There's lots to consider when searching for an eco-friendly and non-toxic laundry detergent. Are those strips and pods actually environmentally conscious if they're wrapped in PVA? Why don't detergents offer a full list of ingredients on their packaging?
As it turns out, laundry detergents have lots of misleading claims (ahem ... marketing gimmicks) designed to confuse consumers. On today's episode we're breaking down everything you need to know about detergent so you can make informed purchasing decisions moving forward.
Here's a preview:
[2:00] Pricing discrepancies: Do eco-friendly laundry detergents always cost more?
[6:15] Breaking down the 5 biggest environmental concerns associated with laundry detergent
[9:15] Everything you need to know about Polyvinyl Alcohol (I'm looking at you, pods and sheets)
[18:00] How to find a laundry detergent that's actually non-toxic
[22:00] Stephanie's detergent-buying grading rubric for informed purchasing decisions
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