Why is it that people have different tastes? If you are looking at food, some prefer sweet, some salty, some rather bitter food, which others can't even taste. On a biological level, taste actually is a combination of the sensation of flavour and the sensation of smell. And it is less a genetic thing but rather an emotional one. Depending on what emotions you relate to a flavour and smell, you may like or dislike the food you get. But why talking about food? To me it is the same as in music. Whatever feeling you relate to the sounds and structures of a musical piece, it results in a balance between like and dislike when listening to it. Of course, there is lots of variations in what I like in music and music of similar style is no guarantee to like or dislike it. Well, listen for yourself as you will get some variations of electronic sounds tonight with tracks by Time Away (Seas on the Moon / Compilation), Mikael Fyrek (Further Asunder), Ron Boots, 99.9, and Broekhuis, Keller & Schönwälder (The Repelen EP).
Check https://www.syndae.de/episodes/887-episode-509 for full track list with links to artists and releases.