We talk about what's new with SvelteKit, how to contribute and other news in Svelteland!
This week Karine joins us to discuss community, news and other Svelte related things. Have a listen.
- Newsletter (sign up to the unofficial mailing list here)
- rollup-plugin-svelte changes CSS defaults
- Crown Framework and the site built using it.
- Ruby on Rails Doctrine
- Shawn: Mandalorian
- Kevin: reMarkable 2
- Antony: Asus PN50
- Karine: Queen's Gambit
Kevin 0:00
Hello, everyone. Welcome to another episode of Svelte radio. Today we're going to discuss what's happened in Svelte these last few weeks, maybe months. But first, some introductions. I'm Kevin, I run Svelte school. I'm heavily involved in the Svelte community. And yeah, that's me.
Shawn 0:20
Hey, everyone. I'm Shawn. I work at AWS and I mostly should post on Twitter. That's my job.
Antony 0:28
Hey, I'm Anthony. I'm a maintainer of Svelte and I am the CTO of beyond. Nice.
Kevin 0:35
And today we're joined by none other than Ah, Hi,
Karine 0:39
I'm Karine. And I work in Seneca in France and I'm the CO organiser of Svelte society day France.
Shawn 0:48
Oh, welcome, welcome.
Antony 0:50
And you have a cool discord name as well.
Shawn 0:52
K6 what is Yeah, what is key six?
Karine 0:54
Oh, it's just because Karine is six letters and K6 is shorter
Antony 0:58
It's the thing right is Kubernetes
Shawn 1:03
Numeruneum. There's a term for that
Antony 1:05
numeruneum. I see!
Kevin 1:07
I did not know that.
Shawn 1:09
For those who may not know actually so Corinne basically organise society day you run Svelte society, France, and it was just like a beginning to end. I wasn't sure if like Svelte was ready for like a non English conference. But you just did it. And then you got so many submissions. Even got rich to say some French.
Karine 1:31
A very memorable moment. That's been recorded. Oh, right.
Kevin 1:35
You can see that online. Right.
Karine 1:37
Yeah. On the YouTube channel.
Shawn 1:39
Yeah, I mean, I think there is a French community. I think Schneider Electric, they get back I was speaking in French. Then there was like the the newspaper like, was it les echos?
Karine 1:49
Yes, Les Echos, Yes. And they do lots of infographics, papers. Some of them are powered with Svelte animation. I think there's also a radio france, which is the well the broadcaster of many different radios. And they they use Svelte in some part, and they have a very, I just tweeted recently, an article by their tech, tech lead, and they have a very interesting and modern stack, including Svelte.
Antony 2:23
Wow. I mean, radio, France has clearly sort of got their inspiration from start radio.
Kevin 2:30
Obviously, it's cool. Speaking of Svelte, what's new with the Svelte lately? Anyone know,
Shawn 2:40
there's some versions.
Kevin 2:42
Antony 2:44
So we've we've definitely started publishing a newsletter. I don't know exactly who's involved in that. But somebody sort of started publishing announcements, because I think we mentioned on here that we never announced any new features, we just kind of rolled them out. And it's good to sort of get a bit of notice and traction around around the version. So there is no newsletter. I'm terrible, because I don't know where it lives or how to see it. But it's probably on the blog. Right. It's on the stock blog, which was abandoned for a long time, but but it's on there. It lives again.
Shawn 3:11
So I suspect this is like a tear. Yeah, so Svelte dot dev slash blog. The thing about this newsletter is that there's no place to sign up. What what kind of
Antony 3:21
like, it's like a blog, news block. You can't You can't syndicate a write
Shawn 3:28
it there's, I don't see an RSS Yeah, there's
Kevin 3:30
no rss,
Antony 3:32
Shawn 3:33
If you want to contribute to Svelte you know what to do.
Antony 3:37
Yeah, that would be a very good, very good first thing, actually, because this is stored as a bunch of markdown. So there's no reason this can't be syndicated pretty easily. Yeah, so so new, feature wise. I mean, I mean, everyone's everyone's sort of focused on Svelte kit right now. But in the background, there are some new features going into Svelte itself.
Kevin 3:55
I think we've had a number of like smaller point releases, right?
Antony 4:00
Kevin 4:01
with some new features like props, rest, props, and custom web components is one of them.
Antony 4:08
And it's just I think there's just some syntactic sugar around the promise, like the await syntax, just to keep your code clean a bit cleaner. I'm still not a fan. putting away in your template. It doesn't feel doesn't sit well with me. But for those who use it, I guess it's really kind of a terse way of just making sure your data is ready. And then they're pumping out to the page. So this is good. Yeah it's good that that is getting some love
Kevin 4:32
some, some other stuff as well?
Shawn 4:34
I should mention Karine has in the chat. You can speak Karine. I think you found the signup link.
Karine 4:40
Yeah. It's it's Svelte that substack.com and there you have the sign up for the newsletter and Oh, that's a different clever link. It's okay. It's, you know, it's
Kevin 4:53
it. It is the same but like we, I guess you kind of want the like an official signup thing because This is run by the guy that writes it, I think, okay, which is fine. I suppose.
Shawn 5:04
that's good enough. Better than us maintaining a separate mailing list.
Antony 5:09
Yeah. Okay. Well, that's, that's that's nice about it to be honest.
Karine 5:13
So now Antony you can subscribe.
Antony 5:16
Now that what's going on, we should be really useful.
Shawn 5:19
I just very keen on email capture. I'm like the next conference that we do we need to have emails.
Antony 5:24
Yeah, absolutely.
Shawn 5:25
Activate people. All right. So I guess maybe the one surprise because I haven't seen this before. I would want surprise I was rollout plugin Svelte removed the CSS option,
Antony 5:36
They did
Shawn 5:37
This is surprising Why?
Antony 5:38
It's not a question I can answer. Again. I didn't work on that plugin. And I think now i don't i don't know. But yes, I...