74 avsnitt • Längd: 90 min • Månadsvis
A Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N4.
The podcast Tactical Awareness – An Infinity Podcast is created by Tactical Awareness. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Welcome back to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N5. Come along with our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for a whole new ITS Edition of Infinity! We're back with Zeroes & Heroes; our new Faction review segment where Owen, Dan and Ash will each build their own N5 take on a faction! It's time to jump in with the Alien Weirdos of the Combined Army. This episode we cover the most professional soldiers in the Galaxy; the Morats!OwengloFbW9yYXQMIGZldXJmYWN0aW9ugSwCAQEACQCCEwEBAACB%2BQEBAACB%2BQEBAACB%2BQEBAACB%2BgEBAACCCgEGAACCCgECAACB8QEHAACB8QEIAAIBAAYAghMBAQAAgfkBAQAAgfoBAQAAggoBAgAAghgBAQAAMgEBAA%3D%3DAshglsKc2hhc3Zhc3RpaQxKYXl0aCA0IERheXqBLAIBAQAKAIUOAQEAAIUOAQMAAIUTAQEAAIIIAQQAAIUOAQEAAIH8AQIAAIIUAQEAAIIUAQEAAIH9AQIAAISIAQEAAgEABQCB%2FQECAACC5QEBAACFEAECAACFEAECAACFEAECAA%3D%3DDangloFbW9yYXQMIG1vbmtleSBib2lzgSwCAQEABgCGJAEBAACCBgEDAACCBQEFAACB%2BAEEAACB%2BAEEAACC5QEBAAIBAAkAgvQBAQAAgvQBAQAAghMBAQAAgfkBAQAAgfkBAQAAghQBAQAAghQBAQAAggoBBQAAggoBAwA%3DListener Mailbag: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sZBGrL7XqK03lyU5bunLkIMDMPce4GnI0278hi3PeRI/edit Join us on Discord HERE: https://discord.gg/5hndYxvpTuAdd us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons
Welcome back to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N5. Come along with our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for a whole new ITS Edition of Infinity! We're back with Zeroes & Heroes; our new Faction review segment where Owen, Dan and Ash will each build their own N5 take on a faction! It's time to jump in with the Alien Weirdos of the Combined Army. We kick if off today with the sneaky Seed Soldiers of the Shasvastii!OwenglsKc2hhc3Zhc3RpaQhnd2Fpc2tpboEsAgEACgGCCAEFAAKB9wECAAOB9QEIAASB9QEFAAWB9QEJAAaB9QEIAAeCFAEBAAiF6gEBAAmFDAEBAAqCFAEBAAIABQGFEAECAAKFEAECAAOFEAECAASCAgECAAWCAgECAA%3D%3DAshglsKc2hhc3Zhc3RpaQxKYXl0aCA0IERheXqBLAIBAQAKAIUOAQEAAIUOAQMAAIUTAQEAAIIIAQQAAIUOAQEAAIH8AQIAAIIUAQEAAIIUAQEAAIH9AQIAAISIAQEAAgEABQCB%2FQECAACC5QEBAACFEAECAACFEAECAACFEAECAA%3D%3DDanglsKc2hhc3Zhc3RpaQ0gc2hhc3NzcyBkdW9zgSwCAQEABgCFCgEGAACFCgEBAACF3QECAACB%2FQEDAACFFgEFAACCGQEDAAIBAAkAhQoBAQAAgf4BAgAAhIgBAgAAhQoBBwAAhQoBCAAAghUBBAAAhQwBAwAAghQBAQAAghQBAQA%3DListener Mailbag: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sZBGrL7XqK03lyU5bunLkIMDMPce4GnI0278hi3PeRI/edit Join us on Discord HERE: https://discord.gg/5hndYxvpTuAdd us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons
Welcome back to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N5. Come along with our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for a whole new ITS Edition of Infinity! We're back with Zeroes & Heroes; our new Faction review segment where Owen, Dan and Ash will each build their own N5 take on a faction! As we wrap up the Ariadna series we all break down the basic Vanilla List!OwengTAJdXNhcmlhZG5hBE1hdnOBLAIBAQAKAIMJAQQAAIDoAQgAAIPeAQMAAIDmAQUAAILUAYmcAACC1AGJmQAAgtQBiZwAAILUAYmZAACBAQEBAACBAQEBAAIBAAUAhcoBAQAAgOYBBwAAgOYBBwAAgwcBiy4AAIYiAQEAAshgS0HYXJpYWRuYQ1UYXggQXdhcmUgQXNogSwCAQEABwCG3QEHAACG3QEHAACBAgABAACA9wEHAACA9wECAACA%2FAEFAACBAQECAAIBAAYAgQQBAgAAgQQBBQAAgQYBAQAAgPIBg0UAAIDpAQgAAIEBAQEADangS0HYXJpYWRuYQEggSwCAQEACACEbgGQVgAAhG4BkFYAAIc2AQIAAIXuAQoAAIXuAQkAAIXyAAIAAIOrAQEAAID8AQUAAgEABQCEZgECAACEZgECAACBAgABAACHMwECAACHMwICAA%3D%3DListener Mailbag: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sZBGrL7XqK03lyU5bunLkIMDMPce4GnI0278hi3PeRI/edit Join us on Discord HERE: https://discord.gg/5hndYxvpTuAdd us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons
Welcome back to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N5. Come along with our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for a whole new ITS Edition of Infinity! Were back with a recap of the Canadian nationals Satellite Tournamet: COLDER THAN CARBONITE 2025
Listener Mailbag: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sZBGrL7XqK03lyU5bunLkIMDMPce4GnI0278hi3PeRI/edit Join us on Discord HERE: https://discord.gg/5hndYxvpTuAdd us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons
Welcome back to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N5. Come along with our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for a whole new ITS Edition of Infinity! We're back with Zeroes & Heroes; our new Faction review segment where Owen, Dan and Ash will each build their own N5 take on a faction! It's time for the Space Ariadnans to get their due as we break down KOSMOFLOT. Owen gTIJa29zbW9mbG90CUtvc20gc2hvd4EsAgEBAAgAhfIAAgAAhzMBAgAAhzMBAgAAhzMCAgAAhzMCAgAAgQIAAQAAhfEBBQAAhfEBAgACAQAFAIbVAQEAAIEBAQIAAIYxAQIAAIYxAQIAAIXuAQQA Ash gTIJa29zbW9mbG90DVRhYyBBd2FyZSBBc2iBLAIBAQAJAIECAAEAAIYxAQIAAIYuAQIAAIXuAQcAAIYxAQIAAIYuAQIAAIXuAQcAAIRwAQgAAIXuAQoAAgEABQCF8gACAACF8QECAACA8AEDAACGLQEBAACA%2FwEBAA%3D%3D Dan gTIJa29zbW9mbG90BSBibGVogSwCAQEACACBAwECAAOFtQEDAACG1QEBAACA8AECAACA8AECAACGMAEBAACGMAECAACHNwEBAAIBAAQAMgECAACA8AECAACA8AECAACBAgABAA%3D%3D Listener Mailbag: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sZBGrL7XqK03lyU5bunLkIMDMPce4GnI0278hi3PeRI/edit Join us on Discord HERE: https://discord.gg/5hndYxvpTu Add us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons
Welcome back to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N5. Come along with our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for a whole new ITS Edition of Infinity! We're back with Zeroes & Heroes; our new Faction review segment where Owen, Dan and Ash will each build their own N5 take on a faction! It's time for the All-Dogs-Go-To-Heaven force of hte Tartary Army Korps! Owen gTEHdGFydGFyeQpGaXJzdCBwYXNzgSwCAQEACQCEcAEIAACEcAEIAACDAAECAACA4wEFAACA5wEGAACA7gEFAACA7gEFAACA6gECAACA6gEFAAIBAAQAgPEBAQAAgQEBAQAAgQEBAQAAgOMBAQA Ash gTEHdGFydGFyeQ1UYWMgQXdhcmUgQXNogSwCAQEACwCA5QEBAACA5QEBAACA5QEDAACA5QEDAACEZgECAACEZgECAACEZgECAACEZgECAACA8AECAACA8AECAACGLQEBAAIBAAQAgwABAgAAgOMBBwAAgOMBAQAAgOMBBgA%3D Dan gTEHdGFydGFyeQEggSwCAQEACACEgAEBAACA7gEIAACA7gEHAACHNAEDAACHNAEDAACHNgECAACHNgECAACBAQEBAAIBAAcAhGYBAgAAhGYBAgAAhGYBBwAAhGYBBwAAhG4BkFYAAIRuAZBWAACBAQECAA%3D%3D Listener Mailbag: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sZBGrL7XqK03lyU5bunLkIMDMPce4GnI0278hi3PeRI/edit Join us on Discord HERE: https://discord.gg/5hndYxvpTu Add us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons
Welcome back to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N5. Come along with our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for a whole new ITS Edition of Infinity! It's Hot Takes time as we dive into the finally-relased ITS 16.5 Document. Missions have returned, rules have changed and generally the tweaks are in for this lane-shift medium way through the season. Let's go!
Listener Mailbag: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sZBGrL7XqK03lyU5bunLkIMDMPce4GnI0278hi3PeRI/edit
Join us on Discord HERE: https://discord.gg/5hndYxvpTu
Add us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss
Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons
Welcome back to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N5. Come along with our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for a whole new ITS Edition of Infinity! We're back with Zeroes & Heroes; our new Faction review segment where Owen, Dan and Ash will each build their own N5 take on a faction! We're here with a whole new Hyperpower this week, everyone's favourite Low-Techs, USARIADNA! Owen gTAJdXNhcmlhZG5hBE1hdnOBLAIBAQAKAIMJAQQAAIDoAQgAAIPeAQMAAIDmAQUAAILUAYmcAACC1AGJmQAAgtQBiZwAAILUAYmZAACBAQEBAACBAQEBAAIBAAUAhcoBAQAAgOYBBwAAgOYBBwAAgwcBiy4AAIYiAQEA Ash gTAJdXNhcmlhZG5hCFRhY0F3YXJlgSwCAQEACQCFygEBAACA5gEIAACA5gECAACA9AEBAACDCQEEAACC1QEFAACC1QEGAACDBwGLLwAAgwcBiy4AAgEABQCA6wEIAACA6wEIAACC8AGKCwAAgOsBCwAAgQEBAQA%3D Dan gTAJdXNhcmlhZG5hASCBLAIBAQAKAIXKAQEAAID%2FAQEAAIDmAQIAAIMJAQQAAIDmAQUAAIDmAQUAAIDoAQgAAIDoAQUAAILVAQUAAILVAQUAAgEABQCDBwGLLwAAhiIBAwAAgOYBBgAAgOYBBgAAgvABigsA Listener Mailbag: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sZBGrL7XqK03lyU5bunLkIMDMPce4GnI0278hi3PeRI/edit Join us on Discord HERE: https://discord.gg/5hndYxvpTu Add us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons
Welcome back to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N5. Come along with our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for a whole new ITS Edition of Infinity! We're back with Zeroes & Heroes; our new Faction review segment where Owen, Dan and Ash will each build their own N5 take on a faction! We're on to the final army this week, the refugee Soup that is Vanilla Pan O!
Listener Mailbag: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sZBGrL7XqK03lyU5bunLkIMDMPce4GnI0278hi3PeRI/edit Join us on Discord HERE: https://discord.gg/5hndYxvpTu Add us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons
Welcome back to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N5. Come along with our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for a whole new ITS Edition of Infinity! We're back with Zeroes & Heroes; our new Faction review segment where Owen, Dan and Ash will each build their own N5 take on a faction! We're on to the third Pan O Sectorial this week with the Kestrel Colonial Force!
Listener Mailbag: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sZBGrL7XqK03lyU5bunLkIMDMPce4GnI0278hi3PeRI/edit Join us on Discord HERE: https://discord.gg/5hndYxvpTu Add us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons
Welcome back to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N5. Come along with our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for a whole new ITS Edition of Infinity! We're back with Zeroes & Heroes; our new Faction review segment where Owen, Dan and Ash will each build their own N5 take on a faction! We're on to the second Pan O Sectorial this week with Svarlaheima!
Listener Mailbag: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sZBGrL7XqK03lyU5bunLkIMDMPce4GnI0278hi3PeRI/edit Join us on Discord HERE: https://discord.gg/5hndYxvpTu Add us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons
Welcome back to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N5. Come along with our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for a whole new ITS Edition of Infinity! We're back with Zeroes & Heroes; our new Faction review segment where Owen, Dan and Ash will each build their own N5 take on a faction! We're starting this week with MILITARY ORDERS!
Listener Mailbag: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sZBGrL7XqK03lyU5bunLkIMDMPce4GnI0278hi3PeRI/editJoin us on
Discord HERE: https://discord.gg/5hndYxvpTu
Add us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss
Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons
Welcome back to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N5. Come along with our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for a whole new ITS Edition of Infinity!
It's Part Three of this week's infinity coverage as we give you the low-down on changes to Skills and Orders in N5!
Listener Mailbag: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sZBGrL7XqK03lyU5bunLkIMDMPce4GnI0278hi3PeRI/edit
Join us on Discord HERE: https://discord.gg/5hndYxvpTu
Add us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss
Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons
Welcome back to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N5. Come along with our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for a whole new ITS Edition of Infinity!
It's Part Two of this week's infinity coverage as we give you gear-heads the slop you crave... a breakdown of all the changes to equipment, deployables and weapons in N5! Listener Mailbag: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sZBGrL7XqK03lyU5bunLkIMDMPce4GnI0278hi3PeRI/edit Join us on Discord HERE: https://discord.gg/5hndYxvpTu Add us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons
Welcome back to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N5. Come along with our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for a whole new ITS Edition of Infinity!
We're back you D20 Degenerates!
Ash, Dan and Owen are breaking down their personal top five biggest changes in the N5 Launch today, with follow up episodes all this week.
Listener Mailbag: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sZBGrL7XqK03lyU5bunLkIMDMPce4GnI0278hi3PeRI/edit Join us on Discord HERE: https://discord.gg/5hndYxvpTu Add us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons
Welcome back to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N4. Come along with our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for a whole new ITS Season of Infinity!
A quick BONUS Episode. I sit down with Captain Spud (https://www.captainspud.com/) recapping the Infinity events at Adepticon 2024!
Listener Mailbag: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sZBGrL7XqK03lyU5bunLkIMDMPce4GnI0278hi3PeRI/edit
Join us on DiscordHERE: https://discord.gg/5hndYxvpTu
Add us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss
Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons
Welcome back to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N4. Come along with our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for a whole new ITS Season of Infinity!
It's COLDER THAN CARBONITE. Owen, Ash and Dan traverse perils and tribulation to head north to Edmonton to play five games of Infinity in February 2023. How did it go? Let's find out!
Thanks to everyone that threw a question in the Mailbag. We'll do three per episode so keep adding new ones to the link below. Don't add more than one new one per episode please!
Listener Mailbag: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sZBGrL7XqK03lyU5bunLkIMDMPce4GnI0278hi3PeRI/edit
Join us on Discord HERE: https://discord.gg/axw8kwqRw9
Add us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss
Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons
Welcome back to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N4. Come along with our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for a whole new ITS Season of Infinity! It's the return of DAN! With only four days to go, he STARTS his Colder than Carbonite Prep with his Imperial Service. How will it go? WHO KNOWS?! We're playing at the event THE DAY THIS GOES UP. Thanks to everyone that threw a question in the Mailbag. We'll do three per episode so keep adding new ones to the link below. Don't add more than one new one per episode please! Listener Mailbag: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sZBGrL7XqK03lyU5bunLkIMDMPce4GnI0278hi3PeRI/edit Join us on Discord HERE: https://discord.gg/axw8kwqRw9 Add us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons
Welcome back to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N4. Come along with our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for a whole new ITS Season of Infinity!
After an interlude in which Owen and I actually got to play some games together, we're back with recap on our prep for our national Satellite Tournament; Colder than Carbonite 2024!
Thanks to everyone that threw a question in the Mailbag. We'll do three per episode so keep adding new ones to the link below. Don't add more than one new one per episode please!
Listener Mailbag: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sZBGrL7XqK03lyU5bunLkIMDMPce4GnI0278hi3PeRI/edit
Join us on Discord HERE: https://discord.gg/Enqh8MDXdS
Add us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss
Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons
Welcome back to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N4. Come along with our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for a whole new ITS Season of Infinity! Happy New Year! Were one month away from Colder than Carbonite so it's time to start prepping! Dan is still in New Zealand, so it's the Owen and Ash Show! Thanks to everyone that threw a question in the Mailbag. We'll do three per episode so keep adding new ones to the link below. Don't add more than one new one per episode please! Listener Mailbag: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sZBGrL7XqK03lyU5bunLkIMDMPce4GnI0278hi3PeRI/edit Join us on Discord HERE: https://discord.gg/Enqh8MDXdS Add us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons
Welcome back to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N4. Come along with our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for a whole new ITS Season of Infinity! We're back with some Foundational stuff! This time it's WOMBO-COMBOS for Beginners. Each of our three favourite skills pairings for Infinity N4. Thanks to everyone that threw a question in the Mailbag. We'll do three per episode so keep adding new ones to the link below. Don't add more than one new one per episode please! Listener Mailbag: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sZBGrL7XqK03lyU5bunLkIMDMPce4GnI0278hi3PeRI/edit Join us on Discord HERE: https://discord.gg/Enqh8MDXdS Add us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons
Welcome back to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N4. Come along with our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for a whole new ITS Season of Infinity! We're back with some Foundational stuff! This time it's WOMBO-COMBOS for Beginners. Each of our three favourite equipment pairings for Infinity N4. Thanks to everyone that threw a question in the Mailbag. We'll do three per episode so keep adding new ones to the link below. Don't add more than one new one per episode please! Listener Mailbag: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sZBGrL7XqK03lyU5bunLkIMDMPce4GnI0278hi3PeRI/edit Join us on Discord HERE: https://discord.gg/Enqh8MDXdS Add us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons
Welcome back to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N4. Come along with our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for a whole new ITS Season of Infinity!
It's DUNKING on 3's! In this limited series the gang will break down personal lowest three lists and fight it out to solve the BURNING INTERNET DEBATES and put for rest once and all the Infinity Drama on the World Wibe Weeb.
Thanks to everyone that threw a question in the Mailbag. We'll do three per episode so keep adding new ones to the link below. Don't add more than one new one per episode please!
Listener Mailbag: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sZBGrL7XqK03lyU5bunLkIMDMPce4GnI0278hi3PeRI/edit
Join us on Discord HERE: https://discord.gg/Enqh8MDXdS
Add us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss
Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons
Welcome back to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N4. Come along with our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for a whole new ITS Season of Infinity!
It's SHOOTING 3's! In this limited series the gang will break down personal top three lists and fight it out to solve the BURNING INTERNET DEBATES and put for rest once and all the Infinity Drama on the World Wibe Weeb.
Thanks to everyone that threw a question in the Mailbag. We'll do three per episode so keep adding new ones to the link below. Don't add more than one new one per episode please!
Listener Mailbag: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sZBGrL7XqK03lyU5bunLkIMDMPce4GnI0278hi3PeRI/edit
Join us on Discord HERE: https://discord.gg/Enqh8MDXdS
Add us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss
Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons
Welcome back to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N4. Come along with our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for a whole new ITS Season of Infinity! Owen and Dan have gone in on Spaceshipppps. Ash gets almost halfway through his Escalation League and still doesn't know what he's doing with Haqq and the rest is our general random horse****. Thanks to everyone that threw a question in the Mailbag. We'll do three per episode so keep adding new ones to the link below. Don't add more than one new one per episode please! Listener Mailbag: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sZBGrL7XqK03lyU5bunLkIMDMPce4GnI0278hi3PeRI/edit Join us on Discord HERE: https://discord.gg/Enqh8MDXdS Add us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons
Welcome back to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N4. Come along with our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for a whole new ITS Season of Infinity! It's another Mailbag Madness. In this one the gang catches up on their new armies talks about prep for the Escalation League and the pros and cons of Sunduqbuts. Thanks to everyone that threw a question in the Mailbag. We'll do three per episode so keep adding new ones to the link below. Don't add more than one new one per episode please! Listener Mailbag: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sZBGrL7XqK03lyU5bunLkIMDMPce4GnI0278hi3PeRI/edit Join us on Discord HERE: https://discord.gg/Enqh8MDXdS Add us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons
Welcome back to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N4. Come along with our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for a whole new ITS Season of Infinity! SEASON 2 Kicks off!
Ash, shattered from a weekend Convention, hands the reins to Owen and Dan for Episode 5!
Thanks to everyone that threw a question in the Mailbag. We'll do three per episode so keep adding new ones to the link below. Don't add more than one new one per episode please!
Listener Mailbag: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sZBGrL7XqK03lyU5bunLkIMDMPce4GnI0278hi3PeRI/edit
Join us on Discord HERE: https://discord.gg/Enqh8MDXdS
Add us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss
Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons
Welcome back to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N4. Come along with our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for a whole new ITS Season of Infinity! SEASON 2 Kicks off!
Dan is back so we're catching up on what everyone has been building and painting and getting our format down for the ESCALATION LEAGUE using the Direct Action missions while we wait for the new ITS deck!
Thanks to everyone that threw a question in the Mailbag. We'll do three per episode so keep adding new ones to the link below. Don't add more than one new one per episode please!
Listener Mailbag: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sZBGrL7XqK03lyU5bunLkIMDMPce4GnI0278hi3PeRI/edit
Join us on Discord HERE: https://discord.gg/Enqh8MDXdS
Add us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss
Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons
Welcome back to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N4. Come along with our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for a whole new ITS Season of Infinity! SEASON 2 Kicks off!
Dan's out so it's just Ash and Owen for this one as we finish off the three new Scenarios from ITS 15 - LAST LAUNCH!
Thanks to everyone that threw a question in the Mailbag. We'll do three per episode so keep adding new ones to the link below. Don't add more than one new one per episode please!
Listener Mailbag: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sZBGrL7XqK03lyU5bunLkIMDMPce4GnI0278hi3PeRI/edit
Join us on Discord HERE: https://discord.gg/Enqh8MDXdS
Add us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss
Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons
Welcome back to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N4. Come along with our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for a whole new ITS Season of Infinity! SEASON 2 Kicks off!
Join Ash, Dan and Owen for breakdowns of first the new missions, the the ITS 15 Pack as we start a whole new season of Infinity.
Thanks to everyone that threw a question in the Mailbag. We'll do three per episode so keep adding new ones to the link below. Don't add more than one new one per episode please!
Listener Mailbag: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sZBGrL7XqK03lyU5bunLkIMDMPce4GnI0278hi3PeRI/edit
Join us on Discord HERE: https://discord.gg/Enqh8MDXdS
Add us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss
Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons
Welcome back to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N4. Come along with our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for a whole new ITS Season of Infinity! SEASON 2 Kicks off! Join Ash, Dan and Owen for breakdowns of first the new missions, the the ITS 15 Pack as we start a whole new season of Infinity. Thanks to everyone that threw a question in the Mailbag. We'll do three per episode so keep adding new ones to the link below. Don't add more than one new one per episode please! Listener Mailbag: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sZBGrL7XqK03lyU5bunLkIMDMPce4GnI0278hi3PeRI/edit Join us on Discord HERE: https://discord.gg/Enqh8MDXdS Add us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons
Welcome back to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N4. Come along with our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for another Season 1 discussion on foundational topics for Infinity. IT'S THE END OF SEASON 1! The Season 15 Document has launched and we round off the final season with a transition episode where we give our first impressions of what's new and different before we set course on a full breakdown in Season 2. Thanks to everyone that threw in a question. We'll do three per episode so keep adding new ones to the link below. Don't add more than one new one per episode please! Listener Mailbag: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sZBGrL7XqK03lyU5bunLkIMDMPce4GnI0278hi3PeRI/edit Join us on Discord HERE: https://discord.gg/Enqh8MDXdS Add us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons
Welcome back to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N4. Come along with our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for another Season 1 discussion on foundational topics for Infinity.
Summer Siege, Interplanetario and Hotter than Hell's Basement have all come to a close and we find ourselves in our second Mail Bag episode as we await ITS 15!
Thanks to everyone that threw in a question. We'll do three per episode so keep adding new ones to the link below. Don't add more than one new one per episode please!
Listener Mailbag:
Join us on Discord HERE: https://discord.gg/Enqh8MDXdS
Add us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss
Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons
Welcome back to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N4. Come along with our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for another Season 1 discussion on foundational topics for Infinity. As we wind down ITS 14 we're taking the Mail Bag to the next level and having it drive the show! Owen and Dan also noodle on lists for Hotter Than Hell's Basement that took place this last weekend, with Owen trying to skew as hard as possible and Dan betting the farm on a single EM Grenade Launcher. Thanks to everyone that threw in a question. We'll do three per episode so keep adding new ones to the link below. Don't add more than one new one per episode please! Listener Mailbag:
Join us on Discord HERE: https://discord.gg/Enqh8MDXdS
Add us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss
Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons
Welcome to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N4. Come along with our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for another Season 1 discussion on foundational topics for Infinity. Dan is back! Today, with a terrible audio Ash and a surly Owen, we go over our impressions of Reinforcements as a new way of doing releases for CB and what it might mean in the future.
We've also got Mail! Thanks to everyone that threw in a question. We'll do three per episode so keep adding new ones to the link below. Don't add more than one new one per episode please!
Check out Hotter Than Hell's Basement HERE:
https://infinitytheuniverse.com/games/infinity/its/tournament/6be033d26-hotter-than-hell-s-basement Listener Mailbag:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sZBGrL7XqK03lyU5bunLkIMDMPce4GnI0278hi3PeRI/edit Sign up and get the info for the season ender SUMMER SIEGE here: https://infinitytheuniverse.com/games/infinity/its/tournament/19c9bb774-tactical-awareness-summer-siege-2023 Join us on Discord HERE: https://discord.gg/Enqh8MDXdS Add us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons
Welcome to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N4. Come along with our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for another Season 1 discussion on foundational topics for Infinity. We're back and the GENCON 2023 Seminar has come and gone, full of spoilers and scuttlebutt. Ash and Owen sit down to go over the news. We've also got Mail! Thanks to everyone that threw in a question. We'll do three per episode so keep adding new ones to the link below. Don't add more than one new one per episode please!
Check out Hotter Than Hell's Basement HERE:
Listener Mailbag:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sZBGrL7XqK03lyU5bunLkIMDMPce4GnI0278hi3PeRI/edit
Sign up and get the info for the season ender SUMMER SIEGE here: https://infinitytheuniverse.com/games/infinity/its/tournament/19c9bb774-tactical-awareness-summer-siege-2023
Join us on Discord HERE: https://discord.gg/Enqh8MDXdS
Add us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss
Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons
Welcome to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N4. Come along with our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for another Season 1 discussion on foundational topics for Infinity.
It's GenCon and we're wrapping up the spoilers for the upcoming year. We've also got Mail! Thanks to everyone that threw in a question. We'll do three per episode so keep adding new ones to the link below. Don't add more than one new one per episode please!
Listener Mailbag:
Sign up and get the info for the season ender SUMMER SIEGEhere: https://infinitytheuniverse.com/games/infinity/its/tournament/19c9bb774-tactical-awareness-summer-siege-2023
Join us on DiscordHERE: https://discord.gg/Enqh8MDXdS
Add us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss
Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons
Welcome to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N4. Come along with our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for another Season 1 discussion on foundational topics for Infinity.
It's almost GenCon and that means CB is moving the universe forward! Get ready for the fall of the Cerberus Gate, new unit profiles and tons of what's coming up over the next year. We've also got Mail! Thanks to everyone that threw in a question. We'll do three per episode so keep adding new ones to the link below. Don't add more than one new one per episode please!
Listener Mailbag: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sZBGrL7XqK03lyU5bunLkIMDMPce4GnI0278hi3PeRI/edit
Sign up and get the info for the season ender SUMMER SIEGE here: https://infinitytheuniverse.com/games/infinity/its/tournament/19c9bb774-tactical-awareness-summer-siege-2023
Join us on Discord HERE: https://discord.gg/Enqh8MDXdS
Add us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss
Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons
Welcome to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N4. Come along with our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for another Season 1 discussion on foundational topics for Infinity.
Welcome to our next Faction Guide! We're now at the end of Yu-Jing, putting all the pieces together for the final core army. We've also got Mail! Thanks to everyone that threw in a question. We'll do three per episode so keep adding new ones to the link below. Don't add more than one new one per episode please!
Listener Mailbag:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sZBGrL7XqK03lyU5bunLkIMDMPce4GnI0278hi3PeRI/edit
Sign up and get the info for the season ender SUMMER SIEGE here: https://infinitytheuniverse.com/games/infinity/its/tournament/19c9bb774-tactical-awareness-summer-siege-2023
Join us on Discord HERE: https://discord.gg/Enqh8MDXdS
Add us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss
Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons
Welcome to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N4. Come along with our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for another Season 1 discussion on foundational topics for Infinity.
Welcome to our next Faction Guide! We're back now with our Faction Break Down for Imperial Service as we work our way through Yu Jing. We've also got Mail! Thanks to everyone that threw in a question. We'll do three per episode so keep adding new ones to the link below. Don't add more than one new one per episode please!
Listener Mailbag:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sZBGrL7XqK03lyU5bunLkIMDMPce4GnI0278hi3PeRI/edit
Sign up and get the info for the season ender SUMMER SIEGE here: https://infinitytheuniverse.com/games/infinity/its/tournament/19c9bb774-tactical-awareness-summer-siege-2023
Join us on Discord HERE: https://discord.gg/Enqh8MDXdS
Add us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss
Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons
Welcome to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N4. Come along with our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for another Season 1 discussion on foundational topics for Infinity.
Welcome to our next Faction Guide! We're back now with our Faction Break Down for Invincible Army as we work our way through Yu Jing. We've also got Mail! Thanks to everyone that threw in a question. We'll do three per episode so keep adding new ones to the link below. Don't add more than one new one per episode please!
Listener Mailbag:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sZBGrL7XqK03lyU5bunLkIMDMPce4GnI0278hi3PeRI/
Sign up and get the info for the season ender SUMMER SIEGE here: https://infinitytheuniverse.com/games/infinity/its/tournament/19c9bb774-tactical-awareness-summer-siege-2023
Join us on DiscordHERE: https://discord.gg/Enqh8MDXdS
Add us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss
Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons
Welcome to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N4. Come along with our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for another Season 1 discussion on foundational topics for Infinity.
Welcome to our next Faction Guide!. With Dan finally getting his collection of Yu Jing models assembled we're kicking off a new Faction Break Down with WHITE BANNER.
Listener Mailbag: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sZBGrL7XqK03lyU5bunLkIMDMPce4GnI0278hi3PeRI/
Sign up and get the info for the season ender SUMMER SIEGE here: https://infinitytheuniverse.com/games/infinity/its/tournament/19c9bb774-tactical-awareness-summer-siege-2023
Join us on Discord HERE: https://discord.gg/Enqh8MDXdS
Add us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss
Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons
Welcome to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N4. Come along with our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for another Season 1 discussion on foundational topics for Infinity.
Welcome to our next ARO: Alert - An Anti Faction Guide. This series is Owen's Brain-Child, where we look at factions not from the point of view of how to play them, but rather how to take them apart. This episode features Ash's chosen faction from our breakdown series, ALEPH!
Sign up and get the info for the season ender SUMMER SIEGEhere: https://infinitytheuniverse.com/games/infinity/its/tournament/19c9bb774-tactical-awareness-summer-siege-2023
Join us on DiscordHERE: https://discord.gg/Enqh8MDXdS
Add usto your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss
Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons
Welcome to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N4. Come along with our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for another Season 1 discussion on foundational topics for Infinity.
Welcome to our next ARO: Alert - An Anti Faction Guide. This series is Owen's Brain-Child, where we look at factions not from the point of view of how to play them, but rather how to take them apart. Our next episode has Dan take the wheel while Owen and I talk about the SPACE COPS!
Sign up and get the info for the season ender SUMMER SIEGEhere: https://infinitytheuniverse.com/games/infinity/its/tournament/19c9bb774-tactical-awareness-summer-siege-2023
Join us on DiscordHERE: https://discord.gg/Enqh8MDXdS
Add usto your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss
Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons
Welcome to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N4. Come along with our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for another Season 1 discussion on foundational topics for Infinity.
Welcome to the first ARO: Alert - An Anti Faction Guide. This series is Owen's Brain-Child, where we look at factions not from the point of view of how to play them, but rather how to take them apart. We're kicking these off in the same order we did our actual Faction Reviews, starting with Haqqislam and all their Sectorials. Let's dive in!
Sign up and get the info for the season ender SUMMER SIEGE here: https://infinitytheuniverse.com/games/infinity/its/tournament/19c9bb774-tactical-awareness-summer-siege-2023
Join us on Discord HERE: https://discord.gg/Enqh8MDXdS
Add us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss
Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons
Welcome to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N4. Come along with our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for another Season 1 discussion on foundational topics for Infinity.
Spring Offensive is done and dusted and White Company has taken home the event. John Tu joins us to discuss N2A Armies and their resurgence at events across Infinity. Sign up and get the info for the season ender SUMMER SIEGE here: https://infinitytheuniverse.com/games/infinity/its/tournament/19c9bb774-tactical-awareness-summer-siege-2023
Join us on Discord HERE: https://discord.gg/Enqh8MDXdS
Add us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss
Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons
Welcome to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N4. Come along with our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for another Season 1 discussion on foundational topics for Infinity.
Ash is away this episode with a sick kid, so it's an OWEN and DAN takeover. What will they do? How will they handle this freedom? The only way to find out is to listen.
Join us on Discord HERE: https://discord.gg/Enqh8MDXdS
Add us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss
Get access to episodes 5 days early and other perks like listening in to the recording studio on our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TacticalAwarenessPodcast
Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons
Welcome to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N4. Come along with our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for another Season 1 discussion on foundational topics for Infinity.
With our venue shifting Spring Offensive two weeks later for an emergency, Owen's flight to Ontario was suddenly without a tournament, so Ash whips one together last minute with a great team of volunteers. After 48hrs of gaming Ash and Owen throw down, let's hear about it!
Join us on Discord HERE: https://discord.gg/Enqh8MDXdS
Add us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss
Get access to episodes 5 days early and other perks like listening in to the recording studio on our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TacticalAwarenessPodcast Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons
Welcome to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N4. Come along with our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for another Season 1 discussion on foundational topics for Infinity.
Listomania is where it's at. In the fine tradition of reigning in our free associating. Owen, Dan and Ash set about highlighting some of the things they think Infinity does best and each making a wish for something that would add to the mix. Let's dive in!
Join us on Discord HERE: https://discord.gg/Enqh8MDXdS
Add us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss
Get access to episodes 5 days early and other perks like listening in to the recording studio on our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TacticalAwarenessPodcast Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons
Welcome to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N4. Come along with our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for another Season 1 discussion on foundational topics for Infinity.
At some point in your Infinity Career, if you make it over the hump of feeling competent and having a good time, you will be lured into playing a new faction.
There are real, material advantages to that from a gameplay point of view and tonight we dive in and talk about them!
Join us on Discord HERE: https://discord.gg/Enqh8MDXdS
Add us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss
Get access to episodes 5 days early and other perks like listening in to the recording studio on our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TacticalAwarenessPodcast
Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons
Welcome to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N4. Come along with our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for another Season 1 discussion on foundational topics for Infinity.
Going second in Infinity is a theme that keeps coming up over and over again in our Podcast, so it was time to put that together and do an episode. Missions that score at the end, placement scoring missions and even just surviving turn one because you lost the Initiative roll are real skills in N4 and worth their own episode.
Join us on Discord HERE: https://discord.gg/Enqh8MDXdS
Add us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss
Get access to episodes 5 days early and other perks like listening in to the recording studio on our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TacticalAwarenessPodcast
Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons
Welcome to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N4. Come along with our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for another Season 1 discussion on foundational topics for Infinity.
We're baaaack! I'm home from Adepticon and Owen, Dan and I go through the all the Seminars and updates for 2023.
Join us on Discord HERE: https://discord.gg/Enqh8MDXdS
Add us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss
Get access to episodes 5 days early and other perks like listening in to the recording studio on our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TacticalAwarenessPodcast
Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons
Welcome to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N4. Come along with our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for another Season 1 discussion on foundational topics for Infinity.
Taking a break from Faction Guides for a bit, the crew discusses their observations after these ten episodes and some patterns and impressions they've gained about N4 and ITS 14.
Join us on Discord HERE: https://discord.gg/Enqh8MDXdS
Add us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss
Get access to episodes 5 days early and other perks like listening in to the recording studio on our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TacticalAwarenessPodcast
Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons
Welcome to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N4. Come along with our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for another Season 1 discussion on foundational topics for Infinity.
What happens when you put the heroes of the Assault Subsection together with the assassins of the Operations Subsection and sprinkle in some Mercenaries? Let's find out as we break down Aleph prime that unlocks this combination at the cost of Haris and Core Fireteams.
Join us on Discord HERE: https://discord.gg/Enqh8MDXdS
Add us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss
Get access to episodes 5 days early and other perks like listening in to the recording studio on our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TacticalAwarenessPodcast
Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons
Welcome to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N4. Come along with our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for another Season 1 discussion on foundational topics for Infinity.
Today our group-chat has been blowing up all about the new unit profile spoilers for Bakunin. This is NOT a Faction Guide as we're waiting for the 23rd of March when Army updates with all the changed exiting profiles but Owen, Dan and I jumped on to talk about the new unit profiles and our first impressions.
Join us on Discord HERE: https://discord.gg/Enqh8MDXdS
Add us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss
Get access to episodes 5 days early and other perks like listening in to the recording studio on our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TacticalAwarenessPodcast
Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons
Welcome to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N4. Come along with our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for another Season 1 discussion on foundational topics for Infinity.
We're back with STEEL PHALANX, the Assault group of action heroes that Aleph uses as the hammer to compliment the OSSS scalpel. This is a long one as there's so MANY individual hero units to break down, so buckle up!
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Get access to episodes 5 days early and other perks like listening in to the recording studio on our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TacticalAwarenessPodcast
Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons
Welcome to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N4. Come along with our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for another Season 1 discussion on foundational topics for Infinity.
It's our third Faction Guide kicking off with the Operations Subsection as we dive into Aleph!
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Add us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss
Get access to episodes 5 days early and other perks like listening in to the recording studio on our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TacticalAwarenessPodcast
Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons
Welcome to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N4. Come along with our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for another Season 1 discussion on foundational topics for Infinity.
With only one ITS Event in three years under his belt and with Dan having never competed in a single season, our intrepid hosts venture north to Edmonton for Canada's ITS Satellite Event; COLDER THAN CARBONITE 2023. Let's check out how it went.
Owen's List 1 -
Owen's List 2 -
Dan's List 1 -
Dan's List 2 -
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Get access to episodes 5 days early and other perks like listening in to the recording studio on our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TacticalAwarenessPodcast
Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons
Welcome to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N4. Come along with our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for another Season 1 discussion on foundational topics for Infinity.
It's just four days before Colder Than Carbonite 2023 and Owen is still list-making for the Satellite Event. Hassassin Bahram is his faction of choice so join him, Dan and Ash as they break down the last of the Haqqislam Sectorials and help him build his list for the big five-game-two-day Tournament!
Owen's List 1 -
Ash/Owen's List 2 -
Dan's List -
Join us on Discord HERE: https://discord.gg/Enqh8MDXdS
Add us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss
Get access to episodes 5 days early and other perks like listening in to the recording studio on our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TacticalAwarenessPodcast
Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons
Welcome to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N4. Come along with our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for another Season 1 discussion on foundational topics for Infinity.
We're back with our next Faction Guide as we dive deeper into Haqqislam with Qapu Khalqi, the guardians of the Silk Road and a horde of Space Pirates and Ne'er-do-wells.
Join us on Discord HERE: https://discord.gg/Enqh8MDXdS
Add us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss
Get access to episodes 5 days early and other perks like listening in to the recording studio on our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TacticalAwarenessPodcast
Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons
Welcome to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N4. Come along with our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for another Season 1 discussion on foundational topics for Infinity.
We're back with our next Faction Guide and new Super Power as Owen takes the helm working through Haqqislam with Ramah Taskforce!
Join us on Discord HERE: https://discord.gg/Enqh8MDXdS
Add us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss
Get access to episodes 5 days early and other perks like listening in to the recording studio on our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TacticalAwarenessPodcast
Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons
Welcome to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N4. Come along with our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for another Season 1 discussion on foundational topics for Infinity.
It's Part 2 of the 0-12 Faction Guide where we build on the previous episode on STARMADA with the PRIME 0-12 Army List and the additional 32 Profiles you can take when you discard Haris and Core Fireteams!
Dan's List:
Owen's List:
Ash's List:
Join us on Discord HERE: https://discord.gg/Enqh8MDXdS
Add us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss
Get access to episodes 5 days early and other perks like listening in to the recording studio on our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TacticalAwarenessPodcast
Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons
Welcome to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N4. Come along with our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for another Season 1 discussion on foundational topics for Infinity.
Join us as we embark on our first Faction Guide episode, starting with the short and sweet breakdown of Infinity's SPACE COPS, 0-12. We'll be moving from Sectorials (shorter lists) through to the main core of the Hyperpower lists as we end each segment and this one kicks off, led by Dan!
Dan's List:
Ash's List:
Owen's List:
Join us on Discord HERE: https://discord.gg/Enqh8MDXdS
Add us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss
Get access to episodes 5 days early and other perks like listening in to the recording studio on our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TacticalAwarenessPodcast
Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons.
Welcome to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N4. Join our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for another Season 1 discussion on foundational topics for Infinity.
How do you know you're no longer a beginner? It's a mix of things and they sneak up on you. Today we tackle the end of the beginning, where you've got your skates under you and start to actually enjoy the game, win-lose-or-draw.
Join us on Discord HERE: https://discord.gg/Enqh8MDXdS
Add us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss
Get access to episodes 5 days early and other perks like listening in to the recording studio on our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TacticalAwarenessPodcast
Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons.
Welcome to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N4. Join our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for another Season 1 discussion on foundational topics for Infinity.
When you first start playing any game it can feel like a big stretch from starting out to going to your first event (often called an ITS Event). It can sometimes seem like everyone knows more than you and must be more prepared than you are.
It’s entirely possible that this is true!
Events can call together a whole mix and range of experience levels of players into a single place. So why should YOU attend an Infinity Event early in playing the game once you’ve gotten a few games through and become comfortable with the rules? Join Ash, Owen and Dan to find out why.
You can register for WINTER WAR our first ITS Event HERE: infinitytheuniverse.com/games/infinity/its/tournament/54a59481a-tactical-awareness-winter-war-2023
Join us on Discord HERE: https://discord.gg/Enqh8MDXdS Add us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss Get access to episodes 5 days early and other perks like listening in to the recording studio on our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TacticalAwarenessPodcast Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons.
Welcome to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N4. Join our hosts Ash, Owen and Dan for another Season 1 discussion on foundational topics for Infinity.
In this Episode we've got a bit of a change to the format in respect to the topic at hand; Getting good at playing Bad.
Infinity can be a rough emotional journey regardless of your experience level and it's worth having a talk about the fact that once you actually start playing, you're going to get confronted by that fact. How do you handle it and where can you look back and see opportunities to grow? Our hosts give it a shot.
You can register for WINTER WAR our first ITS Event HERE: infinitytheuniverse.com/games/infinity/its/tournament/54a59481a-tactical-awareness-winter-war-2023
Join us on Discord HERE: https://discord.gg/Enqh8MDXdS Add us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss
Get access to episodes 5 days early and other perks like listening in to the recording studio on our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TacticalAwarenessPodcast
Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons.
Welcome to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N4. Today you get to meet your hosts; Ash, Owen and Dan and get a first taste of what hanging out with them and talking Infinity is going to be like.
In this Episode we continue on to the next logical step in getting ready to play Infinity; reading and understanding a Mission. Every year a new set of Supplemental missions is released through the Infinity Tournament System (ITS). Now on Season 14, this will add over 20 new missions every year to the game. Absorbing what you're playing for and the conditions you have to operate under is essential to playing the game.
You can download the ITS Mission rules HERE: https://downloads.corvusbelli.com/infinity/organized-play/its-rules-season-14-en-v14.1.pdf
Check out the Show Notes Ash wrote up HERE: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EeBKDP4OBaEEnQLBuh1j0t34Eh5n29fl/view?usp=sharing
You can register for WINTER WAR our first ITS Event HERE: infinitytheuniverse.com/games/infinity/its/tournament/54a59481a-tactical-awareness-winter-war-2023
Join us on Discord HERE: https://discord.gg/Enqh8MDXdS
Add us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss
Get access to episodes 5 days early and other perks like listening in to the recording studio on our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TacticalAwarenessPodcast
Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons.
Welcome to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N4. Today you get to meet your hosts; Ash, Owen and Dan and get a first taste of what hanging out with them and talking Infinity is going to be like.
In this Episode we're going to build on our first episode in this Season on list building fundamentals by introducing Fireteams. While intimidating at first these rules are pervasive in this edition of the game, so even if you're not planning on using them yourself it is a great idea to get to grips with them when facing them across the table.
You can download these supplemental rules HERE: https://downloads.corvusbelli.com/infinity/rules/rules-annex-eng.pdf
Check out the Show Notes Ash wrote up HERE: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1N-eQyQrnR5t7FzPofFujzSRxDyyAyYky/view?usp=sharing
You can register for WINTER WAR our first ITS Event HERE: infinitytheuniverse.com/games/infinity/its/tournament/54a59481a-tactical-awareness-winter-war-2023
Join us on Discord HERE: https://discord.gg/Enqh8MDXdS
Add us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss
Get access to episodes 5 days early and other perks like listening in to the recording studio on our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TacticalAwarenessPodcast
Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons.
Welcome to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N4. Today you get to meet your hosts; Ash, Owen and Dan and get a first taste of what hanging out with them and talking Infinity is going to be like.
In this Episode we're going to lay the groundwork for all our future discussions by defining some model and unit roles in Infinity and try to tackle writing army lists for Beginners in Infinity N4.
Check out the Show Notes Ash wrote up HERE: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tvsg5vYm4gTvkTtmcSD3O3-Wt4udwnOv/view?usp=share_link
You can register for WINTER WAR our first ITS Event HERE: infinitytheuniverse.com/games/infinity/its/tournament/54a59481a-tactical-awareness-winter-war-2023
Join us on Discord HERE: https://discord.gg/Enqh8MDXdS
Add us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss
Get access to episodes 5 days early and other perks like listening in to the recording studio on our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TacticalAwarenessPodcast
Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons.
Welcome to TACTICAL AWARENESS - a Canadian Podcast about Corvus Belli’s landmark Sci-Fi Wargame; Infinity N4. Today you get to meet your hosts; Ash, Owen and Dan and get a first taste of what hanging out with them and talking Infinity is going to be like.
You can register for WINTER WAR our first ITS Event HERE: infinitytheuniverse.com/games/infinity/its/tournament/54a59481a-tactical-awareness-winter-war-2023
Join us on Discord HERE: https://discord.gg/GQKbnFag
Add us to your favourite Podcasting App using the RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/cfa52998/podcast/rss
Get access to episodes 5 days early and other perks like listening in to the recording studio on our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TacticalAwarenessPodcast
Music "Built to Last" by NEFFEX used via Creative Commons.
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