259 avsnitt • Längd: 20 min • Veckovis: Fredag
Supergreat Kids’ Stories is a collection of fun tales to make you laugh and cry, told by some of the best storytellers from around the world. Recommended for ages 5 to 105…
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In this story from the US, Coyote is not happy. He keeps changing colour which is sometimes confusing, often embarrasing. Then one day, Coyote has a little accident which changes everything. Have a listen to Nick Hennessey tell this lively, fun story and find out what happens.
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This tale from Indonesia is about patience, and giving people space to recover. It's told by the inimitable Tuup along with his drum and some realistic tiger sound effects. It's aimed at a slightly older age group 7 – 9. If you have younger children, we have an imaginative second story this week told by Nick Hennessey: Coyote and Bluebird.
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When young Masha goes into the woods to pick mushrooms, she gets lost. As if that’s not bad enough, a bear takes her to his home and insists she stay there forever to clean his house. Masha comes up with a clever escape plan which involves baking some delicious cherry pies. Listen to storyteller Cat Weatherill tell this fun song-story from Russia and find out if the plan works.
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Yeh-Hsien, an orphan with shiny black hair and skin as soft as silk wishes to go to the lunar new year celebrations with her sister and step mother. She’s told to stay at home and cook, but with a little help from a magical fish, and a pair of slippers that make no noise, her wish just might come true. Listen to Kim telling this ancient Chinese version of a Cinderella-style love story to find out what happens.
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Listen to Jason Buck tell his gripping version of the European story, Rumplestiltskin – complete with a nasty little goblin, a frightfully greedy King, and a clever girl who gets herself out of a tricky situation.
It’s a little bit scary but not very. Packed with wisdom and entertainment.
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Kim tells the story of the twelve animals which represent the Chinese New Year. As the Lunar New Year approaches, each animal wants it to be named after them, but no one can agree which animal is most deserving. The Jade Emperor steps into solve the problem by proposing a race. Listen to this lively story and discover who wins, and who loses.
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In a grand house high up on a hill above the sea lived an old man who had a little granddaughter whose face he had never seen because his lovely daughter died at her birth… Nick Hennessey tells a moving English version of the Cinderella story. A word of warning –this version is unsettling at times so if this doesn’t sound like one for you and yours, have a listen to our other story this week ‘Star Coin’, told for our younger listeners.
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Star Coin is a Brothers Grimm story from Germany about an orphan girl who has nothing left in the world but the clothes on her back and a piece of bread. As she walks through the forest, looking for her luck, she encounters various people in need and helps them, but is left standing in the snowy forest with only a thin undershirt and no food or shoes. Who will come to her aid? Listen to the magical voice of storyteller Simone Schuemmelfeder, and take heart.
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A blacksmith sets off on a journey leaving a wife at home. The wife is expecting a baby, and after the months pass without a word from her husband, an unexpected visitor appears. He’s covered in fur and has one eye in the middle of his head. Should she trust him? Listen to this week’s fairytale told by Wangari the Storyteller from Kenya and find out.
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A girl lives with her Mum and little brother on the edge of a forest. When her brother is snatched away by the snow geese she asks for help from some unlikely assistants. But they’ll only help her if she agrees to eat food she’s never tried before. Can she give up habits of a lifetime in order to save her little brother? Listen to storyteller from Cambridge Marion Leeper and find out. A heart-warming story from the chilly north.
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To start off the new year – a gripping story from Romania. If you like fairytales and dragons and tricksters, then this is definitely the story for you. And it’s told by talented storyteller Emily Hennessey who conjures up not one, but two scary dragons. What’s not to like?
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Greek Storyteller Despina Ariou shares her Granny’s Christmas story. It's about troll- like creatures called the Kallikantzari who make mischief at Christmas by stealing delicious food and sometimes even stealing children. Eek! These creatures are slightly scary, but fear not, this is a fairytale with a happy ending.
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In this Christmas tale from Germany, Storyteller Marion Leeper tells us about 'Tante' an old woman who is busily preparing her house on Christmas Eve to impress Christ Kindl - the bringer of Christmas. Tante cleans and polishes, and sweeps out the spiders and their webs, and decorates a particularly beautiful tree. When Christ Kindle visits, the exiled spiders beg him to let them into the house to see the tree. But will a house full of spiders stop the Christmas magic from happening? Listen to Marion Leeper’s story and find out.
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Talented storyteller Jason Buck narrates the classic French fairy tale "Puss in Boots" written down by Charles Perrault. In this story, a young man inherits a cat, who persuades his owner they can make their fortune if he can give him a hat, a sack, and some fancy boots. All dressed up, the cat charms the king, outwits an ogre and delights the king’s daughter. Tada!
Jason has done it again and pulled another cracking fairytale out of the bag.
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Masako Carey takes us to Japan for our first fairy tale of the season. Stranded in the dark without a lantern, a young monk is offered shelter by a kind and beautiful woman - who turns out to be a hungry mountain witch. Eek! Luckily, the monk has three lucky charms to help him. But will they be enough to ensure his escape from the clutches of a child-eating witch? Listen to Masako’s tale and find out. This story is a little bit scary.
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Storyteller Tuup returns to tells us a First Nation story about a young girl who is unwell, and her father’s quest to find a fox who can help her get better. Her father sets off in a blizzard, to find the fox and bring it back to the family home. Will this wild animal allow itself to be taken, and will the young girl recover? Listen to Tuup tell this mysterious story and find out.
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Storyteller Dave Tong, tells us a medieval English Tale about Robin Hood and his merry men who hear about an archery competition organised by the evil Sheriff of Nottingham. In spite of warnings from Maid Marian, Robin Hood decides to take part and attend the competition in disguise. Will Robin Hood be able to outwit the Sheriff, and lead his band of merry men back to safety with the silver arrow for his prize? Listen to Dave Tong tell this gripping tale and find out.
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Storyteller Simone Schuemmelfeder shares this delightful Spanish tale of a miserable old woman who hates autumn because of children stealing the delicious pears from her tree. One day, an old man appears and asks for a pear using the magic word ‘please’. He gets his pear. In return, the old woman is given a wish which means she never hates autumn again, and the local children learn an important lesson.
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One little weeping willow annoys his friends so much with his complaining that eventually they all move away to the other side of the land. So who will help him when he’s faced with a serious problem? Listen to genius North American storyteller Sheila Arnold to find out.
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An old Welsh farming couple mourn the loss of their farm assistant. Shortly after, they’re joined by a mysterious creature called a Bwca who starts helping them at night - unseen and uninvited. But suddenly he stops being helpful, and starts causing big trouble. Can the farmer and his wife make friends with the Bwca, once again, or will they have to flee their home? Listen to master storyteller Daniel Morden weave another of his magical tales from Wales.
Warning: this slightly scary story has a death in it.
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Take one fierce hairy Buggane (an ogre-like creature), a trickster tailor, and a ruined church and you have the setting for quite a story told by Kim. Be a little bit afraid. Feel the fear and listen anyway.
Warning: this story is a little bit scary because it has a hairy monster in it.
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A grumpy witch, an overworked donkey, and a mean merchant. Amy Douglas tells this entertaining story from Shropshire in England about an animal-loving witch who gets revenge and teaches locals a lesson.
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To conjure up our new theme - Stories of Magic, we have: a powerful wizard, a book full of secrets, a curious boy, wriggling words, and a clawed creature determined to be free. It’s all here, blended into one magical story told by master storyteller from Wales: Daniel Morden. Don’t miss it!
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A long time ago - back in the Dreamtime, the animals hold a competition to decide who is best at jumping, dancing, singing and running. Joolah the Lyrebird wants to dance, but he’s too shy and embarrassed by his straggly tail feathers to compete. So Joolah stands apart to watch the events. But watching and listening can bring its own reward. Listen to Warren Foster Junior tell this moving story to discover who the real winner is in these games.
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A long time ago- back when the animals could talk, the earth is dark and cold. But when a lightning storm sets fire to a tree in the distance, the animals delight in the light and warmth - and agree they want some of that for themselves. But how can they safely fetch it and bring it back across the water to their camp? Listen to Lisa La-Rue Baker tell this beautiful story of ingenuity and courage and find out.
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A word to the grown-ups: this story told by Jason Buck is not scary, it’s
very funny – and brilliantly told, but it’s does include toilet humour
including quite a few sound effects - so, if you want to discourage
giggles about ‘p-o-o’ this is probably not the story for your children. We
also have another fun story this week from Greece called The magical
In this funny story from Scandanavia, told by Jason Buck, a poor family
are asked to donate a barrel of their finest ale to a troll. Would you give a
troll a barrel of beer? Well it’s just as well this family did, because they
were given a magic barrel in return for their kindness, and it’s a gift
which keeps on giving. But listen on, there’s a twist in the tale.
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This week, a storyteller new to Super Great Kids’ Stories - Despina Ariou tells a fun quest tale about 6 animal friends who meet a pedlar and then mysteriously lose their voices. They head into the forest to find the pedlar and discover what they need to do in order to recover their lost
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Indigenous Australian, Warren Foster Senior, tells a dreamtime story about Bungoo the Flying Fox. Bungoo is bored, because all his friends want to do is search for fruit. So he decides to go off in search of more exciting friends. Bungoo finds himself caught up in battles between the furry and the feathered creatures. Listen to this ‘How and Why’ story, and find out what Bungoo learns on his travels about friends and family.
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Did you know that in many Spanish speaking countries, children who lose a tooth are visited by Ratoncito Pérez – a tooth mouse!
Juliana Marin the travelling storyteller from Colombia tells a story about a little boy who happens to be a King, and a rather hairy tooth fairy …ok he’s a mouse really. What gift will the tooth mouse give the young King? Listen to Juliana tell this heart-warming tale and find out.
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Word has it that Bad King John is coming to the village of Gotham for a royal hunt. The villagers know that this greedy King will kill and eat all the wild animals in their woods. So, they come up with a cunning plan: when the King’s Herald arrives to organise the hunt for the King, he’s greeted by a bunch of ‘ninny-hammers’ or sillies. Will the villagers succeed in stopping, the King from coming? Listen to storyteller Dave Tong and find out.
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A selkie is a seal which can shape shift into human form by taking off its seal skin. Gillian Brownson relates this moving story from Ireland about a selkie who loses her beautiful skin and is trapped on land in the shape of a young woman. Will she get back to her seal family under the Irish sea? Or will she and her daughter be stuck on land forever?
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In this ‘How and Why’ story Emily Hennessey takes us back to a time when there was no vast beach near her home in the North West of England, back to a time when the sea was in danger of being swallowed up by a hungry giantess. Did the giantess succeed? Or did the sun, the moon the wind or the rain manage to stop her? Listen to Emily’s powerful story about the battle for sea and sand, and discover what part the little curlew bird had to play in the story.
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In this old Japanese legend – a fisherman, ‘Urashima Taro’ is rewarded by the Emperor of the Sea, for rescuing a small turtle. He’s taken underwater to the Palace of the Dragons where he meets the Emperor's daughter, and spends three happy years. The daughter gives Taro a box to take home with him, but makes him promise not to open it. Listen to Japanese storyteller Masako Carey, and see if he keeps his promise. (It’s a sad ending.)
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Jebro is a small boy who lives on an island with his nine older brothers in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. With the seas rising, they have to find a new island to live on, but who will be their leader? Their wise mother suggests they decide with a race. When that day arrives, Jebro has to make a decision which might well mean he loses the race. What should he do? Listen to storyteller Marion Leeper, share this thoughtful traditional tale from the Marshall Islands and find out.
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We have a legendary Welsh water monster to kick off this month’s theme of watery stories. The Afanc is described as a cross between a crocodile and a giant beaver. This enormous creature is causing floods and eating anyone who comes near. Many brave souls have tried to kill it, but its hide is so tough that no spear, or arrow can pierce it. How can the local people stop the Afanc from flooding their land? Listen to Welsh singer/storyteller Gillian Brownson and find out.
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According to this Cherokee legend, Unetlanvhi, The Great One, created little corn people to help the first woman on earth, with the chores. The corn people were very beautiful, but spent more time admiring their reflection, than helping out. The Creator was not happy, and did something dramatic to teach them an important lesson about beauty. Listen to Lisa La Rue Baker tell this traditional tale from the Cherokee Nation and discover what happened.
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Thor, the Norse god of thunder goes on a quest to ask a favour from Hymir the stone giant. The two of them embark on a fishing competition. Thor comes close to disaster when he hooks out of the ocean a ……. Listen to Jason Buck tell this entertaining Norse tale to find out what he pulls out of the sea. Will he survive to complete his quest?
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An old Japanese folktale about an inch high boy who becomes the guardian of a princess and bravely takes on a dreaded giant red ogre. Will his cunning and courage be enough to see the beast off and save the Princess? Listen to storyteller Masako Carey and find out.
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Long ago, the people in Kemmy’s village regularly fed the beautiful Rain Bird who would reward their kindness by making sure the rains always came and the food always grew. But gradually, people forgot about the beautiful bird, and then came the drought and the hunger. What could they do? Listen to Maia Ganatra tell this moving story from Southern Africa and find out.
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Our second story this week is from Paraguay and is told by travelling storyteller Juliana Marin - which is about a brave little humming bird whose courage inspires all the animals in the rainforest to work together to prevent a big disaster from ruining their home.
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This week we have two two Wise bird tales. First up is the talented Tuup telling a tale about an eagle who was quite unaware of his amazing talents. He was convinced he was a humble chicken until one day, someone told him something different!
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Listen to genius storyteller Jason Buck tell this funny tale of the Gingerbread Man complete with great animal sound effects. This story, about a plucky little Gingerbread man who leapt out of the oven and ran away - was published in the US in 1875 and its European counterpart: The Runaway Pancake was published in the late 1800's and they're still going strong. Jason’s version has a delightful twist in the tale.
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What would you ask for if you had a secret wishing ring? Jack uses it when he’s in danger, and it brings help from the most unexpected creatures in the most surprising ways. This Welsh Romani tale is beautifully told by writer and storyteller Daniel Morden who gave us the story ‘Hey Ho!’
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This is a story from Spain about a little chick who only has one eye, one wing and one leg. But he’s a determined little chick and rather proud. He decides to take himself off on an adventure to the Royal Palace in Madrid to see the King. As with many journeys, it doesn’t quite turn out how he expected. Listen to storyteller Rebecca Lemaire and find out what happened to him.
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In this story from Aotearoa, New Zealand, a small bird who mysteriously loses her song, she wanders through the forest asking for help from her feathery friends. Will she get her song back? Listen to this beautifully told rhyming tale from Maori storyteller Eliza Bidois to find out.
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What would you ask for if you were granted one wish? In this Native American tale told by Cherokee storyteller Lisa LaRue Baker, the animals are each rewarded with a wish for good behaviour. All is going well, until Owl is overcome with curiosity and breaks the rules by taking a peek as The Great One – Unetlanvhi works to make the wishes come true. Listen to Lisa LaRue Baker and find out what happens to poor Rabbit as a result.
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Greedy Anansi is at his tricks once again. Can he trick his friends so he can share everyone’s dinner without having to help them? Or will it backfire? Listen to storyteller Emily Hennessey tell this fun ‘How and Why’ story and find out. A good story to learn to tell yourself.
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The national bird of New Zealand is the Kiwi. It has brown hairy feathers, a very long beak and no wings. Listen to Maori storyteller Emmy Bidois tell this moving legend which explains how the brave little bird gave up its wings and became a national hero.
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Long time ago, in the African Bush, things were not as they are today. Elephant had a small nose, and Giraffe a short neck - so what happened? It all began with the little animals disobeying their parents. Listen to this lively, story told by Wangari from Kenya to find out more.
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Anansi is keen to join the birds at their feast on a mountain ledge. But can Anansi fly? With a little help from his feathered friends – he can! But once he’s abandoned by the birds, how can he save himself? Listen to this fun ‘How and Why’ story from Ghana, shared by storyteller Tuup, and find out how Anansi learns a very useful skill.
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Maui the trickster is fed up with Ra the Sun. Ra is so lazy, that he’s always rushing across the sky to get back to his bed again. This leaves the days so short that Maui doesn’t have enough time to do all his chores. Maui and his brothers set out on a quest to capture the sun, and teach him a lesson. But is it possible to stop something so hot and powerful? Listen to Maori storyteller - Emmy and find out.
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A lively re-telling of a traditional African tale, Anansi might be cunning, but he’s also just a small, spider, so can he really beat Elephant in a tug of war? Listen to gifted storyteller Emily Hennessey and find out if brains are more important than size.
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Can a cheeky, talking pot save the day for a poor farmer and his wife who are down on their luck? Listen to this lively, interactive tale from Denmark told by master storyteller Daniel Morden and find out.
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Anansi is always boasting about how clever he is. The king is not happy. He decides to set Anansi an impossible challenge - one which will he thinks will get rid of that trickster once and for all. Anansi is confident he can trick anyone out of anything….but can he trick Death - the master trickster? Listen to Wendy Shearer telling this captivating tale, and find out.
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Do you ever feel that everything is against you and unhappiness is following you around like a smelly dog? Well, you’re not alone. In this trickster tale from Poland, nothing seems to go right for a young couple. Until one day, they decide to try a bit of trickery. Can they succeed in banishing misery from their lives? Listen to this tale brilliantly told by storyteller Emily Hennessey and find out.
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To mark St Patrick’s Day, Kate Corkery is back with a hair-raising tale about Finn McCool. It’s a quest story stuffed with giants, witches and princes in peril. Can Finn rescue the kidnapped princes from a wicked witch? With a little help from his friends, anything is possible. Warning this story is a teeny bit scary.
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Brer Rabbit is up to his tricks again – trying to steal water from Brer Wolf’s well. But after he’s caught once, will he be sensible and leave the well alone? You’d think so wouldn’t you, but this is Brer Rabbit we’re talking about. Listen to Baden Prince Junior’s delightful telling of this old tale and see how Brer Rabbit uses his wit to escape from Brer Wolf’s trap.
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A forest elf or ‘sylph’ is made homeless by a careless woodcutter. Luckily, he’s adopted by a kind couple. But what happens to the dreamy woodcutter who cut down his tree? Will he be punished, or will he marry the princess of his dreams? Listen to Belgian storyteller Rebecca Lemaire tell this delightful tale, and find out.
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In this Brothers’ Grimm fairytale, beautifully told by Simone Schümmelfeder – a poor cobbler discovers elves in his house, and finds they’re remarkably good at lending a hand and helping him out of poverty. But what happens when he wants to help them back? Have a listen to Simone tell this magical tale which comes from the forest near her childhood home, and be awed! There’s even a song in it too!
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To celebrate Chinese New Year, Kim retells the story of Nián, the terrifying monster who emerged from the sea every New Year’s Eve - to eat cattle, and people, and crops. Until one year, a brave old man, came up with a plan. This old tale explains some of the traditions and celebrations which still take place today at this popular Festival to mark the beginning of Spring.
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In this moving Cinderella-style story, beautifully told by storyteller Nick Hennessey, a young girl is sent away from home by her Dad who misunderstands her declaration of love. But she doesn’t despair, she dusts herself down, and sets off disguised in a cap made of rushes to prove him wrong. Nick accompanies this old English fairytale with beautiful music which he’s written and arranged.
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A enchanting quest, tale from Norway about a bewitched prince and a determined girl. This story includes a troll princess, a magic potion, a snow bear, some witchy women, ooh, and even a song! Listen to this story retold by Kim and be transported to a far-away land.
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Two Fairy stories set in Northern Ireland - told by veteran storyteller Liz Weir. One is about a boy named Jim who has a scarily close encounter with fairies
who drag him beneath the fairy hill, the second story is about two boys in need, who find a fairy fisherman willing to help them – since this is a fairy story – each of them gets what they deserve.
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One snowy day, a young boy drops his mitten - a mole finds it and uses it to shelter away from the cold wind. One by one, various woodland animals come along and ask for shelter in the mitten. Eventually a bear decides to join them in the warmth. Is that a good idea? Listen to Masako Carey retell this kindly old tale from Ukraine and enjoy the unexpected ending!
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An old German fairytale about a boy who is born lucky. A fortune teller predicts that the boy will marry a princess and one day become King. Will the boy's luck last long enough for him to outwit the jealous King? Listen to Jason Buck bring this story to life with his funny voices and genius sound effects - and lose yourself in another world.
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An old English fairy tale about an impish creature who helps a young girl with an almost impossible task. But can she answer his question or will she have to pay the terrible price in return for his help? Listen to Rachel Murray’s version of this familiar tale and be enthralled. This story is a little bit scary, but the way Rachel tells it – it’s more ‘scary-not-scary.’
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A poor man tries selling his wife's kimonos to get money for rice cakes to celebrate new year. As he returns home without having sold a thing, the man helps some Child God Statues who are freezing in the snow. Will his kindness be rewarded? Listen to this upliftig new year's tale told by storyteller Masako Carey and find out.
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"The Tinder Box" is an old fairytale from Denmark written by Hans Christian Andersen, and retold with great wit by Paul Alborough. When an old soldier acquires a magic tinder box he finds he can summon three enormous magical dogs. In order to help a princess in distress, he needs the loyalty of these hounds and a lot of derring do. This story is scary and funny in equal amounts.
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It’s Christmas day, the days are short and the nights are long and bitterly cold, the dog is out looking for food…..but he and his friends work together to help an old lady who is all alone. This delightful tale of transformation and friendship comes from Scotland and was shared by the late traveller and storyteller Duncan Williamson. Amy Douglas shares it with us and sprinkles a little sparkly magic into our Christmas Eve. (nb Don’t try using your pet peacock as a Christmas tree at home – he might not like it.)
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This magical, slightly scary Inuit tale tells a story of kindness and betrayal. Three Hunters and their dogs pursue Nanuq, The Great White Bear across the snowy land. Listen to Nick Hennessey tell this beautifully crafted ‘How and Why’ sound story to see where the bear and hunters end up in this great chase across land and space.
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Storyteller Liz Weir tells two beautiful wintery tales. 'Wee Hugh and the Silver Angel' is a moving Scottish story from late traveller Duncan Williamson. This story is a little sad but has an upbeat ending. And 'How the Snow got its Colour' is a delightful gem of a 'How and Why' story from Norway.
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In this tale from Japan an old woodcutter donates his logs to the Dragon God. In return he's given a young boy with a runny nose to look after. Fed up of caring for the child, the old man decides to give him back. Is that a good idea? Listen to Japanese storyteller Masako Carey and find out.
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Frau Holle can bring sunshine, and she can bring snow. She can also make it rain - toads. Nice touch. So when she’s visited by two sisters – one kind, the other mean and bad tempered – she rewards each girl very differently. Listen to storyteller Paul Alborough telling his version of this old German tale and be prepared to laugh!
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A piper knows a magical tune, but rather wisely, he never plays it. Until one day, down by the sea shore, he gets a bit carried away and tada! he finds himself playing it - with fairly dramatic results. Listen to Kate Corkery telling this strange tale from Ireland to find out what happens.
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There’s a drought, and all the animals are hungry. The old tortoise is on his last legs, searching for something to eat in the bush, when he comes across a magic drum which provides all the food you can eat. Surely that's a good thing? Or is it? Listen to storyteller Wangari tell this magical song story from Kenya and see what you think?
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A man frees a tiger from a pit, and very nearly gets gobbled up as a result of his kindness. Happily, a clever rabbit hops along to save the day and teaches that tiger an important lesson. Listen to Sef Townsend telling this Korean version of a wise old tale, and learn how to greet people in Korean.
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Once upon a time there was a greedy Raven and a sly Fox. The Raven had a thing for sheep cheese and kept rather a lot of it in his stinky nest. The other animals were rather fed up with Raven, so asked Fox to use his quick wits to help them. Listen to this hilarious modern take on an ancient Greek Fable told by talented storyteller Paul Alborough/aka 'Professor Elemental' and find out what happens.
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Anansi’s up to his tricks again. As usual, he’s trying to con his animal friends out of their food. He’s doing rather well – until he meets Guinea Fowl who knows exactly the same tricks. Who will be the greatest trickster in this story? Listen to storyteller Wangari tell this fun West African tale, and find out.
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This is a story from our super great scary stories podcast usually for subscribers only - but a gift for you for Halloween. Once there was a woman who went out to look for fruit and roots, instead she found a great big hairy toe. She took the toe home with her, was that a good idea? Listen to talented storyteller Maia Ganatra from Tanzania in East Africa tell this terrifying story. We give it a rating of 😱😱😱 screams. Pretty darn scary.
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Poor José, he loves to sing – but he’s got a terrible voice. When he gets invited to a wedding, he’s very keen to go and sing for everybody and sets off on a tricky journey in order to get there. But will they all be thrilled to greet him? Listen to Baden Prince telling this entertaining chain story told in America and Mexico.
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Three sisters have to rescue their little brother from the fearsome witch who eats children. Can they escape her as she chases them across the sky in her flying mortar? Listen to Kim telling this lively story from Russia and Eastern Europe to hear how the girls use their wits against the witch of all witches. It’s a scary story for haloween, so if you don’t like scary stories, we’ve also posted a funny tale about a daft chicken for you to enjoy instead. And if you do like scary stories, Yiha! You’ve got bonus stories to listen to this week.
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The animals are hungry and food is scarce, Tiger has plenty to eat, but he’s no good at sharing. Worse than that, he roars at any animals who comes near his food.
Who can help? Brer Rabbit that’s who. Storyteller Baden Prince Junior delights in revealing rabbit’s cunning plan.
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In this old African 'How and Why' tale, – tortoise dreams about a magic tree which grows all kinds of delicious fruit, but which only appears if its name is called. All the animals want to find that tree – but all of them keep forgetting the name – all that is, except for one. Can you help Kenyan storyteller Wangari to remember the name of the tree, and help the animals? A great story for retelling.
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A young King has to face a fearsome Giant who is scaring everyone away from the kingdom. The King is frightened, and doesn't know what to do. Luckily, there's a wise old woman on a hill who has the answer - if only the King can figure out what it means. Listen to Sef Townsend tell this intriguing story from Wales and see what the young King learns.
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Paca is a long-legged animal living in the Brazilian rainforest who is proud of his ability to run fast. So he's very happy when Parrot invites him to join a race against a tiny beetle. But things aren't always as straightforward as they seem. Who will win, and what will they choose as their prize? Listen to storyteller Julian Marin telling this 'How and Why' story and find out.
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Did you ever wonder what happens to tadpoles' tails when they turn into frogs? In this 'How and Why' story from the Caribbean, Kate Corkery reveals all. Oh, and if someone called 'Trouble' ever tries to persuade you to do something...... don't listen!
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Did you know that Leopards haven't always been spotty? Once, their fur was a glossy, light brown colour - until one day, Leopard got greedy - and calamity struck. Have a listen to storyteller Wendy Shearer telling this fun 'How and Why' story from Ghana in West Africa and find out just how Leopard got his spots.
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Once upon a time, the magical phoenix bird was grey, and all the other colourful birds in the forest, ignored her. But something happened which changed all that forever. Listen to Kim telling this ancient 'How and Why' story from China and find out why the Phoenix is no longer grey and now has lots of friends.
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Two curious little mice investigate what lies beyond the fence - a place where their parents have warned them not to play. Was that a good idea? Listen to this delightful traditional tale from Cuba told by storyteller Juliana Marin and discover how learning languages can be a life saver. You might just pick up a few words of Spanish into the bargain!
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Once there was a girl who was always asking questions. So when she learned about a magical fish – the ‘Salmon of Knowledge’ which had all the answers, she set off on a quest to find the well where it lived. Was that a good idea? Listen to this beautiful Irish Myth from Kate Corkery about the origin of the River Shannon and find out.
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Did you know that when Lakes feel unloved, they can fly away? Listen to this thought-provoking story from Estonia, told by storyteller Sef Townsend. And, we add another moving little story from the Indian Jataka tales which is also about taking care of our planet. It features a brave little bird who loved her forest so much she was prepared to risk her life to save it. ‘The Humming Bird and the Forest Fire’.
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This is a beautiful 'How and Why' love story from Colombia about how the sea was created. Sounds simple? But love is rarely straightforward. There are jealous and mischievous elements blowing around in the shadows. The story is retold by talented Colombian storyteller Juliana Marin, who learned it from her storytelling teacher Jota Villaza. At times, this story is a little bit scary.
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Coyote is up to his tricks again. He doesn’t really believe in giants until he walks right into a giant’s mouth. How is he and all the other people swallowed by the giant going to escape? Have a listen to this lively, song story from North America told by Kim and find out.
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Anansi is up to his tricks again. Can he persuade his friend Tiger to dig up all his yams? Have a listen to this lively story from the Caribbean, told by Kate Corkery, and find out if Anansi gets his fancy yam supper, or if it all goes horribly wrong.
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A boy in search of a job meets a well dressed stranger in the desert. He's offering a good pay and the job sounds interesting. Should he go and work for him? Is that a good idea? Have a listen to this lively imaginative story from Mexico by Colombian storyteller Juliana Marin and find out.
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Till is a proper prankster and trickster. He even manages to trick his dad into thinking he’s a perfect angel. Till decides to try tricking some clever teachers into thinking he can teach a donkey to read. Can he get away with it?
Listen to Tiernan telling this old story from Germany and all will be revealed.
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Jack is not keen to help his grandmother do the chores. He’d much rather be exploring rock pools and playing his flute. He’s not bothered by stories about the hungry giant who lurks nearby looking for tasty snacks. Jack might be brave, but is he wise? Listen to Kim telling this song story from the Caribbean to see if the giant gets his dinner.
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How brave are you? Would you tackle a giant? In this story from Germany, collected by the Brothers Grimm, the brave little tailor kills seven flies with one blow, and armed with wit, cunning and trickery, goes on to tackle a giant. Talented storyteller Jason Buck tells this fun story with humour, and with his magnificent vocal skills conjures up a marvellous giant.
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What can a little lamb do when a terrifying wolf with a mouth full of teeth wants to eat her? Why, trick him, of course...and keep her cool, and trick him again...and once again! Listen to Chris Bostock do a lively retelling of this humorous Mexican folk tale about a hungry wolf a resourceful lamb.
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In this traditional story from West Africa and the Caribbean, Anansi is up to his tricks again. It's hot, and his friend Tiger wants to go for a swim. Anansi offers to help. Is that a good idea? Listen to Tuup tell this exciting and slightly strange trickster tale to see if Anansi gets away with his tricks this time. And do join in with the song too.
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This traditional story from Mexico is a tale of victory of the smallest over the largest. But how can a little boy stop a greedy Ram from eating all the chilli peppers growing in his chilli patch? Maybe with a little help from one of his smallest friends? Listen to Kim tell this Mexican traditional tale and maybe even learn how to tell it yourself. Why don't you join in the song too!
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Lou Lou’s Grandad says that River Mumma can be found sitting on rocks and combing her long, black hair, and that sometimes she hands out treasure. But, others warn: “don't even look at her, because she can drag you down into her watery kingdom.” What happens when Lou Lou hears River Mumma singing her song? Will the little girl go missing, or come home with treasure? Listen to Kate Corkery tell this old Jamaican tale and be a little bit afraid. This story is a little bit scary.
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Do you have a magic tree where you live? In this story from Russia, a birch tree acts a bit like a fairy godmother, and transforms the life of a young girl and her mother. Listen to storyteller Chris Bostock tell this enchanting story to find out what happens.
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Every day a woman carries two pots of water from the river to her home. One is perfect, and one is cracked. The perfect pot mocks the cracked pot, but the cracked pot discovers that not being perfect, can have it's benefits too. An inspiring story, reminding us to enjoy being ourselves.
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A farmer plants some turnips and discovers one of them is so big it's impossible to pull out of the ground alone. He asks for help from family and even animals. How will he ever get that beast of a vegetable out of the ground? Lisen to storyteller Jason Buck to find out. A jolly tale about team work and cooperation.
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A thirsty crow finds a water jug full of cool water, but the neck is too narrow and too high and he can't drink out of it. What can he do? Listen to this lively version of an Aesop's fable from Greece told by Nadine Wild-Palmer to find out.
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The birds want a king, but how do they choose which bird should lead them? They decide to hold a competition. Listen to Kim tell this very old fable from Greece to find out who wins.
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In this moving story from Scotland - told by storyteller Amy Douglas, a boy has no friends in his village, except for animals. When he suddenly disappears, the animals turn to wise owl for help and a beautiful bird is called upon to come to his rescue.
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In this thoughtful Japanese story, a farmer leaves out food for some starving badgers. A simple act of kindness. Little does the farmer know that soon, he's also going to need help. But who are the wrestlers who come to protect him and where have they come from? Listen to Kim tell this quirky, shape-shifting story and find out
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A trickster tale from India told by Tuup - about a trickster crane and some rather foolish fishes. Fortunately. there's a clever crab in the story. Will he be able to stop the trickster in his tracks and save his friends from the greedy bird?
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Once upon a time….. all good stories were called ‘Tiger Stories,’ but one day.. Anansi, the trickster spider decided to shake things up a bit, and get that name changed! Listen to Baden Prince Junior, telling this lively tale from the Caribbean, and find out how that cunning little spider got his way again!
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A tiger cub is sent by his uncle to fetch fire from the village, but on the journey there he gets distracted. By the time he gets to the village, he’s forgotten what he was sent to fetch. This touching How and Why tale from India, told by storyteller Rachel Murray, offers an explanation as to why tigers eat their food uncooked and why cats live with people.
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A poisonous snake is biting the village children as they take their cows to pasture. A holy man decides to intervene. Will the snake pay attention and change its ways? Listen to talented storyteller and musician Tuup tell this thought-provoking story from India and find out.
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Stories are often worth more than gold. Listen to this bonus story for Saint Patrick's day told by Irish storyteller Kate Corkery and discover what happened to the boy who didn't have a story. It's a scary one - be afraid - be very afraid.
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If you had to leave your family and move in with a group of animals, which animal group would you choose? Listen to Kim telling this Native American story and see how this young boy fares living with bears. (Warning this story is a little bit scary.)
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What would you do if you were confronted by a stupendously mean and strong troll. Jason Buck tells this traditional Norwegian tale with amazing skill and certainly brings the troll to life. Have a listen. It is a bit scary. Eek!
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When spiders unite, they can tie up a lion.' Or so the Ethiopian proverb tells us. But what can a squirrel do when confronted by a hungry lion? Listen to Baden Prince tell this delightfully funny tale from Southern Africa and find out.
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One stormy day, a flying elephant crash-lands into the King's secret garden. A young gardener stumbles across this enormous creature. What will happen? To find out, listen to storyteller Kate Corkery tell this wise Indian tale.
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A young boy living on an island, heads out with his brothers across a frozen sea on a quest to find fire. He has to be very brave in the face of great danger. Listen to storyteller Shane Ibbs tell this moving story from Iceland, and found out what happens when boy meets bear.
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A hat seller heads out to market carring a sack full of hats for sale. He settles down under a tree for a little nap in the heat of the day, and when he awakes, the sack is empty. The tree above him is full of monkeys wearing his hats. What can he do? What would you do? Listen to Baden Prince telling this popular story told in India and Africa and many other countries - to find out what happens.
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There are many versions of Rapunzel - the story of the girl locked in a tower whose hair is climbed by a witch. Today, storyteller Sef Townsend tells a Persian version of the story. Have a listen, and see if you can spot the difference between Sef's story and the one told by The Brothers Grimm. Warning it has a scary witch, so if you don't like the Baba Yaga stories, you might want to avoid this one. Of course, like most fairytales it has a happy ending.
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Storyteller Jason Buck uses extraordinary sound effects and great characterisation to retell this funny English classic. Will the old woman succeed in persuading her pig to jump over the style? It’s a chain story so it would be a good one to have a go at telling yourself.
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A girl is sent into the snowy woods by her step-mum, and step-sisters to find strawberries in mid-winter. It seems impossible, but she’s helped by a group of 12 mysterious people. Who are they and why are they helping her? Listen to storyteller Rachel Murray tell this popular Russian Fairy tale to find out.
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Ha! Storyteller and comedian Tiernan Douieb finds humour in everything. Have a listen to this classic Italian Fairytale about a rather well-dressed trickster cat - to see how he outwits an ogre and charms his young owner.
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If you take one good girl, one not-so-good girl, a terrifying Sicilian ogress and a handful of toads, and spiders – then you have the ingredients for a cracking fairytale. Add in a talented singer/ storyteller Emily Hanna-Grazebrook, and you have a gripping listen. Warning: the ogress is a tad terrifying, but she’s only a story ogress so worth being brave.
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It's amazing what can happen on a magical Christmas night. An old traveller walks through the village cold and hungry. Will he be greeted with the kindness of strangers, or will the door be slammed in his face? Listen to storyteller Amy Douglas sharing this heart-warming story with a humorous twist in the tale and find out.
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It's Christmas Eve, bitterly cold and the animals are hungry...but they all work toegther to help an old lady who is unwell. This delightful tale of transformation and friendship comes from Scotland and was shared by the late travellerand storyteller Duncan Williamson. Kate Corkery weaves her magic and leaves us spellbound.
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Our second pre-Christmas story this week is a little bit scary, so if you don't like scary stories perhaps listen to story 130 The Scarecrow and the Hare instead or story 75 Father Frost and Star Child.
This magical and scary fairytale from Norway tells of 3 brothers who go to the forest to find a Christmas tree on Chistmas Eve. But a grumpy troll is not at all pleased to have someone trying to steal a tree out of his forest. The youngest son challenges him to an unusual completion, Who will win the and claim the tree? Listen to Emily Hennessey telling this compelling story and find out.
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This is the first of two stories this week. One gentle story, and one a bit more scary. This magical fairytale from the late Scottish Traveller: Duncan Williamson, is a gentle story about a scarecrow whose dreams come true on Christmas Eve. It’ll make you believe in magic.
Beautifully told by Storyteller Shane Ibbs.
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The King of Norway asks his friend Halvor to take a Christmas Present to the King of Denmark. A nice idea, but there are two problems: the present is a White Bear; and it's nearly Christmas Eve when trolls and goblins come out to make mischief. Will Halvor complete the challenge and make his way through the spirited woods with a bear in tow? Listen to Storyteller Chris Bostock telling this magical tale and find out.
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The Golden Eagle is lonely high on this mountain ledge and looking for a new queen. Will the wise old owl living in the woods be the right match for him? Listen to storyteller and musician Nick Hennessey tell this beautiful tale and find out.
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A little bird isn’t able to fly with his family to the warm countries as winter approaches, will he find a tree to shelter him from the cold north wind? Listen to storyteller Chris Bostock with this lively retelling of a beautiful North American tale and find out.
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This week we’ve got not one story but two. The first one is Henny Penny about a chicken who’s hit by an acorn and decides the world is coming to an end. The story is all about what happens on her way to tell the King. Listen to Rachel Murray telling this fun English version of an old tale. And then you can hear the original Indian version of the story - The Silly Hare. It’s one of the Jataka Tales which are an ancient form of Bhuddist teaching stories – similar to Aesop’s Fables. A little hare is sitting underneath a tree when a coconut falls next to him. Listen to Kim telling this version. There are plenty of differences for you to spot, but can you work out the message which they are both bringing?
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The Anxious Leaf – told by Tiernan Douieb . This story thoughtfully written over 150 years ago and told very beautifully by Tiernan Douieb, can be helpful for children who are dealing with loss. It’s only five minutes long, so grown ups, if you’re not sure if it’s right for your children, then do have a quick listen first. A little leaf becomes anxious when it sees its siblings being blown to the ground. But eventually it chooses to join the other leaves swirling down in a colourful dance, and finds comfort in the cycles of life.
The Apple Tree Man – told by Kim. Can trees be friends and help us? In this old English story, two brothers live on a farm. There’s talk of hidden treasure somewhere on the land, but the saying goes that only the farm animals know where it is. Rumour has it that the animals will reveal the spot on Christmas Eve. But will it be too late? Listen to Kim telling this story to find out.
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We all see the world differently. That’s obvious when we look at your unique pictures of our stories. But imagine being able to see the world through the eyes of a pixie. That’s what happens to the old woman in this folk tale from England told by Kim. Would you consider yourself lucky, or unlucky to be able to see two worlds at the same time? Have a listen to this traditional tale from Devon and see if it turns out to be a good thing for the old lady in this story.
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Mary didn’t like bedtime and found all sorts of excuses to avoid going to bed. So, when she saw a face at her bedroom window with ruby, red lips, her mum didn’t believe her. Arg
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What would you do if you suddenly came across some fairies singing? That’s what happens to Lusmore in this fairy tale from Ireland told by Kate Corkery. Would you let them know you’re there? As we know, fairies can be tricky. Have a listen and find out if these ones are nasty or nice.
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The Nisse’s New Suit - Is it possible to be too kind to a little magical Nisse who helps out on your farm? In this Scandanavian story, a young couple try to thank their Nisse for helping them. But little people can be tricky, and things don’t go as expected. Listen to Tiernan Douieb tell this story from Norway, and discover what goes wrong.
The Ghost of the Bloody Finger - This ‘scary-not-scary’ story sets out perfectly why it’s probably not a good idea to brag about ‘not being afraid of anything’ – especially when it comes to ghosts! Fortunately, the tale has a funny ending. It’s a good one for beginners to have a go at telling themselves.
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We kick off our theme of stories about little people with this fun story set in Derbyshire in England from storyteller Rachel Murray. Jack and his brothers set off on a quest to seek their fortune. The first thing they find is a little red hairy man demanding some lunch. Will he help them find their treasure?
Listen to Rachel telling her first super great story and find out.
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Can Mary make it across the dangerous bay to help her Grandfather who is ill? Or will she get pulled into a fishy kingdom beneath the sands and be married off to the bossy shrimp prince? Listen to Emily Hennessey telling this magical story set in Morcambe Bay in North West England, and all will be revealed.
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This Cinderella-style story from Botswana is a bit sad, but it ends happily. Keeya loses her mother and gains a stepmother and stepsister. The stepmother is a nasty piece, and Keeya gets hungrier and hungrier. Luckily, a purple fish is looking out for her. How can a purple fish help a hungry little girl to find food and a happy ending? Listen to Kim tell this magical fairytale from Southern Africa and find out.
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Do you know what the Welsh flag has on it and why it came to be like it is? Storyteller and Comedian Tiernan Douieb tells us the story behind the Welsh flag.
This story is not super scary, but there are two fighting dragons in it, and there is one scary moment, so if scary stories aren't for you, then maybe try listening to one of our funny stories like Anansi and the Hot, Pepper Soup or Why Crocodiles Sleep With Their Mouths Open.
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The Queen has died, so her son becomes the new King. But who will tell the King stories at bedtime now that the Queen has gone? In this moving story from Scotland retold by storyteller Amy Douglas, we hear about the King's quest to find a new storyteller - with an upbeat twist at the end of the tale.
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In this fun retelling of an old Greek fable, we hear from storyteller Amy Douglas about the dangers of flattery. We also learn that if you listen carefully to stories, you can learn handy life skills like how to get a free lunch!
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Anansi the trickster Spider and Turtle used to be friends, but not any more. This is a story about why they fell out. Sometimes tricksters find themselves being tricked. Who do you think gets tricked in this story, Anansi or Turtle? Listen to storyteller Emily Hennessey and find out what happened.
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Anansi the Spider man is up to his tricks again. The rains haven't come, and there's not enough to eat, but Anansi finds a magic food pot. Do you think he shares what he's found? Listen to Tuup's funny retelling of this trickster tale from the Caribbean and see if Anansi has learned how to share.
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The mythical Griffin is half eagle, half lion, so it’s a very strong creature. In this story, a brave boy called Jack goes on a quest to find the Griffin and seek help for a young boy who is not well. The Griffin can be very frightening and bad tempered. Will Jack succeed in his quest? Listen to Kate Corkery telling this slightly scary tale and find out. (ps happy ending of course!)
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In this story which is both a bird tale AND a trickster tale, The Raven uses his magical powers to pull a trick and get hold of something he wants. But, does he get it all his own way? Listen to Tiernan Douieb telling this traditional story from the Haida people to find out.
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The animals are all moaning about being too hot, so Suriya the Sun God decides to stop shining. Listen to Peter Chand telling this fun tale from India, and find how the birds persuade the sun to shine once again.
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In this How and Why tale from Papua New Guinea, we hear how turtle nearly ends up as soup for a family of hungry crows. Listen to storyteller Kate Corkery and find out how turtle got its shell.
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In this fun little tale from India, we hear about a greedy cat, a kind parrot, a little old lady, a king and his courtiers, and two cunning crabs who all end up in a cat’s tummy. Listen to Tuup telling this lively tale, and find out how they escape.
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In this Chinese 'How and Why' story, Kim tells us how four dragons help to save the people from drought, and why the dragons end up as the four main rivers which run through China.
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Momotaro goes on a quest to defeat the troublesome Onis (Ogres) on Oni Island. Along the way, he recruits and unlikely team : a dog, a monkey, and a pheasant to help him fight this daring battle. Who will win? Listen to children's comedian Tiernan Douieb tell this wonderful Japanese classic to find out.
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Best not to listen to this story just before bedtime. It’s a bit scary! In the sea just off the coast of Guyana lives a spirit – a Water Mama who is half woman half fish. She is said to enchant people and lure them under the sea. Will the sugar cane man be able to resist her magical powers? Listen to Tuup tell this story - and see if you think it’s a happy ending. If scary stories aren’t for you – then maybe try listening to one or our funny Anansi stories like ‘Anansi and the Hot Pepper Soup’ or ‘Anansi and the Tree with a Face.’
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Thirteen wise men are on a journey which involves crossing a river. Will they all make it safely across, or will they be eaten by the snake monster who is said to live in that river? Listen to talented storyteller Peter Chand telling this funny, Indian Tale and find out.
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Humans are moving into the forest and most of the trolls are moving north to get away from them. But Troll Mother wants to live near the humans because she loves the smell of coffee and baking bread. How will it work out? Find out by listening to this magical song story told by gifted storyteller Emily Hennessey.
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In this story from the sunny island of Zanzibar, Aadi goes to the beach with her big sisters and is captured by a demon Zimwiand shut away in his drum. How will she escape? Listen to Kim telling this entertaining ‘singing story’ from Tanzania and find out.
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A Giant is very pleased with his cape made from 100% Kings’ beard. But there’s just one problem. It’s got a hole in it, and the only way to fix it is by shaving the beard off the great King Arthur. Will the Giant be able to defeat this noble King and mend the hole in his cape? Have a listen to this fun story told by Wilf Merttens and find out.
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Masha is told by her stepmother to visit Baba Yaga the witch who eats children to ask for a needle and thread. Is that a good idea? How will she escape the witch's clutches?With a bit of magic, and kindness and help from her friends. That's how. Listen to Kim telling this lively story from Russia to find how how Masha outwits the witch. You have to be a bit brave to listen to this story, but it does have a happy ending.
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The King is very ill, but a young boy arrives at the palace with a special gift. Everyone who receives it gets 'a warm feeling in their heart, like honey'. What is the special gift? Listen to this beautiful tale told by storyteller Nick Hennessey.
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Listen to this Scottish traditional tale told by storyteller Wilf Merttens about a lonely giant who sets off on a quest to find a wife so he won’t be lonely any more.
He fails miserably in his mission, but surprise! he finds the thing he was looking for was right there back at home - waiting for him.
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The King is getting old - and he has no children. How will he decide who to choose as the next King or Queen? Listen to this fun, English retelling of a traditional Chinese story told by storyteller Amy Douglas and find out.
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In this week's Native American story, Coyote, (half-dog, half-wolf, half- god) is full of questions. He climbs to the heavens seeking answers from the Creator, and surprises himself by creating something himself. Listen to storyteller Emily Hennessey to find out what, and how and why.
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A Long time ago in Nigeria, people enjoyed eating the sky. But what happened when they ate too much? Listen to this thoughtful story from Kate Corkery and find out.
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What would you do if the fairies swapped your brother or sister for a green wrinkly old fairy? How would you get your sibling back? Listen to this Irish tale celebrating the first of May from Kate Corkery to find out.
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Priya finds an egg at school and is rather surprised when it hatches out. What would you do if you discovered a demanding creature with snapping teeth in your pocket? Would you keep it? Listen to Kim tell this fun How and Why story - and find out what happens.
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Mr Tortoise is in trouble, and his 6 children all come to help, but which of them will he reward, and what will he give them? Listen to Kate Corkery telling this 'How and Why' tale from Ghana to find out.
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In the beginning times, Lord Plinlimon decided to share his land between his three daughters, but will they make it to the sea before sunset to claim their prize?
Listen to top storyteller Amy Douglas tell this thoughtful Welsh ‘how and why’ story - to find out.
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Half the world is in darkness, so Possum, Buzzard, and Fox try to steal part of the sun. Then, Grandmother Spider decides to have a go at bringing light and warmth to her animal friends. Who will succeed? Listen to storyteller Kate Corkery telling this Native American story from the Cherokee people, and find out.
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Anansi the trickster spider wants to go to Gloria’s birthday party.
He hasn’t been invited because he’s too greedy and he cheats, but can he use his trickster powers to get himself invited? Listen to Kim telling this lively story from West Africa and find out.
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In this traditional tale from North America, Coyote is mesmerised by a cunning spider. Luckily, he has a foxy friend who comes to his rescue. Listen to this fun tale told by storyteller Emily Hennessey to see how Fox saves the day.
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The Giant’s Causeway on the coast of Antrim in Northern Ireland is an awe-inspiring staircase of huge rocks stretching far out into the sea. But how did it get there? Was it the work of Irish Giant Finn McCool and if so why? Gifted storyteller Kate Corkery explains all.
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In this traditional tale from West Africa, a hunter learns an important lesson from a wise man. Listen to Kim telling this encouraging tale from West Africa and join in with the song.
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Tiger and Anansi are friends. But when Tiger shows an interest in Sister Chicken, Anansi decides to try and win her friendship for himself. Some Tricks Anansi wins, and some he loses. Listen to this West African tale told by wonderful storyteller Tuup to see if this time it's a win, or a fail.
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When Coyote the trickster decides to hide in a big old tree, he gets rather stuck. Listen to this Native American tale full of twists and turns told by storyteller Emily Hennessey to see how wily Coyote gets himself out of this particular bit of trouble.
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In this traditional tale from India, a kind boy releases a tiger from a trap, and very nearly gets gobbled up. But luckily, a cunning jackal comes along to save the day and teaches that tiger a lesson. Listen to Kim telling this wise old tale from India and join in with the roaring and the rhythms.
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Anansi the spider is up to his tricks again. In order to win the King's gold, he has to eat a large bowl of super hot pepper soup.
Will he outwit the king and the other competitors? Listen to Tuup telling this lively singing story from West Africa and find out.
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Anansi the trickster spider wants Nyame the Sky God’s box of stories. But It’s not going to be easy. He has to face many challenges to get it – but with a little determination, and a little trickery anything is possible! Listen to Tuup telling this lively story from West Africa.
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What would you do if an angry fairy suddenly popped up beside you while you were taking a nap? In this Scottish fairy tale told by storyteller Amy Douglas that’s exactly what happens to an unsuspecting tramp with rather surprising results.
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In this imaginative Brazilian Cinderella story, a princess is born with a snake wrapped around her neck. Will her snake turn out to be a blessing or a curse?
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This wintery Russian fairy tale told by Emily Hennessey has a stepmother and 2 stepsisters and a sort of prince who is all sparkly, but he’s definitely not the kind of prince you’d want to marry. And is there a fairy godmother? Have a listen and see what you think?
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What would you do if you discovered a stream of magic, healing water in your garden? I don’t think you’d do what the king of Cork did with his magic water. Have a listen to this Irish fairy tale told by Kate Corkery and see if you think he got what he deserved.
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In this funny, retelling of a traditional Nigerian tale, we hear about 3 men who all believe they’re the strongest. Will there be a winner? Have a listen to Tuup and find out.
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In this story for Christmas day, we hear a tale inspired by the Nenets people who live in the snowy Siberian arctic. Why does Father Frost want to steal Star Child’s fur boots? She teams up with her friends Snow Wolf and The Boy to investigate, resulting in a heart-warming conclusion.
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One snowy night in Russia, a traveller arrives at a run down inn, tired and hungry. He’s doesn’t have money, but he’s got eyes which shine like stars, and he’s made very welcome. Who is this old drover or shepherd? Find out by listening to storyteller and singer Nick Hennessey who will transport you to a Russian winter with this heartening traditional fairy tale.
A good listen for both parents and children.
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In this traditional German fairy tale with a song - three strange looking women show up to help a girl in need. A story which extols the virtue of hard work. Although the girl manages to avoid the work, yet still gets her prince!
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This Norwegian fairy tale told by Emily Hennessey is about a little boy who is tricked by a troll. He nearly ends up in the cooking pot,
but luckily he outwits the scary troll. You have to be brave to listen to this story, because it’s about a troll who eats children. But it’s only a story troll and it’s a great story. If scary stories aren’t for you, then try The Spinning Sisters which we’ll post at the same time as an alternative ‘happy ending’ fairy tale.
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In this funny, retelling of a traditional Indian fairytale told by Tuup lots of animals want to eat an old woman, but she persuades them to wait until she returns from her trip. How will she disguise herself, and escape their genius sense of smell?
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In this lively, interactive folktale from Jamaica, Kate Corkery tells the story of 2 girls who set off on a journey to pick ackee fruit. But a magical river intervenes to teach one sister a lesson. Will Nora learn the lesson the river is trying to teach her and return home safely with her fruit?
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In this story, from the Brazilian Rainforest, a small tortoise pits her wits against the brute force of a notorious forest beast.
Who will win? Listen to Kim telling this lively, traditional story and find out.
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In this funny, interactive folktale from India, Emily Hennessey conjures up one man’s foolish quest to get what he most desires: not gold or treasure, this time, but a fresh, juicy coconut!
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Do you believe dreams can come true? What will happen to the pedlar who decides to follow his dream? Have a listen to Kate Corkery telling this lovely old English tale and find out.
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Would you take on a grumpy bear in order to bring back the Spring? In this Native American story from the Blackfoot People, a young boy sets off on a quest to do just that. Will he succeed? Listen to Tiernan Douieb's exciting telling of this tale, to find out.
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What would you use to build your house if you wanted to be safe? In this interactive old English tale we learn how to keep your family out of trouble and how to outwit the big bad wolf.
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This tale told by Kim is from Russia You have to be brave to listen to this story, because it's about a scary witch who eats children. But it does have a happy ending. If you don't like scary stories, try 'The Three Little Pigs' which we're putting up as an alternative treat. It's more fun than scary.
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In this story from Russia, told by Kim, a farmer finds gold which brings a dilemma. What would you do if you found some treasure, which you want to keep a secret - but your best friend, who loves a good story, wants to tell everyone everything?
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Some people say, that if you catch a leprechaun, he will lead you to a pot of gold. Listen to Irish storyteller Kate Corkery, to see if Molly can get her granny a pot of gold?
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Has anyone ever made your day by showing a little bit of kindness? Listen to this story from Japan told by Tuup about the power of kindness to change lives.
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In this bonus story to celebrate our first year of podcasting, Kim tells a tale from Haiti about a magic orange tree, which provides delicious oranges for a hungry little girl. There’s a scary stepmother in this story, but as in most fairy tales, the story has a happy ending.
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Can you imagine a cheeky fox inviting himself to your birthday party? What do you think might happen? Have a listen to this fun, interactive story told by Irish storyteller Kate Corkery and find out.
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The gods and the giants are always fighting. And Loki the Norse god is up to his tricks again, changing shape to confuse everyone. In this story from Norway, Emily Hennessey tells us how the gods have a wall built around their city to keep the giants out.
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Do you like dancing? This lively story from Haiti in the Caribbean told by musician and storyteller Tuup, contains a special dance, a song and a trickster. See if you can learn the song and make up your own dance.
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In this story from India - told by Peter Chand, things don't look good for a poor little sparrow who is captured by a bullying crow, but don't worry, life is full of sudden and unexpected change - in this case, for the better.
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Ella doesn’t want to start school. But with help from her creepy crawlies: hornet, cobra, grasshopper and blue lizard she gradually starts making friends.
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In this Korean folk tale, told by Pamela Marre, a young boy is laughed at by his brothers for being a bit of a dreamer. But sometimes dreaming can be useful, and bear fruit…
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In this Buddhist folk tale from ancient India, told by Kim, an elephant mysteriously becomes bad tempered. His owner has to figure out what’s casing his distress. I wonder if you can solve the mystery?
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In this folk tale from Iran told by storyteller Emily Hennessey. A King is sent a mysterious box containing a gift and a riddle. Can you help him solve it?
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What would you ask for if you were given three wishes? Listen to Pamela Marre's funny retelling of this traditional tale - set in wartime England to find out what the people in the story wished for.
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This week's story told by Tuup is a 'How and Why' tale from Guyana about how the birds got their colours. It's set in the Amazon Rain Forest. You have to be a bit brave to listen because it's got a giant snake, and a boy who shoots birds in it. So, hold someone's hand, take a deep breath, and off, we, go!
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Do you sometimes get really angry? The boy in this story discovered whenever he felt angry he could turn himself into a Tiger. But then what? Who was in charge - Ted, or the Tiger? Have a listen to Kim telling this story and find out.
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This story from China is about a girl who longed to fly and get a different view of the world. Will her wish come true? Here's storyteller Nadine Wild-Palmer to tell us.If you'd like to support the show you can find us on our Ko-fi page - HERE
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Do you think a Lion, a Vulture and a Hyena could live happily in the same home? Listen to this week's story from East Africa told by Kate Corkery and see if they can learn to live together?
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This week's story is a Jewish trickster story told by Pamela Marre about how a fox fooled an angel when the world was new. You have to be a bit brave to listen to this story because it's go a scary sea monster in it - but it's only a story monster. Will the fox be able to trick the monster too ? Have a listen and find out.
This work kindly shared by Pamela under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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How can a little rooster get a greedy king to listen to him? Will he succeed? Listen to Kim telling this interactive story from Iraq and find out.
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What do you do with a bully who is bigger than you? This lively story told by Kate Corkery is from the Amazon Rain Forest in South America, and shows us what some little creatures did to solve the problem.
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How do you think the rainbow got into the sky? Listen carefully, because Pamela Marre is going to tell you a How and Why story which tells you what the Shoshone people in North America have to say about it.
This work kindly shared by Pamela under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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Did you know that rabbits haven't always lived in burrows? According to this Irish story told by Kate Corkery - there was a time when one particular rabbit fancied something a bit grander.
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This week we are giving you a bit of a treat. This is a bonus guest story about a pig. It comes from a Series of Australian stories called Bullfrogs and Lizards. They’re narrated by David Smith, the co producer on Supergreat kids’ Stories. David grew up in Australia.
Bullfrogs and Lizards isn’t a series of traditional folk tales and fairy tales like the ones on Supergreat Kids’ Stories, - these stories were made up by David’s Grandad and told to David and his sister when he was little, and now he’s recorded them to share with you.
In this story, Roberta Rabbit has recently won a little pig at her school fair and her pig turns out to be very helpful on the farm...
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In this trickster story - best friends Baboon and Tortoise decide to grow some fig trees. But Baboon tricks Tortoise out of his fair share of figs. What would you do if a friend did that to you? Have a listen to Kim telling this story from East and Southern Africa, and find out what tortoise does.
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In this Aboriginal story from Australia, Tiddalink the frog is so thirsty, he drinks all the water in the billabong. That leaves the other animals with no water to drink and wondering what to do. What would you do? Listen to Tuup tell this old tale to hear how they sorted the problem.
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If you'd like to learn more about the First Nations People of Australia and the work being done to preserve their rich and ancient culture, visit the excellent website - www.commonground.org.au
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Do you sometimes want to do something all by yourself? In this story from Haiti told by Kim, little monkey goes off all by himself to find some trouble... and gets a little more than he expected.
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What would you do if you were sent home from a party because your clothes were too scruffy? Listen to Tuup telling this tale from Turkey to find out what the Hodja did. (It's a bit silly.)
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Do you like making people laugh? So does Tiernan who tells this story from the Balkans in South Eastern Europe. It's about a funny boy who loves to tell jokes, and a bored Princess who longs to laugh. Will she find his jokes funny? Listen to Tiernan telling this story and find out.
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This story is about a clever Parrot who longs to escape from his cage and return to his friends and family. At one point in the story, it looks as if the parrot has died, but take heart, things are not always as they seem. Keep listening to this lovely story from Pamela Marre to hear the happy ending.
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How would you feel if you were an animal and your owner didn't want you any more? This group of 4 animals decide to dust themselves down, pick themselves up, and start a band. They might not sing pretty, but their voices are useful for scaring off robbers. Can you help Kim, by joining in this noisy tale from Germany?
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Can Tianjay’s friends save her from her mean great aunt and the scary man with skinny arms and skinny legs? In this Caribbean tale told by Tuup, we see the power of friendship in action. In the words of the African proverb…. 'when spiders unite, they can tie up a lion.' Warning – this story is a bit scary. If you’re not one for scary stories you might want to try How the Stars Became Episode 6 or Why the Sky is Far Away episode 3.
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Can a dog and a strange rabbit from the moon become friends? Have a listen to Kim telling this story from Tibet and find out.
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This week we have an exciting story from Greece about a fight between a Monster and a Prince. You have to be a bit brave to listen, because the monster likes snacking on children ……but it’s only a story monster and you’ll be pleased to hear that it has a very happy ending. It’s told by the kids’ comedian Tiernan Douieb, so it’s also very funny. Let us know if you were brave enough to listen all the way to the end.
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It's baby crocodile's birthday and he's so hungry he could eat an elephant. Is that a good idea? Listen to Tuup's story from East Africa and find out.
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Would you like to turn into a bird and fly off on an adventure? The two friends in this story did just that – but did they make it home? Listen to Kim telling this story from Argentina and find out. (Warning - this story has a witch in it, but she’s a good witch so it’s not very scary.)
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In this, the first of our stories about Love and Friendship we hear an Indian story told by Peter Chand. It's about a mouse couple who are looking for someone to marry their daughter. They search far and wide across the sky, and end up, you've guessed it, back in their village. You'll need your best storytelling skills for this one, because there's lots of participation.
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Can a tiny toad win a race against a long-legged donkey who brags and brays?
Maybe, with a bit of trickery. Listen to this Jamaican Folk Tale told by Nadine Wild-Palmer and find out who wins.
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Anansi the trickster spider wants all the common sense in the world for himself. But even clever spiders don't always get what they want. Here's Tuup to tell you this funny story from West Africa.
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Can a Princess fall in love with a frog? Listen to Kim telling this Brothers Grimm fairytale from Germany, and find out.
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Is it a good idea to go to a frost giant’s party? The two friends in this Viking story decided it was a good idea - and even though they had superpowers, they only just escaped very big trouble.
Here’s Tiernan Douieb to tell you how they did it.
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Did you know that long ago elephant had a shiny little button nose? That's according to Peter Chand who tells this story from India about 'How the Elephant got its Trunk'
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Is it a good idea to take on a giant if you are a tiny little sunbird? Have a listen to Kim telling this story from The Philippines, and see what you think?
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Imagine coming home one day to find a monster in your house. That’s what happened to poor old Hare in this Trickster Tale from South Sudan in Africa.
But who’s the trickster? Have a listen to storyteller Pamela Marre and you’ll find out.
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This episode's tale is called The Coyote and Baby Turtle. It’s from North America and it’s told by Tuup. Even if you’re small and slow you can still “out-trick” a trickster.
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Kojo is a very clever rabbit, but he's also a trickster rabbit. He's a bit naughty, and uses tricks to get what he wants. In this story, Kojo wants wisdom. The story is from West Africa and is told by Kim.
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In the next set of Supergreat Kids’ stories, we’re going to hear Trickster Tales from around the world. We’ll meet lots of characters, who like to play tricks on their friends.
This story is about Anansi the spider who tried to trick his friends and steal their food…..but it didn’t quite work as he’d planned. The story is from West Africa and The Caribbean, and is retold by Kim Normanton.
This work is kindly shared by Kim under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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Have you ever had a grumpy, bad tempered Christmas or Special Day when nothing went right? That's how Joe felt, until his Christmas blew away all together. This is the story of how Joe rescued Christmas and made it much better. It's written and told by Kim Normanton.
This work is kindly shared by Kim under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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This is a story about a little fish and a star who both have secret wishes to explore beyond their own small world. It's written and told by our storyteller Pamela Marre. If you like the story, maybe you could draw a picture of the fish and the star and send it to us at supergreatkidsstories.com or just tell us which is your favourite Super Great Kids' Story. We'd love to hear from you.
This work kindly shared by Pamela under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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Have you ever found a star which has come down to earth? The Native American people from North America tell stories about the star people. This tale is called The Star Maidens and it's told by Tuup.
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On a clear night, if you look up at the sky, you will see the Milky Way. Scientists tell us it’s a galaxy made from billions of stars and gas, and it looks kind of…… milky.
But the Shoshoni people of North America have their own 'How and Why' story about those stars which involves sparkly snow, and some rather grumpy bears. Here’s storyteller Pamela Marre to tell us more.
This work kindly shared by Pamela under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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In the next set of Supergreat Kids’ stories, we’re going to hear starry and wintery tales from around the world.
This story is about a snow wolf and a boy who are friends. It was inspired by the Nenets people who live at the top of the world in the snowy Siberian Arctic. There is a scary moment in this story when the hunter comes along with his gun, but keep listening, because it has a twinkly, happy ending.
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This tale is from East Africa and told by Tuup. It's all about a magical tree. When you call out its name, it grows delicious fruits and gushes water from its roots. But, you have to remember its name!
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Can you imagine having hundreds of rats running around your house and nibbling at your toes while you’re in bed every night? Storyteller Pamela Marre is going to tell us a fairytale from Germany which is full of rats!
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Have you ever been walking in the woods and heard strange voices?
Well, this magical fairytale told by Tuup is about the things that live within the woods.
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This fairy tale from Zimbabwe, in Southern Africa, is a bit like Cinderella – except that the fairy godmother is a crocodile. And instead of a Prince's ball it’s a birthday party. Is a crocodile at a birthday party a good idea? Have a listen, and you’ll find out.
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This next tale is from Russia. Russia has a lot of great fairy tales. You have to be brave to listen to this story because it's about a witch - Baba Yaga, who eats children... but she's only a "story witch" not a real one. And the story has a happy ending!
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In the next set of Supergreat Kids’ stories, we’re going to hear fairy tales from around the world. We have a witch from Russia who eats children, a giant
from the Philippines who crushes creatures under his feet, and we bring you a rather unusual version of ‘Cinderella and the Crocodile’ from Zimbabwe in
Southern Africa. But first, we hear from a grandmother in India who outwits a wolf, and a tiger in order to get through the dark, dark, woods to visit her
granddaughter. Are you sitting comfortably? Then we’ll begin. Mouth open, story jump out!
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Have you ever been out at night an looked up at the stars and wondered how they got there? Well in this episode we hear a story which people tell in Southern Africa about ‘how the stars became’.
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Have you ever seen a lion dance during Chinese new year? Well in this episode, the story which I’m going to tell you is ‘how the lion dance became.
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If you like snakes – you’ll like this story, so listen closely, because in this episode we’re going to hear from Tuup about a story from South America about why the rattle snake rattles and how snakes got their poison.
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Would you eat the sky if you could? In this episode we’re going to hear a story told by Pamela Marre about a time when people did eat the sky. Pamela has always been surrounded by her Jewish family stories and she tells tells traditional stories from many cultures. Today her story is from Nigeria in West Africa about Why the Sky is Far Away.
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In this episode Kim tells us a story about how the mosquito became. Do you know, what a mosquito is? That’s right! It’s a little fly which buzzes and bites.. There are giants in this story. But don’t be scared, they’re only story giants. Are you ready? ‘mouth open, story jump out!’
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In this episode we’re going to hear an Innuit story from Tuup. Tuup is an wonderful storyteller from London with Guyanese parents. He’s going to tell us a story from Northern Canada about ‘How the Whale got Its Sad Song.’ So sit back, relax, and let the magic begin…. As we storytellers say: ‘ Mouth Open, Story Jump Out.’
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Welcome to Supergreat Kids' Stories, fun tales to make you laugh and cry with some of the best storytellers from around the world, recommended for ages 5 to 105…
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