During the Bat Conservation Trust's National Bat Conference (Reading, Sept 2024) we had the pleasure of catching up with many old friends, & meeting some new ones. Here we have created a podcast which includes some of the many people we engaged with. Massive thanks to all, including the following podcast participants - in order of appearance, as follows:
Andrew Dobson/Lauren Dobson (Titley Scientific)
David Koller (Elekon AG - Switzerland)
Nigel Massen (Pelagic Publishing)
Naomi Webster/Andreia Correia da Costa (Bat Conservation Trust)
Ryan Smith/Katie Smith (Smith Robotics)
Martin Bailey (Wildlife & Countryside Services / Poland Trips)
Mark Fisher/Laura Gage (NHBS Ltd)
Jethro Block/Andrew Milner (Thermal Vision Ecology)
Paul Howden-Leach (Wildlife Acoustics)