Rayya, Olan, & Miria fight for their life against giant centipedes, we learn about Rayya’s history with the church, the PCs are stalked by a man with a grudge, and find their way barred by an enemy who declares Miria and all she stands for Heresy.
Mormont is an apostate from the Order of Stars: he has learned and seen too much of the Truth of the Trassi Syndicate, observed too much greed an Hypocrisy in the Aldean Church, seen too much selfishness in the Cult of the Master to believe in much of anything other than himself. He will happily sow Chaos and Discord for any faction against any faction if the price is right… and if he can serve his own agenda, all the better.
Mormont: HD: 4d4 (11hp); AC: 9 [10]; Att: dagger (d4); SV: 12; Special: Magic use (See below); MV: 12; AL: Chaos; CL/XP: 6/300; Abilities: Str 8 Int 14 Wis 14 Dex 12 Con 12 Cha 13