Kurt’s website: https://www.kurtozan.com
Kurt on Instagram: @kurtozan251
A couple of songs Kurt plays on:
“Fall in Love” by Bailey Zimmerman - https://open.spotify.com/track/ 5gVCfYmQRPy1QJifP8f5gg?si=d371577b9d9e403a
“Rock and A Hard Place” by Bailey Zimmerman - https://open.spotify.com/track/ 4686eQ81DEswHa90bcdlC9?si=cb8fe2859f074b08
“The Kind of Love We Make” by Luke Combs - https://open.spotify.com/track/ 28n8z9IQKyjMPxmvYMBqZa?si=1efe0587fed847e2
You can hear Kurt and Nick Tressler interview up and coming artists on the “Raised Rowdy” podcast - https://open.spotify.com/show/08kQzz5shKe69VewUW3Yni? si=1268061d9a1c4967
Find out more about David Bergman’s concert photography workshop where you can see Kurt in action and learn from the best about concert photography - https://www.shootfromthepit.com
Theme song “Timeless” courtesy of Mike Gutterman -
Sunny 16 Presents - [email protected]
The show on Instagram: @musicandphotographypodcast
The show on Twitter: @musicnphotopod