Here on The Talking Dirty Podcast we are unashamedly plant-mad! Alan Gray has filled 32 acres at East Ruston Old Vicarage with interesting varieties and combinations (and Thordis dreams of doing the same!)
In our pursuit of the beautiful and unique, certain groups of plants can get overlooked and we suspect some shrubs have been in that category. Well, no more! Because Garden Designer Annie Guilfoyle is a champion of using interesting shrubs in your garden, and practises what she preaches by growing many in her own tiny plot. This first part of her Talking Dirty appearance feature some she would recommend the highest.
In Part Two we'll cover Narcissi, a slightly naughty climber and FLOMO* of course.
*FLoral or plant-based fear Of Missing Out
Arum italicum 'Pictum'
Narcissus 'Golden Ducat'
Narcissus 'Silver Chimes'
Correa 'Marian's Marvel'
Correa backhouseana
Correa reflexa x alba 'Lemon Twist'
Olearia ilicifolia
Olearia × mollis 'Zennorensis'
Olearia macrodonta
Viburnum × burkwoodii