Sean Pierce
Standing 6’6” and swinging a flaming guitar, Sean Pierce was hard to
miss with New York glam punks, the Toilet Boys. He joins us to for a
hilarious retelling of the band’s countless misadventures, including
indiscretions with gunpowder, opening for Guns ‘N Roses, going broke on
tour with Red Hot Chili Peppers, ticking off Lemmy and Dee Snider
(before making amends), fistfights with fans, pyro mishaps, a broken
nose, go-go dancing to pay the rent, procuring party favors and “birds”
for various rock stars and how being a punk-rock parent allows him to
relive his youthful rebellion (within reason, of course). Whew! It’s
nonstop entertainment with this guy!
Created and Produced by Jared Tuten