Talking Biotech with Dr. Kevin Folta
Hormones, antibiotics, GMOs… A trip to the grocery store is a battle against fear and guilt. From marketers to activists, there is a concerted effort afoot to use fear, shame and guilt to shape consumer food choices. Sadly, this is happening at a time of unprecedented abundance, yet a time when farmers are facing difficulty in competing against low prices and endless regulation. Michele Payn is a popular speaker and author that is here to talk about her book Food Truths. The book analyzes the hot areas of public controversy, and uses scientific evidence and on-farm common sense to separate fact from fiction.
Twitter: @Mpaynspeaker
Website: Cause Mattters
Buy the book: Food Truths from Farm to Table
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The Talking Biotech podcast is distinct from Dr. Kevin Folta's teaching and research roles at the University of Florida. The views expressed on the show are those of Dr. Folta and his guests, and do not reflect the opinions of the university or Colabra.