Talking Biotech with Dr. Kevin Folta
This week two scientists pioneering gene editing won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry. Days later, a group of perennial naysayers gathered to denounce the technology. Gene editing is a revolutionary technology that already has had amazing effects on medicine and some applications in agriculture. The potential is limitless. But this new technology can install precise changes in genes, emulating natural mutations. They also cannot be detected, at least discernably from naturally-occurring mutations. This threatens the anti-GMO movement and its many tentacles, especially the Non-GMO Project, an organization that profits from brokering fear around safe food. These new technologies will evade their detection, making their meaningless label even more meaningless. The “esteemed panel” is composed of individuals that have been fighting technology for years. I play their roundtable discussion, and provide my commentary in real time, illuminating their deception, their disinformation, and tactics to create fear, uncertainty and doubt around a good technology.
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The Talking Biotech podcast is distinct from Dr. Kevin Folta's teaching and research roles at the University of Florida. The views expressed on the show are those of Dr. Folta and his guests, and do not reflect the opinions of the university or Colabra.