119 avsnitt • Längd: 50 min • Månadsvis
Swedenborg & Life is a weekly webcast that explores a broad range of spiritual topics in the context of Swedish scientist and seer Emanuel Swedenborg’s experiences of this life and the next.
This audio-only podcast is an adaptation of a video-based show, and there will be times when there are references to the visuals in the original episode. To get the full video experience (absolutely free!) check out our YouTube channel, Off The Left Eye. For more about Emanuel Swedenborg, visit www.swedenborg.com.
The podcast Swedenborg and Life is created by Off The Left Eye. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Curtis and Jonathan sit down with two Swedenborgian professors to talk about the evolution of divine revelation, and how that knowledge can affect our lives today.
As disclosures about UFO sightings are on the rise, we’ll look at a shocking claim by Swedenborg back in the 1700s – that he spoke with spirits who had lived on planets in our solar system.
Intrusive thoughts are a miserable part of life. Swedenborg was able to see the negative spirits that mess with our minds, and learn how we can build protection against them.
Is there marriage after death? Many believe that Jesus said “no,” but he was talking about earthly forms of marriage. Heavenly marriage relationships are much deeper unions.
People have differing ideas about what heaven is like. Curtis and Rev. Chuck Blair look at stories Swedenborg told about how false ideas about heaven can be set right in the afterlife.
Recorded in the New Testament are a few phrases that Jesus said while on the cross. As with everything Jesus said, those phrases hold more depth and significance than we realize.
Many people anticipate a “Judgment Day” that will happen here on earth. Swedenborg learned that a spiritual judgment can’t take place in the physical world. It has to happen in the afterlife.
Swedenborg was permitted to experience what the dying process is like. Learn what he experienced with angels who assist every person during the transition to the afterlife.
We’re joined by 2 other Swedenborgian YouTubers for a conversation about getting closer to God. Check out their channels!
“Lord, I’m Trying (Todd Beiswenger)” https://www.youtube.com/@ToddBeiswenger “Spiritual Shorts” with Howard Thompson https://www.youtube.com/@spiritualshorts43
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Swedenborg had a vision of a temple in heaven. An inscription over the door said: “Now It Is Allowed.” The time had come for mysteries to be revealed, about the afterlife and the deeper meanings in Scripture.
We can all do our part in healing this world’s divisiveness. Learn why it’s important to make the effort, and learn four key principles to follow in order to make a positive difference. ★☆★MORE WAYS TO SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★ *MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel! https://swedenborg.com/donate/ *COMMUNITY CONNECTION* To support our efforts AND get extra content, book discounts, and opportunities for group discussions and interaction with our team, sign up for our Community Membership! https://swedenborg.com/community-membership-benefits-signup/ *SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here. http://www.redbubble.com/people/swedenborgfound/shop Sign up for our weekly email newsletter here: https://swedenborg.com/otle-newsletter/
Hear Emanuel Swedenborg’s eyewitness description of a heavenly temple that not everyone can see, and what we can learn from it about receiving genuine wisdom.
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*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here. http://www.redbubble.com/people/swedenborgfound/shop
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Do we have to earn God’s forgiveness? How does divine forgiveness work? We dig into what Swedenborg learned about how to step into God’s constant mercy and forgiveness. ★☆★MORE WAYS TO SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★ *MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel! https://swedenborg.com/donate/ *COMMUNITY CONNECTION* To support our efforts AND get extra content, book discounts, and opportunities for group discussions and interaction with our team, sign up for our Community Membership! https://swedenborg.com/community-membership-benefits-signup/ *SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here. http://www.redbubble.com/people/swedenborgfound/shop Sign up for our weekly email newsletter here: https://swedenborg.com/otle-newsletter/
Doing whatever we enjoy might seem like freedom, but it can lead to inner enslavement. Genuine freedom comes from using our freewill to choose a path of goodness and truth. ★☆★MORE WAYS TO SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★ *MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel! https://swedenborg.com/donate/ *COMMUNITY CONNECTION* To support our efforts AND get extra content, book discounts, and opportunities for group discussions and interaction with our team, sign up for our Community Membership! https://swedenborg.com/community-membership-benefits-signup/ *SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here. http://www.redbubble.com/people/swedenborgfound/shop Sign up for our weekly email newsletter here: https://swedenborg.com/otle-newsletter/
What has Jesus told us about heaven? Curtis and Jonathan dig into what Jesus said in the New Testament, and also what he revealed to Emanuel Swedenborg. ★☆★MORE WAYS TO SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★ *MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel! https://swedenborg.com/donate/ *COMMUNITY CONNECTION* To support our efforts AND get extra content, book discounts, and opportunities for group discussions and interaction with our team, sign up for our Community Membership! https://swedenborg.com/community-membership-benefits-signup/ *SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here. http://www.redbubble.com/people/swedenborgfound/shop Sign up for our weekly email newsletter here: https://swedenborg.com/otle-newsletter/
How can God be pure love and yet throw people into hell? It doesn't make sense. Find out what Swedenborg learned about how people end up in hell of their own freewill.
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Sustainable peace isn’t based just on things going the way we want them to. Learn what Emanuel Swedenborg experienced about deeper, heavenly peace that lasts. Please like, subscribe, and click the bell for notifications of new content! And scroll down for related past content. ★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★ *MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel! https://swedenborg.com/donate/ *COMMUNITY CONNECTION* To support our efforts AND get extra content, book discounts, and opportunities for group discussions and interaction with our team, sign up for our Community Membership! https://swedenborg.com/community-membership-benefits-signup/ *SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here. http://www.redbubble.com/people/swedenborgfound/shop Sign up for our weekly email newsletter here: https://swedenborg.com/otle-newsletter/
★☆★FREE E-BOOKS★☆★ https://swedenborg.com/bookstore/free-ebooks-downloads/ ★☆★ABOUT★☆★ We dig into Emanuel Swedenborg’s writings to learn more about the spiritual backdrop of this life we’re living, and then work hard to craft a narrative to share what we learn, using visual tools of animations, illustrations, and diagrams to deliver the concepts in an entertaining, enlightening, and uplifting way. Off The Left Eye is brought to you by the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at https://www.swedenborg.com ★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★ E-MAIL SIGN-UP - https://offthelefteye.com/subscribe/ FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/HeavenAndHellSwedenborg/ ★☆★REACH OUT★☆★ Want to have an Off The Left Eye team member appear on your show? Contact us at [email protected]
The first coming of Jesus Christ happened differently than people expected. Might that be true of the second coming, too? We dig into what Swedenborg learned about this topic.
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Curtis and Dr. Rose discuss the inner meaning of the commands surrounding slavery in scripture.
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