There is beauty in repetition, especially, if it is not the same all the time. Sounds paradox? Well, people do love symmetry in things. At least, most of us do. It is a sign of beauty. And if there is something out of the order, one can easily get disturbed by it. On the other hand, if something is too symmetrical, we easily get bored. So tiny divergences are cruicial to make things interesting. This holds for visuals as well as aural things. I love a great sequence, may it be rhythm, bass guitar, or a step sequencer. But if it stays the same for too long, I lose interest. Some people are masters of making it sound interesting, and here they come in numbers with Fanger & Schönwälder feat. Lutz Graf-Ulbrich (Analog Overdose 6), K.I.Companion (Wayfarer), The Tin Box (Thirteenth Listen), Eisenlager (Supermax), Hats Off Gentlemen It's Adequate (The Confidence Trick), Wellengärtner, Wöstheinrich & Parsick (Ultima Ratio).