Hello and welcome back to a brand-new season - we’re back for a whopping sixth season of the podcast with new guests and brand-new stories and conversations and this time I'm using this as my chance to celebrate the amazing women of horticulture with a season I'm calling 'A Celebration of Women in Plants'!
Gardening to lots of us – is a dream, something we spend hours doing, and in the process we’ve all taught ourselves so much. But, cast your mind back to when you first started gardening, did you know what to do and how to do it? I certainly didn’t and at first, I had no idea at all. In this episode I’m talking to landscape architect and co-founder of the new gardening app, Hota – Hannah Shaw. Hota aims to help gardeners, new and old alike, with creating new beds and borders in their gardens, with plant suggestions, design tips and maintenance advice right across the year. This app is about to change the way lots of us might garden, and I was interested to hear more about it, and I hope you are too.
You can find out more about Hota, by following them on Instagram where you’ll find them as @hota_app. You can download Hota now on the Apple App Store for iPhone and other versions are in the planning stages too!
💜 This podcast is sponsored by Plant Grow, producers of award-winning organic fertilisers made with zero chemicals. Great For your garden and even greater for the planet 💜 and don't forget to use code POTTINGBENCH on plantgrow.co.uk for 10% everything on their site. 💐 Latest Diary Entry: Listen/Read Here 📚 Latest Book Review: Read Here 💻 My Website: Visit Here ☕ Join my Patreon: Click Here 📩 Email Me: Here!