Talking Biotech with Dr. Kevin Folta
The Extension arm of the Land Grant University system provides a link between university research and the farm. Extension specialists are professional liaisons that understand pressing issues, and seek remedies in the brain trust of the university. At the same time they communicate university-derived solutions to statewide clientele, providing a critical link that ensures relevance in research and rapid application of new findings. Dr. Chad Lee is an extension agronomist at the University of Kentucky. His central role is in agronomic crops, principally soybeans and corn. His career has coincided with the development and application of GE crops. In this week’s podcast he discusses the on-farm use of these technologies and associated products, and his objective evaluation of their strengths and limitations. Dr. Lee does an amazing job at debunking common myths from a boots-on-the-ground perspective.
Follow Dr. Lee at @kentuckycrops
Talking Biotech is brought to you by Colabra – an R&D platform that brings your lab’s world-changing research together in one shared space. Learn more at
The Talking Biotech podcast is distinct from Dr. Kevin Folta's teaching and research roles at the University of Florida. The views expressed on the show are those of Dr. Folta and his guests, and do not reflect the opinions of the university or Colabra.