The religious geniuses who created the imaginative Sethian Gnostic texts composed wild myths that incorporated the heights of Greek philosophy, the power of Christian mysticism, and Judaism’s poetic lyricism. Scholarship is revealing more and more about their origins and beliefs and Dr. Dylan Burns’ new book Apocalypse of the Alien God: Platonism and the Exile of Sethian Gnosticism is at the forefront of the academic study of these Gnostics.
Bishop Lainie, Brother Jonathan, and Father Tony, geek out in this After Dark where we get to ask all of our Sethian themed questions to Dr. Burns. We go all the way back to Gnostic origins to what’s going on with modern groups trying to carry on their legacy. Plus the Five Seals! Apocalyptic ascents through the heavens!! Why the term Gnosticism is actually useful!!!
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