Final warn... no, final call... for the Schallwelle Award votings. If you have not done so, you can still vote for your favourie artist, album, and ambient album in electronic music. The winners of the voting session will be awarded at the Schallwelle Award ceremonies in March. And there are still tickets available, if you want to join us for the festivities, including live concerts by Gate Eleven, Elektronische Maschine, and one more to be announced. Besides the audience votings there are some categories not for the public but awarded based on jury votes. For one of those categories, named "Your own way", I will present the nominees in this and the coming edition. We will start with NGC 224, Lunaar, Frank Tischer, Colin Rayment, IcingWolf, Mike Hans STEFFL, Imaginary Landscape, LichtBildGestalter.