Hey, Mama!
In this episode, we’re diving into budgeting and a game-changing savings hack that’ll make your savings grow fast!
Grab your notebook and let's cover:
- Two key principles for financial success
- A simple, three-step budgeting system
- A savings hack that helped my family save $800 in a month
Plus, find out how you can get my full budgeting system (spreadsheet included!) with the Systemize Your Life program.
Here’s what’s inside:
- Financial Success: Scale your income and build a safety net.
- Three-Step Budgeting: Categorize expenses, log them monthly, and use a percentage-based budget.
Savings Hack: Trim a bit from discretionary spending and maximize its impact.
Remember, Mama, budgeting can be freeing and fun. It’s all about living the life you dream of!
Chelsi Jo
BONUS: Use code BACKTOSCHOOL to save $350 off Systemize Your Life from September 23rd to October 2nd!
Resources from today's episode: