This is Tales of War, an audio drama set in the Warcraft universe. As the war between the Horde and Alliance intensifies, we follow the blood elf Kaedien and the gnome Strick in their journeys and adventures.
Chapter 4 - Winds of War. In the winds of the great ocean feelings can be carried. And ships float on the ocean. The Alliance is advancing, and a storm is brewing...
A huge thank you to Sharm who supplied the voice for Theresia in this chapter. Please visit her Youtube channel and consider supporting her on Patreon for all the hard work she does!
This is a personal piece of fiction and is inspired and based on the game World of Warcraft, but is in no way affiliated with or approved by Blizzard Entertainment.
'Might of Zandalar' is composed by Sam Cardon and David Arkenstone.