good acquisition?
• lust: what’s your Grail Camera?
• sloth: letting cameras languish on the shelf - are pure shelf queens OK?
• wrath: getting angry at your gear - have you ever hit a camera?
• greed and gluttony: accumulating for the sake of same, and how to step away from it - the need for instant gratification - how to donate cameras (FPP school donation program), giving analog cameras to new parents, etc.
• finally: what we need isn’t new film cameras, but guys and gals who can repair the ones we have - scholarship?
• Thanks to Fred Coury for the music and Keith Greenstein for the logos
You can find Jeff:
And you can find Gabe: