We’re back with Joanne Leone for Part 2 of our epic three part investigation of the links, influence, and relationships between Platonism and Gnosticism. In this ep we get into evil gods ruling us, divine goddesses of saving wisdom, the Sethians jamming with the Platonic philosophers, and continue to dive deeply into how Gnosticism adopts, embraces, subverts, and transforms the backdrop philosophic tradition of Western civilization. This ep and all our content is also out as a podcast, subscribe where ever you usually listen or go to https://pod.link/845230843 And if you’ve landed here without checking out Part 1 first be sure to check it out on YouTube at https://youtu.be/RZA_Mt6dcIA and as a podcast at: https://pod.link/845230843/episode/2cc8abb999fdbf699563bd9c8f5dcd16
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