In this episode, Mandy (@mandyleft) chats with Katie (@darkroomkt). They talked about how Katie first got started with printing and then about how she built her darkroom during lockdown.
They talked about printing in colour and with different formats before discussing Katie’s work with photograms and how her process has evolved over the last couple of years.
They then discussed “Silver & Light: An Analogue Photographic Exhibition” (@analoguephotoexhibition) that Katie has organized since visiting the Canwood Gallery ( last year during the Herefordshire Art Week. The exhibition will feature 29 analogue photographers including Mandy. There will be a private viewing on the 30th of March where many of the artists will be present and you can chat with them about their work (please RSVP through the account). Then the event itself will launch on Thursday the 4th of April and run throughout the month until the 28th on Thursdays - Sundays from 11:00 am - 4:00 pm.