When I started syndae in 2008, I was quite "limited" to music I knew from my closer friends and the local community on electronic music. Only in early 2009 the first track from some kind of online label named kahvi found its way to my ears. It was Mikael Fyrek's A Thousand Years and One. Since that time, I regularily searched and picked music from so called netlabels, where great musical treasures were hidden in freely given music by lots of new artists from all around the world. These days, on July 14th each year, it is Netlabel Day. Multiple netlabels publish especially on that day to celebrate their existence. Well, I am a bit late this year, but tonight is netlabel day. Enjoy the variety of styles and sounds with Beolost (Left behind you), Mar io (Grace Under Quarantine), AViD | Advances in Obsolete Technology (An Introduction to Believe in Billy Records), Akemi Tanaka (We Came In Peace), ROSE (10), Cutside & Trey (Tripoholic), Switchmaster (Netlabel Day 2022), Alex Figueira (Mentallogenic), Luis Marte ft. Petrini (Dúo), Taker 51 (The Spacial One Comeback Special), Sylvain Courtoux (I'll Sing With You), Markus Reuter (NetLabel Day 2022).