In summary, what are some of the easiest ways you can eliminate sugar from your diet?
Cut out soft drinks like sodas, iced teas, energy drinks, flavored beverages. We’re made of 70% water, that’s really the only thing you need to drink
Look at the nutrition labels of the foods you’re eating. How much added sugars are in there? Ideally you want 0g of added sugar in everything you’re eating. Or as close to that 0g as possible. If you see 35g of added sugar, that is not helping you, my friend, not one bit.
Aim to keep your daily sugar level below 25g of sugar for women, and less than 36g for men, which comes out to roughly 6 teaspoons for women and 9 teaspoons for men.
Limit your consumption of white starches like white rice, white bread, white pastas and potatoes. Pick one or two different ones MAX, eat a NORMAL portion size of them, and call it a day.
Try to eat foods containing sugar in the morning or early afternoon, when you have plenty of time to use the fuel and burn them off during the day– instead of eating a pint of ice cream right before bed.
Cut back on cocktails, alcoholic beverages and just alcohol in general– all of them, even beer, have calories or artificial sweeteners that hurt us and don’t help us.
Stay tuned for some raw, honest, REAL conversations and thank you for joining me on this journey. Stay tuned for the next episode and please like, rate and share this podcast if you enjoyed it. If you have questions, comments, feedback, please feel free to DM me on Instagram @kryselek. Have a wonderful day or night, wherever you may be. Sending you so much love, Krysten.