Rayya struggles under Mormont’s mind control as he debates to which faction he wants to sell out Miria. An unfortunate communication and a careless intruder cause danger to awaken on every side. Making escape seem increasingly more perilous by the second.
Combat Automaton
These robots are proficient with all manner of weapons. They are built to show off the Gorums’ combat prowess, but in an emergency, can ramp up to a suppression mode to contain them instead.
Combat Automaton: HD: 3; AC: 4 [15]; Att: weapon or 2 electric fist (d6 plus stun); SV: 15; Special: shock; MV: 9; AL: Neutrality; CL/XP: 3/60
Shock: A creature hit by an electric fist attack must make a save or lose its action next round.
The Map of Yanghu’s Gorum Showroom
Tech Room & Entrance: Alien Communications tech, window overlooking 3, high-tech medkit. Mormot has an encampment here. As is Miria’s gear and Olan’s sword.
Cryo Chamber: Each dot represents a cluster of 3 pods. There is a hole entrance in the bottom right corner. A total of 48 Gorum are kept here in stasis. Any damage to a pod will automatically cause the Gorum to be revived.
Demonstration Arena: Open, lots of drains on the floors.
Robot Room: Contains 3 Combat Automatons, swords, laser rifles, plasma pistols, and neural maces. I will use hacking rules derived from White Star: Swords & Wizardry in Space for any actions related to the robots.
Lounge: Doors locked; Mormont has never been in this room. Contains 5,000gp in pressed bars and a decanter of endless water (treasure rolled randomly.)
All doors in this dungeon are nanolaced titanium with crystal windows, they are hard to smash but their pistons are weak and can be broken. A character familiar with starship and space habitat systems can attempt to hack the door with a 2-in-6 chance of success.
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