There are no events to go to these days. One of the things, many of us are missing dearly. As a quantum of solace one finds online events from time to time. Which is nice, but no real replacement for meeting up with friends in sound. Oh, I do enjoy such sessions, as they give at least a little hope. And the music always is great, too. What I did not see, yet, is an event like coming up on March 26th to 28th with the SynthFest. A three day online event with artists from all over the world. Well, barely possible as live event at an offline event (okay, "offline" sounds a bit off...) here you will be able to listen to some dozen artists playing live. And it's free as well, as far as I can see. What is stopping you? I hope nothing. Well, if you cannot wait that long, join me for an hour of fantastic music tonight with maxxess (Reactivate), Ivan Black (Puzzle), René van der Wouden (A Night at the Manor), Sylvain Carel (Atlantide), and Steve Roach (Into the Majestic).
Check for full track list with links to artists and releases.