Eating meals together is the ultimate parenting cheat code, and that's because in just one hour you can improve your kids' academic performance, self-esteem, and cardiovascular health while simultaneously reducing their risks of substance misuse, depression, and obesity.
On today's show: author Annette Thurmon on making the kitchen the heart of the home once again.
Here's a preview:
[7:30] A laundry list of the nutritional benefits of regular family dinners, plus the developmental and mental health benefits for kids and teens
[10:00] We parents should be including our children in the cooking process, and here's why (plus: easy lift how-tos)
[20:00] Remember: It's not about the food! It's about the face-to-face, tech-free time
[23:00] Practical dinnertime prompts
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Creative alternatives to "How was your day?"
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