155 avsnitt • Längd: 40 min • Veckovis: Söndag
Tales for Wales is an inaccurate Welsh history lesson brought to you by two boozy mates. New episodes every Sunday.
The podcast Tales for Wales: A Welsh History Podcast is created by Jack & Franks. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Croeso, wolcom and welcome to another serving from the past, this weeks selection is from when we discussed our brethren from the South, the Kernewek/Cornish.
Come join us dear listener for a little chat about something synonymous with Wales, the humble Castle. This week we're harping on about a particularly cliffy property with stunning South Walian Views and a built in water source.
This is a throwback to one of our fave episodes because it features big bad Jemima Nicholas and we urge you to enjoy it in it's fullest by clicking below. To wet your appetite though, listen to us talking episode mistakes and taking on Russia.
Hot off the heels of our first WW2 episode we're back again to plunge into some new, Welsh themed events of what some might call the biggest scrap we ever did have.
Hit play and join us as we discuss booze, battles and prison breaks all taking place under the rather large umbrella of WW2.
If this eppy didn't fill you up grab some seconds over at our Patreon.
We're delving back once more, this time to the man who goes gaga for codifying legal documents.
Today we touch base on a subject rarely spoken of on this pod until now. it's finally time to tackle topics linked to the big kahuna of conflicts. Known to some as The Great War Part 2: War Harder but known by most as World War 2.
Hit play and listen to us yap on about a lesser known front on which the Welsh fought the good fight.
Clever marketing plot for the Patreon? Or too careless with time to get a new episode out in time? Maybe we'll never find out.
Have a sample of the content only the most dedicated of Welsh believers get to access as a belated Diwrnod Dewi Sant pressie for you all.
Today's episode is about a little village that time forgot, a once hopeful place now bogged down in tales of crime, hauntings, nuclear fallout and the occasional music video.
Hit play and listen to us discuss the origins of this right cooky place and the mad tales associated with it.
Way back when we asked our future digital overlords what they thought Wales would be like in the future and you know what, it was a bit of a laugh. So here it is again to drum up a few more of those downloads that we equate with love and self value. Enjoy.
Listen to the full ramblings of a mad robot here, you won't be disappointed.
The day of Wales' patron saint is fast approaching and being as those Anglo-fascists next door won't let the good people of Cymru have a day off for it to get merry we thought the least we could do is have another go at educating the masses on the day's namesake.
Hit play and revel in the miracles of the good Dewi Sant. Yes, one of them is another bastard healing spring.
What's more saintly than buying merch, following us on socials or joining our insta?
While the Welsh are known for their poetry, songs and national resilience, an often overlooked element of the nation is the gosh darn bloodhounds that fill up the ranks of rural police.
Luckily, we're here to shed some light on this exact subject and talk about how small time law enforcement took down some big time, drug dealing crims.
Merch, extra Patreon content and socials await you, just a click away.
Come dear listeners, gather round for another tale of podcasts past. This time we've got a snippet from when we talked about the ancestor of many a Welsh king and Prince and subject of the banger that is Dafydd Iwan's Yma o Hyd.
We've got a right treat for you this week, we've combined a subtle hint of inept drunk Welsh historians with notes of genuine professionals in their field and baby, it is a potent brew.
Hit play you slaggy bunch and listen to innuendos, horrific crime and tales of Newport Market.
Get involved with Wine and Crime here, they're good people.
And be top humans and follow them on their Insta.
Or get involved with us more here in the form of merch, socials and Patreon.
Today we dive back into the pool of time once more to revisit the first true crime episode we ever did do.
If Tales for Wales were a fish and you were looking to catch us, what might be the best bait? Well we'd say this weeks guest has created a very convincing lure by combining our love of gaming with out love of old Welsh mythology.
You can also join the mega brain behind this project on Discord here.
Bonus Tales for Wales content, socials and our beautiful merch all available here.
In the crosshairs of the past today we have one of the many episodes where we couldn't be bothered to research something proper so decided to talk about funny anecdotes from our own personal histories instead.
If you want to hear the rest of the shenanigans then click this bad boy for the full eppy.
The Welsh have often been the first to achieve great feats but thanks to the multiple shoe in's we've taken as a country over the years, news of these achievements tends not to travel far.
Well kiss your mammies and thank your lucky stars because Tales for Wales is here to set the record straight. Whether it's discovering tarmac, America or how to sail upon the wind, you'll find the Cymry are always pushing the envelope.
You know the drill by now. It's a Thursday. It's a throwback. It's Throwback Thursday.
This week it's our second go talking about the infamous Captain Morgan and a cheeky fast one he pulled back in the day. Naturally the clip is just Jack talking about dumb dumbs at a Jack Whitehall concert.
Saint Valentine. Done to death. Commercialised. Boring. The basic bitch of love saints if we've ever heard of one.
Santes Dwynwen. Celtic princess. Animal lover. Doesn't make you wait until February to celebrate the big L. We know which patron saint of the heart has ours and we thought we'd give you all another chance to educate yourselves before the big day.
Click here for all your merch, socials and extra Patreon content needs.
Working class riots and Wales, name a better duo am I right? But while the place in question shares a name with gone off bread, what's really rotten is the exploitation of Wales and her resources.
Yeah that's right, a critique of capitalism using a bread analogy, God we are good.
Better late than never, that's both a common saying and an excuse we're using for sending this one out 24 hours overdue. Give it a listen and enjoy a little snippet from our self imposed quiz.
While the people of Wales can certainly be credited with spicing up the great nation's history, what is more synonymous with this green and pleasant land than a bloody good castle.
And where better to start than with the banger of the 1830's that is "Men of Harlech" and the castle that inspired it. Come with us and hear why this diva of a fortress was worth singing about.
This week we're offering a snippet of one of our favourite episodes about a sly little bastard that seemed to be a genuine knob to all that encountered him, fair play to his PR team though.
We strongly recommend you give the full episode a listen and you can do that here.
The Chronicler is back and this time he's answering our piercing questions interview style. It's the Frost/Nixon of Welsh history if literally all of the context was changed.
Even though we've once again clipped the most unrelated part of the episode (experiences from Glastonbury if you must know), we urge you to go listen to this one as Gwenllian is one of our faves.
Where does the time go, eh? Another year fades to memory as the spry chick of another hatches from its temporal egg. As New Year fast approaches we thought we'd go over some of the more significant events that happened in Wales throughout 2024 A.D. and just for a laugh we thought we'd go off topic a lot as well.
Can't get enough of our boyish Welsh charms? Get some more on our social and our Patreon.
This week we're heading back to Boudica, baby. Leader of the biggest Celtic revolt in Britannia, we honour her now with tales of nasty old teachers we had in school.
Nadolig Llawen to all, sweet listeners. Join us in our revelry in these lazy days before Christmas and listen to some lesser known nibbles of Welsh Xmas history while you gear up for the big day.
We've got knowledge, we've got laughs and enough booze to send Jesus to death for at least 3 days.
Hit up our socials and Patreon for bonus material relating to a certain soiled pint in this episode.
Cast yourselves back once again dear friends to some hijinks of a time gone by. This episode was all about a Celtic war chief that led the Silurian's to war against the invading Romans and of course the clip is about something equally as important, the drinking antics at Download Festival.
This week we're delving back into Wales' mining history, the disaster at the Morfa Colliery and how it earned its spooky name.
Treat yourself to some extra bits this Xmas through our socials and our Patreon.
We're looking back once more, this time it's to an Iron Age Wales and the Cymro that inhabited it. As a taster though, we've got this clip of us reading out one of our earlier and much harsher reviews.
Ever heard of the Prince of Wales that wasn't born here? No, not that royal dink William, a proper prince and one of many leaders of a good and proper grassroots rebellion.
Hit play and hear the tale of the Mad Dog Madog and how he was one of many Welshmen to stick it to Edward Longshanks.
Get your merch here you scallies and be the finest dressed podcast fans this side of Offa's Dyke.
This week we look way back to the start of Season 3 of the pod where we went through a whistle stop tour of some lesser known, princely celebs of Welsh history. Naturally the clip we chose is our discovery of books and a friend of Franks' who's urine obsessed.
Who better to tell you the history of a place than 3 homegrown, salt of the earth lads that grew up there? If you've come for route one, low effort Gavin & Stacey references then, pal, you're in the wrong place because this is an accurate intellectual convo only zone (apart from the intro music, that very much is Gavin & Stacey).
Hit play and enlighten your mind and soul with stories straight from the jewel of Glamorgan.
A throwback to a throwback. Lazy? Uninspired? Or pure genius? You be the judge.
It's finally here, the episode this podcast was made for. History, boozing and the timeless romance between them.
From bragawd to spiced rum, hit play and listen to us gush about all the Welsh tipples that made this nation great.
Today's expedition into the before harkens back to an episode we did about King Arthur, rightful ruler of the Britons but to keep with tradition our clip is about another topic entirely, the sweet nectar that is a lovely pint.
Welcome back for part 2 of celebrating of the big dog of Deheubarth himself, featuring more scraps, more strategy and more big dick energy from the legend of a Lord.
Hit play and hear us swoon over another Welsh hero being added to the great chronicle that is Tales for Wales.
Welcome back for part dos of the Wales on Film flashback. Hit play and listen to a snippet of passion about the Welsh connection in the film Zulu, complete with a clip of Men of Harlech to stoke a deep desire for battle.
Welcome back little cherubs for that sweet hit of history that only the Tales for Wales dealers can dish out. Today's eppy is the jumping off point into a bloke that was such a big time boio he even got a unique title to go with his lengthy list of escapades.
So whether you're walking the dog, cooking your tea or staring, glassy eyed into the abyss, lend us your ears for the next 50 mins so we can LORD this great man's deeds over you.
Lord 'elp ya if you don't join in with our socials and or Patreon.
In this snippet we discuss the things Jordan Peterson and Brendan Frasier have in common but if you like Wales, like movies and like hearing people discussing Wales in movies then listen to the full eppy here.
The Cambro-Americanus is a rare breed but on Steve Irwin's life we swear they exist, which is why we're back with part 2 of our Americana themed episodes, discussing many a link between our two great nations both past and present.
Click that play button and hear us round out our chat on the American-Welsh connections just in time for that biggy election. Good luck with that by the way.
Cast yourselves back with us for another glance into the past, this time our out of context clip is from an episode on Dic Penderyn, a working class hero who we honour in this snippet by talking about dossing in work and speed awareness courses.
Do the man's memory proud by listening to the full episode here.
With another landmark election looming in ye olde US of A we thought we'd theme our episodes in the run up and talk about all the things that unite the Welsh with our colonial cousins from across the pond.
Hit play and have a listen to the first half of our cross-nation nattering where we discuss the Welshness of some American greats, the unknown Celtic presence in Hollywood and some gold facts for if you ever find yourself in a quiz specifically themed on the Welsh-American connection.
We're serving up some mythology flavoured left overs from the back of the freezer this week with our second foray into Wales' vast legendarium.
(Apologies if you downloaded this one in the first 24 hours, we put out the wrong Patreon section due to technical difficulties AKA human error AKA being dumb bitches).
We've committed the sin of letting time get away from us but fear not, for we come with an offering.
Hit play and lend your ears to a brief intro from your lovable hosts followed by a full Patreon episode where we drunkenly decide everything from ride names to on site restaurant themes to come up with the ultimate Welsh theme park.
We're going meta again and looking back at our own history once more. This little snippet was pulled from our episode on Owain Llawgoch, the would be Welsh prince that was bankrolled by France to kick up a fuss with the English.
So of course the chosen clip is about David Hasslehoff and conversation that doesn't give a monkeys about social convention. Full episode here if you fancy it.
Prepare a feast, fetch the finest mead and summon the most whimsical jesters in the land for we are once again welcoming a guest into the great halls of Tales for Wales.
This week we chat about some of our favourite nuggets of history with a true scholar of the Cymru of old, the mega brain behind Cambrian Chronicles.
Hit play and give us a listen then head over to Cam Chronie's channel and fall down the historic rabbit hole he's put together there.
This week we turn back to look at another episode we released when we were mere podcasting babies thinking it would be fun to delve into our own personal histories, complete with stupid anecdotes and mainly just us laughing at shit we've said to each other a thousand times before.
The king of the golden age of piracy is the gift that keeps on giving and although we don't agree with the numerous murders (not to mention being t-total), he's simply too cool not to keep talking about.
Hit play and witness Barti boy receive another prestigious accolade, becoming the only pirate to feature on the Tales for Wales podcast thrice.
Once again, Thursday comes a knockin' and again we glance backwards into the catalogue of episodes gone by.
If you fancy hearing the full tale of treachery just hit this link, my loves.
Adding to the list of famous Welsh criminals this week is a red headed chancer who had a big old case of kleptomania before Winona Ryder made it cool (desperately hoping fellow 90's babies will get that reference).
Hit play and let us list to you the many crimes and prison breaks of the infamous Coch Bach y Bala (The Little Red of Bala).
Want to steal our hearts? Join the fun on our social and even our Patreon if you're feeling cheeky.
Another jaunt through our earlier catalogue this fine Thursday and this time we're reminiscing about the time the Wales laid the smackdown on those naughty Normans and sent them packing off the side of a mountain.
While we've got princes and rebellions up the wazoo, the Welsh also have a few big names that looked at the law as less of a doctrine to live by and more of an obstacle course to navigate.
Hit play and listen to us natter about one such big time time boyo, a Welsh gangster who rubbed shoulders with the some of the biggest names in organised crime.
Throwback Friday? Does that work? Like it or not this weeks episode rerun is a tad late but just as blooming entertaining as ever. This week we're looking back to the medieval sport of Cnapan and as usual the clip is just us chinwagging off topic.
Time for another ultimate Welsh team up complete with a Doctor, some drinking and some historical whimsy to fill your dome with. We're not sure who or why we picked this topic but pick it we did and by Jove I think we've nailed it.
It may be the 7th biggest island in Britain, but it's always number 1 in our hearts. Hit play to hear our burning passion.
Check out our socials, our Patreon yadda yadda yadda you know the score.
Come with us and reminisce the time we went on our own little history jaunt and did about half the things we said we would before bailing on the plan and heading to the pub.
We're back again with another guest plucked from the bosom of Wales herself. This literary champion joins us to chat about our favourite Welsh folk tales and the inherent absurdities that come with them.
Hit play and listen to us chat magic cauldrons, loyal dogs and the Welsh resurgence, the bare minimums for a decent boozy chat.
Get around our socials and Patreon for some extra portions of content to gorge yourselves on.
Another Thursday, another chance to mine you all again for downloads by recycling old content. If you haven't heard this one, we talk about our boy Llywelyn ap Gruffudd, his last battle and how a while back Jack shamed his ancestors by sucking hard at archery.
While we enjoy every subject we cover on this podcast, sometimes we find a subject so definitively "us" that we get very giddy about getting to share it with you. The Exotic Adrian Street is one such mad, larger than life subject.
Whether you're a fan of The Attitude Era like us, or don't know your Ray Mysterio from your Hornswaggle, we urge you to hit play and delve into the madness that was this Welsh wrestlers life.
Join our socials and our Patreon for extra snippets of content and INSERT WRESTLING JOKE HERE.
Time for another throwback, this time to the closing chapter we did on big boy pirate Barti Ddu who showed you can be a badass pirate and a big old boffin at the same time when he made up a bunch of laws for the salty sea dogs of the time to follow.
Another Sunday, another boozy jaunt into Wales' multifaceted history. This week we take a look at a bunch of crimson crooks, a group of ruby robbers, a collection of cherry coloured chancers. You get the idea.
Hit play and find out why these boios were the scourge of a lawless Mawddwy back in the day.
Avast ye salty sea dogs! Time for another journey upstream of the river that is time to a more pirate-y kind of episode about the infamous Barti Ddu.
Some of you may know about our Celtic brethren down in Cornwall/Kernow but how many of you knew about our Welsh cousins North of Hadrian's Wall? Yeah not so clever now are you.
Turns out there's another thing the Scots and Welsh have in common besides a love of slagging off the English and you can hear all about it by having a listen to this here episode.
Journey back once again down the annals of pod history and listen to a little snippet from the first time we touched on the stories of the ancient druids themselves. As usual the clip is just us chatting nonsense but you do get to learn the origin story of a certain hosts Hollywood smile...
As usual you can listen to the full episode if this tickled your historical pickle by clicking here.
We've had about 3 and a half warm, sunny days so far so summer in Wales is officially over. But before we drop headfirst into Autumn come listen to us talk about our summer plans for the pod and the hijinks that will doubtlessly come with them. Yes this is a doss episode, we've been hot and busy ok? Just cut us some slack yeah?
Have a look at our socials or join in for some extra fun on the Patreon you dirty, flirty lot.
Yes, we hate to say it but it's true, the legendary Welsh longbow was once turned Northward towards our fellow Celts in service of that 'orrible sod Edward Longshanks.
As per the clip we've chosen doesn't touch on that much and is as the Scots would say a load of old 'pish'. If you do fancy learning more about the folly at Falkirk though, give the full episode a listen here.
We went to a Welsh culture festival that's been around celebrating all things Wales since 1176 and promptly decided to get shitfaced and record our blabberings just like it's creator Lord Rhys would have wanted.
Hit play and listen to what we could salvage from our shenanigans and a big thanks to all you boys who plied us with beer during the day, you know who you are you scallies.
Join the Patreon and follow us on socials, or don't we're not your mum.
Those that have been with us since the start will remember when we were but muffled talking tadpoles before we became the colossal drunken pod frogs we are now. Back then we muddled through a pretty sick battle in Welsh history that includes a make shift bridge and a lot of drowned Englishmen and we thought we'd revive it with a little snippet special for you.
Give the full episode a listen by clicking here our lovely Tailies.
Do aliens exist? Are Martians planning our downfall using giant advanced tripod machines ala War of the Worlds? Or is it just a bunch of made up mumbo jumbo to swindle believers or to bunk off school?
We, along with our dashing guest Jake Abanos, tackle these big questions this week and all you need to do to hear it is hit that play button.
Glimpse back through the annals of time and relive our coverage of the famous Battle of Mynydd Hyddgen by listening to this clip of us talking about something totally unrelated.
If you do want to learn more about the battle listen to the full episode by following this link.
Today's hidden gem of Welsh history had been known as the most important Welshman you've never heard of.
Hit play and listen to how said Welshman spent his life doing a load of good in the world rather than getting a job on the dodgems down Barry Island or lamenting the fact he didn't live to see Gavin and Stacey.
Another Thursday, another Throwback. This time we're offering you a refreshing taster of our second ever episode where we covered one of the biggest Welsh victories on the medieval battlefield.
Tuck in, Tailies and if you fancy listening to the full thing just click this link and let the magic of the internet do the rest.
The Welsh have historically been a rowdy bunch and thankfully that uppity spirit has been used for a number of noble causes. Sadly there are some that always have to sour the mood and this weeks episode is about what happens when that sort of passion is poisoned and turned into something ugly.
Hit play and listen to the not so pleasant chapter of Welsh history from 1919.
Whether you're looking for the nostalgia of our back catalogue or a new listener that missed a few episodes the first time around, your ingenious hosts have come up with the idea of giving you a pint sized taster each week to quench your thirst.
First up is what kickstarted this whole fiasco, the genesis of the mighty pod you see before you today, sub-par audio and all. If you missed the big boy Captain Morgan or just want to soak up his pirate shenanigans again, listen to the full eppy here you lovely sods.
Ever feel like you're having one of those days where lady luck seems to be outright ghosting you? Well don't moan until you add industrial action, gunfire and some dynamite to the mix you wingey tart.
Hit play and listen to the the tale of united workforces, governmental brutality and possibly the unluckiest bugger in all the lands.
With an election looming and politicians promising everything from healthcare funding to unlimited blowjobs to get your vote, we thought we'd take it upon ourselves to have a crack at the big issues and sup back on some golden beverages while musing about how we'd bring Wales into the big leagues.
From the sensible to the sordid, we've got a policy for you.
Sure, AI might one day lead to the downfall of humanity but until then it has its uses in streamlining easy content for would be podcasters such as ourselves and by Jove we're going to take advantage of that.
Hit play and see how knowledgeable your pissed up hosts really are.
Like Chris Columbus? Think it's just wonderful how he found America? Well throw that jumped up pretender in the bin because turns out America is actually really massive and easy to find because a Welsh prince did it back in the 1100's.
Hit play and let us regale you with the tale of the plucky Prince who left the squabbles of his royal family for the high seas and pastures new.
While listing the latest music in numerical order of popularity is a noble endeavour those aren't the kind of Chartists that change the democratic landscape of a country (unless you count when Rage Against the Machine got Xmas number 1 that one time).
Hit play and learn how the idea of everyone getting a say got its start humble old Wales.
Just when the Welsh-o-phobes thought they had a corner of the world free from the clutches of Cymru our green and pleasant land came knocking on the door of the gaming industry and promptly made itself a space at the table.
Hit play and listen to us harp on about how our plucky little country fairs in the world of gaming.
Fancy unlocking some bonus content? Check out our socials and our Patreon you swines.
It's Wales so of course there's always another Llywelyn that did some gangster shit but this one is even more mental because despite the huge effect he had on both Wales AND England, only your dishy hosts, Wikipedia and an audio tour in Cardiff Castle seem to know diddly about him.
Hit play and listen to us chat about a truly unsung hero who never made it into the Llywelyn charts despite definitely earning a top spot.
We all tell a white lie here and there, don't we? You don't look fat in that outfit. I don't know how that body got in my pool. But have you ever fiddled with the truth so hard that it's set a whole field of study back numerous generations?
Enter Edward Williams AKA Iolo Morgannwg, prize prince of bullshit and eternal pain the stink hole for anyone looking to take on Welsh history as profession. Hit play and listen to us rummage through the fibs as fi we're the pinnacle of historical accuracy.
Check out our socials and our Patreon for some juicy extra content.
You may have heard the whispers on the street of a secret fountain from which extra content can be found. You may also have heard us bleating on about it constantly in attempt to wrestle your hard earned cash from you for this so called "entertainment".
We're always giving back here at Tales for Wales so we thought we'd throw in a little taster of one of our Patreon episodes. If you're hear purely for the Welsh history you might want to give this one a miss. If you've been searching for a podcast that focuses on two pissed blokes giggling at each other's made up AI songs then buddy, hit that play button.
This weeks episode includes a very special guest that we think fits right into our barely structured operation. He's the Tsar of Lisvane, the Sultan of Splott, the Baron of Gabalfa, the Ambassador for Wales himself, Sir Jake Abanos.
Hit play and listen to us tell some of Wales' spooky tales between slagging off IPA's, failing at widely known geography and glugging back the finest in supermarket alcohol.
Check out Jake on Tiktok and Instagram and show the boy some love, he's good people.
Give our socials a sniff as well if you like or follow us on Patreon for some extra goodies.
It's apt that Dafydd ap Llywelyn be the subject of our 69th episode because he was such a badass you just know he was slaying that 13th century skirt back in the day.
From fighting the English to his own brother, Dafydd definitely knew that famous phrase about omelettes and eggs. So hit play and find out how this prince of Gwynedd's short lived candle burned twice as bright.
You might be reading this thinking there's lots to love about Wales, and while that's definitely the case we've made a decision here at Tales for Wales that THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE. So forget what you like about Cymru because we'll be the ones to tell you what is and isn't the best, yeah?
Hit play and listen to Wales' best duke it out for the top title through the whimsically drunk lens of your two fine hosts. Results are subject to our subjectivity.
When you think about Wales' biggest exports you might think coal, lamb, or the best history podcast perhaps? But what if we told you that once upon a time, Wales was one of the biggest narcotics exporters in the world and that it took the police forces of several countries and years of work to put a stopper to it?
Don't believe us? Hit play then you little doubting Thomas and see for yourself.
Ever gotten a bit miffed at someone? Ever harboured a grudge? Ever carried out a brutal, vendetta fuelled campaign against your enemy, burning their home and history from existence in the process? Well the Northumbrians did.
Luckily a couple of plucky Welsh chancers came along to start a pod and remind everyone about a Welsh kingdom the Northumbrian king would rather you forget. Suck it King Oswald.
You've all heard about the big hitter gods before. Your Zeuses, your Ares', your Thors, your Lokis. But what if we told you there was a veritable bounty of Welsh deities that have yet to be touched by modern pop culture and that we, the dual gods of the pod, are serving them up like a heavenly steak at a Miller and Carter next door to the pearly gates.
Hit play and listen to our Welsh Gods rundown so that you know exactly who to pray to to become a hipster in the world of religion.
You know us by now, we're always pushing historic theories that would make any boffin of the past bust in their briefs.
But we also elect to get our hands dirty in the trenches of time now and then and if you don't believe us just hit play and hear a special report, from the human perspective, on the ground, feet to the fire, on our real-life road trip.
The history books will write of this moment, the day Tales for Wales had its first esteemed guest and the irresistible Welsh powers of the revered Doctor were added to the mix.
Hit play and listen to us three Cymrophiles wax lyrical about Flintshire, Celts and language while your hosts take every opportunity they can to legitimately use the nickname 'Doc' wherever we can squeeze it in.
The pub has been the birthplace of many an idea but so many don't make it past last orders and are left to rattle around a hungover brain before fading into the ether. But every once in a while pub talk turns to real action and the Man vs Horse race is living proof of that.
Hit play and discover the origins of the greatest cross species athletic competition since the tortoise and the hare.
That's right, just as Wales has finally settled into being a toll-less country, you're steely eyed pod hosts have come to drag up the past and pick at the scab of historic unfairness again.
People have a tonne of ways to deal with frustration. Some people like to dress up, some people like a bit of theatre and some like to smash stuff to bits. Hit play and find out about the anti toll protestors of the 1800's and how they did all three.
It's hard to deny that Vikings were a group of tough old sluggers throughout history and thanks to their constant expansion their influence can bee seen all over the world even today.
But what if we told you those ballsy bastards came 'a' knockin' on Wales' door and the ruggedly handsome Welshies of old had to knock those chancers back to the sea not once, not twice but three times? Hit play and listen to how Wales could tussle with the best of them.
We've put this one off for a while but thought it was about time we talked about a subject that's still a little raw for some in Wales. Hopefully we can do it justice and inform those who don't know about one of the more recent injustices in Wales.
Not to capitalise on a tragedy but our Patreon is also live... just saying 👀
Wales has been a mixed bag of characters over the centuries from noble Kings and Princes to total knobhead highwaymen. But few have reached the dizzy heights of eccentricity as the druidic nationalist that was William Price.
Hit play and plunge the depths of madness with us as we explore the progressive good, the mental bad and the fashion based ugly that was the Druid of Llantrisant.
The Welsh squabbled with each other often throughout history, trading in working together to achieve our true potential for short term, selfish gains. But there were a few father like authority figures here and there that grabbed the bickering Welsh leaders by the ear and got them to play nice for the good of Wales.
These Daddy's of Wales were instrumental in some of it's biggest victories and one of the biggest Daddy's of all was Owain Fawr/Owain the Great.
Hit play and find out how big, bad Owain got Wales' proverbial ducks in a row to beat back the naughty Normans.
Know what else is great? Following our socials and donating to the pod.
From ferocious Celts to overly enthusiastic bouncers on a night out, the Welsh have always had a knack for scrapping, but why were we so good at it?
Hit that little sideways triangle and find out the specifics of how medieval Welsh people dished out a beating to anyone who had the cheek to start something.
Wales often has a way of making things it's own. Sod stew, have some cawl. Hate portable musical instruments? Here's a big fuck off harp you need three men to move.
And in a similar vein its wonderful residents decided to throw a Welsh twist on the classic that is Valentines Day by making their own day of love dedicated to a 5th century princess.
Hit play and hear all about Princess Dwynwen and how this babe got burnt by the white hot flames of love.
Love the pod? Donate to our ragtag operation or just chat with us on our socials.
Welcome back, cherubs. To reinforce the statistics that January is the most depressing month of the year, why not listen to us discussing all the awful ways mental health used to be treated back in the day?
You'd be MENTAL to miss it.
Not content with our little piece of the UK, the Welsh have sometimes found themselves spreading out across the world to find a new way of life. In this case it was to make mega bucks supplying metal for the Russian government (Boo! Hiss!) but in the process a plucky Welshman ended up laying the foundations for one of Ukraine's largest cities.
Hit play and listen to us moan about our colds, talk a bit about history and commit to the frontlines of a war.
If you've got some roubles or nice comments to spare you can send them to us here.
We thought we'd finish out our last episode of the year with the same conviction and effort we've come to be known for so here's us waffling on about the very pod you're listening to instead of something we have to do too much research on.
A massive diolch and thank you to anyone who's listened to us this year, we truly appreciate the time you've spent listening to us fumble around at history and talk shite while drunk.
Donate to your favourite boozy Welshmen here or give us a shout on our socials.
If you were here last week then you know the score, if you weren't then we tip our caps to you for shunning convention and starting something on part 2.
Hit play and hear the rest of our Christmas chat with a much bigger sprinkling of inebriation.
Because it's Christmas we thought we'd give ourselves the gift of phoning an episode or two in. So instead of Welsh history, this week we'll be chatting about all the things that makes us feel that lovely tingle of Christmas in our booze pickled souls.
Hit play and listen to your two favourite hosts make this holiday season all about them.
Nadolig Llawen to you all, our merry little listeners 🎄 We thought we'd capitalise on the yuletide season by leaning into the theme over the next few episodes and we thought we'd start with some of the mad Crimbo traditions from past and present Wales.
Hit play and have a listen to how some of our Welsh brothers and sisters celebrated the season of goodwill, from your standard getting on the lash to physically abusing your nearest and dearest.
Ever been sat at the pub and thought "well golly gosh, what I would give for a bard to be strumming his lyre and giving us a song while I drink my pint"?
Well tough shit because the royal form of bardic tradition in Wales ended in the 13th century thanks to some stroppy English king. If that fact leaves you as miffed as it did us, hit play and listen to us dedicate an episode to the forgotten Welsh students of rhyme and verse and a top notch Hungarian bloke who immortalised them in a poem.
Write a poem of praise or a satirical stanza about us and post it to our socials.
Roses are red, violets are blue, support the pod, chuck us a quid or two.
Back in the 1800's Wales had a surplus of ballsy legends and some of them fancied trading in the oppression of the English for the hardships of the South American frontier.
If you like the idea of two booze hounds talking about it, but mainly getting side tracked and talking about how much we want a holiday in Patagonia, hit play and fill your boots.
We're not planning a South American expedition but you can still donate to us here.
Ever wanted a catch all term for the otherworldly creatures that hail from Wales but can't keep up with the modern terminology because of the WOKE SOYBOY THOUGHT POLICE?
Well worry no more because we've got a term that covers everything from an elf to a talking pig AKA your mum. Hit play and listen to how the mystic residents of this lovely country used to get things done back in the day.
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I do believe in donations, I do, I do. Help the pod you love by parting with your hard earned money here. Every donation will go towards helping us not have to drink filth like this.
We're sorry that we blue balled you all last week by only delivering half an episode but in our defence we're really bad at planning these out.
And while we may be teases here at Tales for Wales, we always put out eventually. So hit play to listen to more myths from the magical land of Wales.
Have you heard the legend of our social media presence? Check it out here.
Want to turn yourself into a legend? Donate to the pod here.
That's right, the spirits have compelled us to milk the Halloween-y themes for a few more episodes by staying focused on the mystical, monstrous and spiritual side of Wales' past.
Hit play and let us keep the story telling traditions of Wales alive but getting boozed up and burping semi coherent fables directly into your ear holes.
Legend has it we have a social media presence? Dare you join us there?
Enjoy our pissed up shenanigans? You can donate to the church of cans and Welsh history here 🙏
This week we're embracing one of the most well known pagan traditions by giving you bunch of goblins and ghoulies a special episode for Halloween AKA Calan Gaeaf AKA All Hallows Eve AKA All-Hallowmas🎃
Hit play if you dare and listen to the chilling tale about a white devil terrorising a native population but not in a colonial way.
TREAT us by following our socials.
Help support your favourite pod by donating here, it's no TRICK.
Ever been down Cardiff Bay? You think it just popped into existence out of thin air? No. It took years of hard graft, failed regeneration projects and letting local communities down.
Hit that tasty little triangle to hear us chat about how Cardiff Bay came to be and how it had a way cooler name back in the day.
What do you think of this episode? Tiger YAY? or Tiger NAY? Let us know on our socials.
Anyone who was schooled in south Wales will have been to St. Fagans at some point but baby, let me tell ya, this isn't your standard year 7 school trip.
Hit play and listen to how some people with their tongues up the monarch's arse fought some other people with their tongues up the government's arse.
Are you a roughhouse royalist or prissy parliamentarian? Let us know on our socials you dweebs.
As sure as the tides come in and out you know it's only ever a matter of time before we do a low effort episode to top the episode list up with and would you believe it, that time has come again.
Unlike most of our cop outs though, this one might be of use if you're ever in the unique situation of being forced to dish out obscure facts about Wales and the Welsh.
We have a social media presence. FACT. Check it out here.
If you donate to the pod and help us little chancers out, we'll be incredibly grateful. FACT.
Hold on to your butts because Tales for Wales has gone off the reservation and decided to cover a place in England this episode. That's ENGLAND which is NOT WALES.
Hit play and listen to us talk about how Cornwall is England's little Celtic refuge and how our Cornish brethren share more than just a little in common with the Welsh.
Heard of the old saying, "mess with Wales and you get the pitchfork"? Doubtful because we just made it up.
But it's a phrase that might sound familiar to the French after they sent a load of invaders over in 1797 and got their tushies sent packing. Hit play and listen to us recount the last ever invasion of mainland Britain.
Dread them, fear them or run from them, the admin boffins come along all the same and Wales in the 10th century was no different.
But this episode isn't about any old boffin, it's about a boffin with cahones so big he codified the law for the whole of Wales. So sit back, hit play and listen to us shine a light on his list making legacy.
Follow us on the lawless landscape that is social media here.
Send us legal tender here to help support the pod if you're feeling kind.
Wales is home to a fair few big names that made their mark by swinging swords and leading armies but occasionally someone stands out for something different, like growing hills and having sea serpents run errands for you.
In this week's episode we discuss the latter and delve into the history of the patron saint of Wales and all his boring meat and beer free beliefs.
The rise of the machines is all but guaranteed and when you're being marched into forced servitude by our metal masters you'll think back to a better time when the robots worked for us.
For example, having a few ones and zeros churn out some so called 'content' on your favourite boozy history podcast. Hit play and savour the good times as we wait for the inevitable AI generated apocalypse.
Ever been namedropped in a Dafydd Iwan song? Ever inadvertently created a nation by pulling your Roman forces from ancient Britain? Ever done both? Well our boy Macsen has.
Be a stand up fella and hit that triangular button to hear us give a muddled attempt at relaying a hugely important piece of Welsh history.
-This episode covers incidents that include domestic abuse, rape and murder-
Not to steal Netflix's thunder by capitalising on real life tragedies but this one did happen in Wales and it was in the past so we reckon that falls firmly in our wheelhouse.
Hit play and listen to us dip our toes for the first time into the true crime pool by talking about Wales' first recorded serial killer.
To round out season 3 we're swapping out the highway of history for memory lane once again and delving into the extremely niche section of Welsh history that is our own personal anecdotes.
Hit play and listen to us drink too much, reminisce, try to embarrass each other and go off on some huge tangents.
Give our socials a follow if you'd like, kind people.
If you want to support the pod here's a link to throw some coins into our beggars cap.
King Arthur's knights were pretty hot shit but none have been hot-shittier than Peredur (Sir Percival).
An adventure here, a heroic feat there, our boy Peredur knew that if he did great things he'd be blessed with two chancers giving him an episode on their podcast and boy did it pay off.
Do us a kindness and follow our socials.
If you're a kind soul and want to support the pod you can give us your hard earned money here.
On this episode we're revisiting a particularly crafty pirate, the illustrious star of our very own episode 1 and patron saint of rum drinkers around the world.
This guy was cashin' cheques and breakin' necks all across the high seas and we just love to talk about it. Hit play and have a listen about how this gutsy Welsh lad pulled a fast one on the Spanish back in 1668.
Love pirates like us? Let us know on our socials. Don't love pirates? Have a word with yourself.
You know how dedicated to the pod we are by now, we've even read some books for God's sake. But in the eternal quest to be the best we can be for our dear listeners, we sometimes must put our little noodles to the test.
Indeed, like the warrior must keep his sword sharp, us amateur history podcasters need to do the same with our brains (plus this kind of episode is piss easy to produce).
Hit play and find out if you're really listening to aspiring historians or a couple of boozy chancers.
Twm Siôn Cati. Witty highwayman? Lovable rogue? Astute thief? Or just a massive bellend?
Fans of the Welsh Robin Hood, turn away now because here at Tales for Wales we've pulled back the curtain, we've finally cleaned the lens of history, we've washed off the made-up glories and revealed a right scrub underneath it all.
Hit play if you dare and find out just what we think of old Twm.
Fancy throwing proverbial tar and feathers along with us? Get around our socials.
As if one Welsh woman war chief wasn't enough we've got another barer of the XX chromosome that had bigger proverbial balls than most of the men knocking around back then.
Hit play and listen to how Gwenllian led the Welsh against the invading Normans with a sprinkling of Glasto hate.
Humour us humble podcast hosts by checking out our socials please, darls.
We know everyone's had a great time at the recent Beyonce gigs but here at Tales for Wales we feel compelled to tell you all that there's only one Queen B we recognise and that's Boudica, baby.
Queen of the Iceni tribe, leader of the Boudican revolt, burner of Roman cities, this gal's done it all. Hit play and listen to us natter on about how badass this Celtic bae was.
This week we've got another Celtic delicacy for your minds to scoff down with the story of Caradog and his efforts in Wales to beat back the invading Romans.
Hit play and hear how this big boy chieftain stirred up a rebellion that would resist the Romans for 30 years.
Give our socials a follow if you're a kind and empathetic soul.
When you think of Celts, you probably think of painted savages, fighting bloody battles with their willies out, but you'd only be half right. They did a lot of cool stuff with their willies in as well.
Hit play and glimpse an insight into what was going on before the days of knights and Princes, when what would become Wales pitted their willies against the big swinging dicks that were the Romans.
We love the chart toppers like Llywelyn and Glyndŵr as much as anyone but Wales wasn't built in a day.
Hit that triangular button and expand your love for a few old school princes that helped form the tapestry that is Wales.
Like so many artists at their peak, we're struggling to keep up with the feverish demand of the masses.
To shamelessly cop out and buy ourselves more time, we've compiled a couple of eppy's of what we think are our best bits so far.
We 100%, mega promise to be back with cool, sexy and fresh new content soon, we've been reading books and everything.
Uh oh, the Tales for Wales boys just went META. No not the Facebook gimp, we've just turned our keen, analytical gaze inward to give you a rundown of what we think of our pod journey so far.
Tap play and listen to two men try and stretch a ten minute conversation into 40 mins of "content".
Did you see the recent coronation? Dull, right?
Want to hear about a king that wasn't a total bore?
Well look no further than that lovely triangular button. Give it a press and listen to some tales about the right honourable Mr Pendragon and how these days he'd be belting 'Yma o Hyd' on game day like the rest of us.
Nothing more chivalrous than following a pod on their socials, by the way.
Like the dragon of Cadwalader, Wales and the Welsh have risen from the depths of cinema insignificance and spread their wings across the modern media landscape in recent years.
From one trick, R rolling ponies to valiant portrayals of heroes draped in red, hit play and have a listen to part 2 of us waffling on about Welsh studs and duds on screen.
Follow our socials pretty please.
Further viewing for the keeno's amongst you:
A Christmas Carol (2019) - Clip/Series
Today's episode is all about the white, red and green on the silver screen.
We're talking the highs and lows of Wales and the Welsh in movies and TV while giving you access to our keen, insightful critiques as the beer slowly slurs our words.
Check out our socials please, loves.
Some background viewing for those keen beans among you:
This episode tells the story of Dic Penderyn and workers uprising of 1831 in the town of Merthyr Tydfil. A David and Goliath tale that would shape the future of labour in Wales for generations to come. Also his names another word for a willy.Follow our socials here you beauties ❤️
Modern Hollywood has us convinced that stories need to make "sense" and we're bloody sick of it.
What happened to magical shaving kits on pigs heads for no reason? Or devious girls made of flowers shacking up with gods with triple barrel names?
Hit play and have a listen to some classic legends from back when the world made sense, back when BRITAIN WAS BRITTON.
Do us a solid and give us a follow on our socials
Culhwch and Olwen animated vid for the extra virgin olive nerds
This week we talk about a lesser known Owain of Welsh history. A man who lived the simple mantra of "when life gives you lemons, fight across Europe and have a go at being king of Wales."
Hit that sideways triangle and find out what Owain Llawgoch was all about.
Keep up with the latest from the pod by following our socials👇
Do you like Wales? Do you like history? Do you have enough empathy to let us off for phoning this one in because we were lazy?
Hit play and discover the nichest welsh history of all...(We'll be back to actual historical topics next week, scouts honour.)
What is a long knife? When does a short knife become a dagger? When is a knife long enough to become a sword? All we know is they're pretty handy to betray Celtic nations with🔪 So hit play and delight your ears with a tale of bitter betrayal, power struggles and Viggo Mortensen.
Remember Naughty Norman from Fireman Sam? We can all agree he was one devious bastard but did he ever try and conquer a country?
In this episode we discuss the naughtiest Normans of all and how a few thousand of them decided to pick a fight with Wales back in the day.
Back before red cards and touch line technology, the Welsh devised a game of champions that would turn boys to men through a gauntlet of bashed skulls, ripped hair follicles and testing your mettle against armed horsemen.
If you've grown tired of the sports of today and their emphasis on player safety, hit play and journey back with us to a time where they truly didn't give a fuck about that.
As Triple H once said in a dogshit film, "It's time for some roadtripping!"
We thought we'd do something special to mark the end of Season 1. So hit play and follow us on our very own Welsh odyssey through stereotypical rain, a slightly inconvenient hill climb and a lot of rum.
Llywelyn ap Gruffudd has been described by many as the Beyoncé of medieval Welsh history so this episode is a particularly sad one.
If you can take the heartache and want to know how the Welsh rebellion of 1282 came to end, say YASS PRINCE and hit play.
Barti Ddu was always pushing the envelope when it came to being a pirate. So much so he even decided to give the outlaws some laws of their own by coming up with the original Pirates Code.
Progressive, forward thinking leader? Or joy killing, liberal cuck? You be the judge.
From West Walian farmer to the most infamous pirate of the 1700's, Barti Ddu stands amongst Welsh cakes and spiced rum as one of our tastiest exports.
Hit play and find out why this tea chugging rascal was so big time.
Wales is a land full of ancient stories about brave heroes, fantastical magic and strange, wonderous creatures.
What better way to honour the heroes of old than by doing a drunken botch job of retelling them for an hour or so? Enjoy.
🏴The battle of Falkirk🏴
I wish I could tell you this episode wasn't just bad Scottish accents followed by two Welsh idiots trying to distance their ancestors from being the baddies in Braveheart, but I wouldn't lie to you.
Just FYI this was an early episode so please forgive our basic bitch audio.
You know that song, like a bridge over troubled water?
Well, that’s kind of what this episode focuses on, but instead of it being a metaphor it is a factual account of one of the dumbest military decisions of the 13th century.
Like history☑️
Like drunks☑️
Like having a laugh☑️
Like not being a boring fucking loser❓
Then you’ll love/might enjoy/put up with us talking about the battle of Mynydd Hyddgen in this episode 👍
Wales has a lot of hills. We've got all sorts on hills.
Castles, farms, hotels, you name it.
We even had a fight with the English on a hill once and you can listen to us have a few beers and ramble on about it in this episode.
You know that fella who flogs bottles of rum by
the dozen, well guess what? He was Welsh.
Don’t believe us? Listen to our latest episode to discover all about the charming, charismatic, murderous life of Pirate/Captain Henry Morgan.
Welcome to Tales for Wales: An inaccurate drunk Welsh history lesson.
Throughout this series, we are going to discuss, waffle about, and judge famous Welsh battles, events and people while sipping on a selection of beverages for your entertainment.
You can listen to new episodes every Sunday and check out our socials and Patreon page here.
En liten tjänst av I'm With Friends. Finns även på engelska.